The show also temporarily drops its animation style and becomes a 3D-rendered World of Warcraft-style view, complete with health bars and potions, of the three. After being forced to join the Coast Guard, Peter, Cleveland, and Joe find themselves in a gunfight with a bunch of terrorist frat boys--because, of course. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email World of Warcraft episode South Park did in 2006. Just like it played out in Warcraft, the plan leaves all three men dead as Cleveland explains, "This episode has a lot of internet things.". In the episode "Veteran Guy" of Family Guy in 2018, Peter Griffin makes a plan to subdue some terrorists on a boat; however, Cleveland opts for a Leeroy Jenkins strategy and shouts "Leeroy Jenkins!" He rushes in, guns blazing and screaming "Leeroy Jenkins," as Peter and Joe follow him. In the ensuing fire, our heroes are quickly outgunned and retreat, only to run into dragons. He's speaking, of course, of the 2003 World of Warcraft staged viral video in which a player named Leeroy Jenkins ran into a very difficult battle with little warning, causing the rest of his clan to follow behind and get slaughtered. It's then that Cleveland suggests they try "what's referred to as a Leeroy Jenkins." Family Guy doesn't stop there, though. This April Fools' Day surprise was no prank. And, naturally, that's exactly what Cleveland does next. These guys have magic," Peter says. There's no doubt that the Leeroy Jenkins joke has been done to death over the last 15 years. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. After teasing that it would incorporate a World of Warcraft joke into its April 1 episode, Family Guy fully embraced the MMORPG and the most famous meme it ever spawned. Mortal Kombat 11 Getting Free PS5, Xbox Series X Upgrades With Cross-Play, PS5 Official Teardown Video Gives Great View Of Internals, By Family Guy … However, Family Guy harnesses it in a pretty funny way and it's the commitment to detail that makes it work so well. Of course, it's still not as impressive as the World of Warcraft episode South Park did in 2006, but that would be quite a feat to top. Having Joe and Peter plan out their attack and crunch the numbers, just as Leeroy's clanmates did in the original video, is a great touch. He rushes in, guns blazing and screaming "Leeroy Jenkins," as Peter and Joe follow him. Chris E. Hayner GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. And, naturally, that's exactly what Cleveland does next. on April 3, 2018 at 11:08AM PDT. while rushing their foes, resulting in an extended clip that parodies the Jenkins video. "Where did they get dragons?