To state that "Towards Zero" was "virtually untouched" and "Bertram's Hotel" is comparatively close to Christie's books is a dead giveaway. Colonel Luscombe, Preston Lockwood Mehr zum Film: Agatha Christie’s Marple: Bertrams Hotel. Reality-TV auf Disney+: In "Zugabe" werden ehemalige Mitglieder aus Musical-AGs ihrer Schule wieder vereint. She did it wonderfully -- a great example of an actor coming into her own in later years. IMDb Directed by Dan Zeff. Things take a sinister turn when a hotel maid, Tilly Rice, is found strangled on the roof. Polly Walker is a little too subdued in the role, but she does have one GREAT scene when she confronts her crooked lawyer. Agatha Christie would roll over in her grave. This is another duplicate Marple episode that I'm logging for the heck of it. This one had me crying at the end (okay, I had been drinking wine but still..)! Use the HTML below. It pretty much only kept a thread of the original story. I don't remember this book. The sinister atmosphere, the odd disappearance of a clergyman and the murder of the commissionaire … This has become a common fault of Granada productions. I think the people who put the series together just wanted to employ a slew of older, maybe out-of-work actors. Let's dump the real mystery and replace it with Nazi's, a weird and creepy-looking hat designer, and more noise than you get at the Superbowl. So, if you're looking for a faithful, to the minute adaption of the book, I would try the Joan Hickson one, which is by far the superior. Miss Marple can't help but investigate but is assisted by Jane Cooper, also a hotel maid, who is in fact a younger version of Miss Marple. Es ist einfach ein Vergnügen gute Schauspieler in soliden Drehbüchern zu sehen. I don't remember this book. Miss Marple never even appeared in Towards Zero (the book) and for the differences in Bertram's Hotel, just to back to the top of my comments. Good stuff, but didn’t see all of it. In Los Angeles treffen sich Frauen zu einer Wrestling-Show. (23 Sep 2007). Her two daughters are there too. Liste der Besetung: Joan Hickson, Caroline Blakiston, Helena Michell u.v.m. First, the "new" Miss Marple series is anything but the original character based on Dame Agatha Christie's books. Als das FBI noch in den Kinderschuhen steckte und es noch nicht einmal einen Begriff für Serienmörder gab, machte sich ein Team aus drei Agenten daran mehr über die Psyche solcher Täter herauszufinden. Like many here, I was really thrilled to see that there was a new Miss Marple series in the works. The first thing you do see is Miss Marple entering the sumptuous Bertram's. [4] [5] A few other characters appear in more than one episode, although they are not always played by the same actor. Apparently some straight people squirm when close to 3-4% of Christie's characters are rendered as queer. The final explanation seemed extremely convoluted. Miss Marple: At Bertram's Hotel (TV Movie 1987) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Die deutsche Erstausgabe veröffentlichte 1967 der Scherz Verlag (Bern/München/Wien) in der bis heute verwendeten Übersetzung von Maria Meinert. Da fange ich doch gerne nochmal von vorne an ... After Life: Nach dem Tod seiner großen Liebe flüchtet sich Journalist Tony, gespielt von Komiker Ricky Gervais, in Erinnerungen, die seine Frau ihm zum Weiterleben hinterlassen hat – und grenzenlosen Zynismus. Bertrams Hotel (Originaltitel At Bertram’s Hotel) ist der 56. Okay, the viewer is so stupid we have to lower the standards to fit his or her muddled brain. The producers are determined to misuse -- no, to trample on -- the original books whose titles they place at the beginning of their films. Overall, by all means if you want to see it do, but personally I thought it was awful. TMDb This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. During a stay at one of London's most elegant and venerable hotels Miss Marple uncovers a sinister undercurrent of corruption and murder beneath Bertram's stuffy veneer. That said, as always Geraldine McEwan does such a great job that it was still entertaining. Official Sites The result is a complete mess. I also found the ending totally stupid, allowing the maid to do the explaining. Natürlich ist Einiges anders als in dem Roman. Isabella Parriss. At first glimpse this adaption looked good with some atmospheric set and costume design combined with some excellent cinematography. My jury has been out on McEwan as Marple, but this one cemented my admiration for her. Aber man kann die Umstellungen verzeihen und zudem sind die durchaus geschickt gemacht. Meet the cast and learn more about the stars of At Bertram's Hotel with exclusive news, pictures, videos and more at This series is beyond bad. This story shows the importance of communication. This was the first episode I saw of Season 3 of ITVs Marple series. Eine charmante Ode an Freundschaft und die Live-Erfahrung im Theater! | Doch vor Ort lernt er gleich neue Mobster-Familien kennen, die ein Stück vom großen Kuchen haben wollen. Ozark: Marty Byrde zieht mit seiner Familie nach einem furchtbar schief gelaufenen Deal mit der Mafia an den Ozarks-See, wo er für das Kartell Millionen an US-Dollar waschen soll. When things are explained at the end, they use that time to even introduce characters (like the priest) who are supposed to be part of the mystery. This is Murder Most Foul indeed. Miss Marple finds herself on a bit of a holiday and staying at the very posh Bertram's Hotel, where she stayed as a child and for which she has very fond memories. Add the first question. Well, what they do have are a lot of characters running about that never existed in the book. Film data from TMDb. The stories herein are ridiculous, improbable, and densely shuffled, but a welcome change from the austerity of the original. And while this adaptation cannot be accused of subtlety or reserve, it packs a lot of stimulating characters and subplots into its world.