Obvious stunt doubles at the end for Capt. amzn_assoc_linkid = "9bd939a9f4234a7a77b68d23c229df99"; Copyright © 2020 agathachristiebooks.com. Be the first to contribute! Plot Keywords How could I have thought Miss Lemon would say that?:). Crime, Drama, Mystery. The lovely Art Deco Hoover Building in Perivale, Middlesex became 'Farley's Pies' PHOTOS - COPYRIGHT JOAN STREET . Chief Inspector Japp would normally write it up as suicide and close the case, but the fact that Poirot was previously contacted by Mr Farley makes him think it could be murder, and that Poirot's assistance is needed. So Mrs. Farley verifies the dream, while Cornworthy verifies that Farley wrote to Poirot.What struck me was, on the one hand, Farley leaned out the window every day to check on his factory...on the other hand, Cornworthy was in the next room, playing the part of Farley meeting with Poirot, and Farley was right there next door (he was still alive at that point) and he had no idea what Cornworthy was doing, and also didn't know Poirot was in his house? Watched it this evening and replayed that bit 3 times. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; His only question for Poirot is whether someone could be manipulating him psychologically. Farley is known as the king of pies as his company manufactures a well-known brand of meat pies. It is Miss Lemon, however, who provides Poirot with the vital information that allows him to solve the case. A famous pie manufacturer tells Poirot that he has dreamt of his own suicide, then dies under the same circumstances he dreamt about the very next day. Just watched it = she says "bother" but for some reason it is very clipped, so the start of the word does have the slight shape/sound of a F rather than a B. Also, towards the end she says 'bugger' but again the subtitle says 'bother'! Hercule Poirot is reluctant to answer a letter demanding his services by the reclusive and eccentric millionaire Benedict Farley. Thank you Bob........a true gentleman. Farley is known as the king of pies as his company manufactures a well-known brand of meat pies. Hercule Poirot is invited by wealthy industrialist / pork pie king, Benedict Farley, to take on his case. At their meeting, he tells Poirot of a recurring dream where he takes a gun from his desk drawer, walks to his office window and commits suicide. Agatha Christie's Poirot - A 1936 Time Warp. The subtitles say 'bother' but she definitely says 'fuck'. Hercule Poirot is reluctant to answer a letter demanding his services by the reclusive and eccentric millionaire Benedict Farley. I thought that the makeup team had really goofed. Yes, he does. All Rights Reserved. Or is that just in the book? At their meeting, he tells Poirot of a recurring dream where he takes a gun from his desk drawer, walks to his office window and commits suicide.