Don't fight the process, you deserve that silky Turkish scarf and sparkly bangles. Thinking about any kind of major illness can cause anxiety over your health and well-being. By the time you come home, you won't need anyone's input to reach your goals. Kylie Cosmetics Vs Fenty Beauty: Who Is Acing The Make-up Game? People travel for numerous reasons. Following her parents’ advice, she pursued a degree in law from the University of Sussex and worked as a Paralegal and Legal Compliance officers at Reed Smith LLP and Goldman Sachs. Chances are the people you meet on your travels, especially backpackers, are used to taking spontaneous risks like bungee jumping off bridges and eating unmentionable insects. Feel free to explore countless stories and articles. Women spend almost 4 years of their life menstruating. Plasma Donation: Procedure, Safety, And Side Effects, Revamp Your Nighttime Routine To Achieve Success In Life, Transform Your Life With These Soulful Philosophies To Live By, Solo Female Travel: A Trip To Discover Yourself. This can lead to some of the most thrilling, courageous experiences of your life! At that moment, you become a “wander woman” — forever chasing the high on solo traveling. Contact Us. Is Bariatric Surgery The Right Solution For Weight Loss? Just be brave and gather the courage to take the first step, because from then on it’s a breeze. Over 115 countries do not have laws against child marriage. I know to some of you, it might sound completely insane to pack up and head out in the world all alone, but it is not as frightening as it sounds! There is a quote that I like to use often as a solo-female backpacker which is “alone but never truly alone”. Let Mother Nature Lend You A Hand, Things You Must Know Before Getting Under Eye Filler. Just make sure you always stay in crowds, don't get too wasted and make well-thought-out decisions. All I can say is God bless Google Maps. This century came with many new and creative inventions that replaced... Jessica Mah Do you remember what you were doing when you were 15? Solo travel can seem daunting if you are new to the idea. Women’s safety has become an alarming issue in the country. Wearing Tight Underwear: Sexy or A Health Risk? Why travel solo? Female Solo Travel: Benefits and Tips While camping and backpacking with friends, family, or a significant other gives you someone to talk to and create memories with, companions aren’t always available when you are. But when you're alone, you never have to feel guilty for your wild drunken antics because no one is around to unfairly call you out. Traveling solo is something every female should do at least once in their lives, but a lot of the time fear gets in the way of taking the leap. Solo travel requires a different sort of adventurousness than, say, scaling a tall peak or zip-lining through a rain forest. The beauty trends in our perfection obsessed society are very dynamic. 03 of 08. 6 Common Myths About Breast Cancer BUSTED! Life is extremely ironic, and Kangana Ranaut who […]. When traveling with friends, there's always going to be that person who prevents you from making terrible decisions, like that time in Ibiza when you wanted to go to Pacha alone with a (very cute) British guy you just met who was most certainly tripping on MDMA. As women, when traveling in groups we tend to overthink things that might be dangerous but worthwhile, and opt for things that are safe and group-friendly. When you're on your own, it's up to you to ask for directions and figure it out. 99% adolescent mothers die in developing countries. 5 Benefits Of Cycling: Make It Part Of Your Routine ASAP! Self Help Books: Are They Really Helpful? Highlighter Vs Illuminator: The Right Product For You! Though it may seem scary, traveling alone is something every woman should try at least once. If you are a blogger, traveler, photographer, or simply just interested in any of the above, you are in the right place. Please go to the Instagram Feed settings page to connect an account. Introverted Employees: An Asset, Not A Liability! Come morning, it'll be like it never happened. Solo Female Travel Tips: Advice from Women Who Know. window.fbMessengerPlugins = window.fbMessengerPlugins || { init: function () { FB.init({ appId : '1678638095724206', autoLogAppEvents : true, xfbml : true, version : 'v2.10' }); }, callable: [] }; window.fbAsyncInit = window.fbAsyncInit || function () { window.fbMessengerPlugins.callable.forEach(function (item) { item(); }); window.fbMessengerPlugins.init(); }; setTimeout(function () { (function (d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) { return; } js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); }, 0); Welcome! Climb mountains, swim in the ocean or sit in the street with a glass of rosé, but whatever you do, enjoy it. Ariane Daguin: The Voice Of Women Should Be Heard By All, Alankrita Sahai Shared Her Mantra To Feel Empowered Everyday. I was recently asked in a podcast interview about my safety concerns as a solo female traveler. Go for it. Traveling alone will build immense life skills, such as social prowess, a keen sense of direction and the ability to adapt to change and uncomfortable environments, to name a few. But […], Every woman is born with a fire inside that allows her to become a noteworthy person in life. Sex Positive: Embrace It, Don’t Be Ashamed ! "Lee Thompson, co-founder of the millennial travel group Flash Pack says 80 percent of his company’s customers are first time solo travelers, and 60 percent of them are women. What Is The Best Time To Exercise For Sound Sleep? Pedos At Pace! There's an undeniable sense of freedom that comes from traveling alone, without help, rules or guidelines. Women make 20% less than men in terms of salary. Make Your Butt Cheeks Smile With These Amazing Body Scrubs! The Complete Guide To Ace Your Style Game, Total Steal Deal: 8 Affordable Luxury Fashion Brands For Your Closet, Bohemian Lookbook: High On Fashion, Low On Cost, Tired Of Dull Skin? 101 Tips for Healthy Hair through Ayurveda: Ayurveda and Hair Care: Restorative Yoga: Slow and Steady Makes You Fit, Pilates: The Ultimate Fitness Mantra To Get Hot & Strong Body, Everything That You Need To Know About Progressive Muscle Relaxation. They are strangers, after all. I've traveled alone and I've traveled with friends, and there are upsides to both. Need Extra Cash? I am a Travel Writer and Adventure Photographer from Canada – I have been traveling for over a year now to 23 different countries! Hi! Solo female travel is becoming hugely popular, and joining a group tour as a single traveller is a great way to travel alone but still meet new friends for life. Domestic violence isn't criminalized in over 20 countries. There's always that judgey friend who will call you out for three-way kissing that hot Brazilian couple after way too many tequila shots. This point is perhaps one of the best – running on your own schedule, seeing what you want to see, eating where you want to eat, and not having to ask for anyone’s opinion is something you will never get if you travel with others! But when you're alone, you can finally let your freak flag fly. You can soak it all in, sit down for hours and reflect on how magical life can be, quietly. 10 Home Remedies To Grow Longer Eyelashes Naturally, Loosing Hair? Eyes are the most noticeable thing of our face. She mostly played characters with shades of grey but in real life, she is […], Khub Ladii Mardani Thi Woh Jhansi Wali Rani Thi This famous Hindi poem by Subhadra Kumari Chauhan( a Satyagrahi herself), which is written as an ode the Rani Lakshmibai or Manikarnika- the brave queen of Jhansi, who took on the British forces singlehandedly during the 1857 revolution. Plus, public transport was easy to use to get to areas like Wallingford and Fremont. 7 Life Saving Beauty Products Which Are Available On Amazon, inDinero CEO Jessica Mah Shares The Secret Behind Running A Successful Business. Is Diet Soda Really The Choice That You Should Be Making? Here’s How To Make One Yourself! Traveling solo is something every female should do at least once in their lives, but a lot of the time fear gets in the way of taking the leap. Sharon Kimathi Sharon Kimathi is the daughter of Kenyan parents who migrated to the United Kingdom when she was just a young child. You can hang out all day if you wanted to, without the prying eyes of your yogi friend who will subsequently lecture you on the benefits of a gluten-free diet. 25% say solo travel allows them to escape from everyday life. When traveling abroad, money conversions can be tricky and you just might be swindled into spending way too much money on useless trinkets the street merchant swear are authentic and vintage. From putting rainbow colour clips between the strands to... Coffee is one of the world’s most famous beverage. Before you go, read the solo travel section on their website, which shares general safety tips and specific advice for female solo travelers. Traveling solo is one of the most freeing experiences you will ever have. Check out more posts about solo travel or other inspirations! You... Highlighter vs Illuminator “Drench me in highlighter” is a phrase we have heard from too many makeup lovers at this point. No matter how skilled you are, sometimes a selfie just won't do. You give yourself the autonomy to be as flexible with your plans as you would like. And sometimes you just want to head out into the woods or desert alone. As a result, my conversations with strangers were much more complex and intimate that by the end of the night they felt like old friends. Tips For Dealing With Stress Related Hair…, Daily Use Gadgets On Amazon That Will Make Life…, inDinero CEO Jessica Mah Shares The Secret Behind Running…, Is Your Cup Of Decaf Coffee Good For Your…. Since then, I’ve traveled to over 70 countries and … Underwear is not a topic you would find people discussing openly in a casual conversation. Keep reading as I share some of the top benefits of solo-female traveling! Well, Jessica Mah precocious since childhood, was starting her first entrepreneurial... 1 to 2 weeks pregnant The happiest pair of two straight red lines is when it is shown on a pregnancy test kit. Being a solo-female backpacker myself, I am here to share with you some points that have changed my life through traveling on my own! They are like-minded, adventurous and totally unique to anyone you grew up with back home. Make sure this account has posts available on Read Next: Ten Solo Female Travel Safety Tips. 2020 Festivals: How To Bring The Celebration Into Your Home? Privacy You do not have to travel to a whole new continent, but go somewhere you have never been to and see things you have never seen.