It is recommended to keep the majority of your cash within a money belt concealed underneath your apparel and keep only what is needed during the day inside your front pocket from where it will be difficult for the cash to get lost. The Blonde Abroad Popular travel and lifestyle blog featuring travel tips, fashion, food and photography from around the world. For example, you might use packing cubes while traveling with other members and you will use those items while traveling solo as well. It also comes with an 18-month warranty, but given its 12K+ five-star reviews—we don't think you'll be needing it. You're one of us, and you've got this! You might likewise wear a necklace which is engraved with essential health info like heart ailments, diabetes, or severe allergies. If you're anything like us, you'll probably get quite a bit of shopping in before you depart. Do make some research and look at the online reviews to get an idea regarding which brand will work best for you. This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Minecraft stuttering issue with solutions, Latest Technology Recording Shoots of Wedding and Other Events with Professional Photographers, How to choose the Best photo editing Company – Things to consider. Access insider tips and hotel recommendations from our travel tastemakers. Carrying pepper spray along with you might not be legal in many places which you plan to visit during your subsequent vacation. All of our market picks are independently selected. Ready yourself to face the elements with this waterproof vented coat from Columbia. Travel essentials Never bring clothes that you might wear. However, there are certain things essential for solo travelers only. A crossbody bag will likewise be a good option to keep your cash. There's nothing more eye-opening than discovering a new destination alone; you get to do what you want when you want, you'll meet more people, and you'll learn a whole lot about yourself in the process. There's nothing more eye-opening than discovering a new destination alone; you get to do what you want when you want, you'll meet more people, and you'll learn a whole lot about yourself in the process. When not planning her next trip, you'll usually find her drinking way too much iced coffee (always iced—she’s from New England) or bingeing a Netflix original series. A top-quality backpack luggage brand will allow you to carry all of your personal and business essentials and you can also breeze through different locations without any problem at all. Throwback to when we spent the day with these gent. 15 Essentials For Solo Female Travel You Didn’t Know You Needed August 19, 2020 By Kylie 24 Comments This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you. Apart from a first aid kit, investing in a travel backpack that will help to satisfy the demands of a solo traveler is likewise advisable for you.