To steal everything one owns, especially through deceitful or fraudulent means. Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden. See also: spotlight, steal. the cream, look like the cat that swallowed the canary, wash (one's) hands of (someone or something), the webmaster's page for free fun content, Examining stolen base trends by decade from the deadball era through the 1970s, Enemies within: asset misappropriation comes in many forms. Doch wir in der westlichen Welt können uns nicht neutral verhalten, während ein großes europäisches Land im Kampf steht zwischen einer Zukunft als potenzieller Mitgliedstaat der EU und der NATO  als demokratischer Staat, um das noch einmal hervorzuheben  und einer mächtigen Clique korrupter, postsowjetischer, antidemokratisch und, The multinational nature of the industrial gases groups is also important because, as has been shown in the analysis of the market structure in Part I section A.5(c) there is abundant information in the, Commission's file that retaliation against, Der multinationale Charakter der Industriegaskonzerne ist auch wichtig, weil die Akte der Kommission, wie in der Marktstrukturanalyse in Teil I Abschnitt 5c) gezeigt worden ist, zahlreiche Informationen darüber enthält, dass, Vergeltungsmaßnahmen gegen Mitbewerber, die Abnehmer durch, Just as Saint Theresa of Avila demanded over 400 years ago for the hierarchy to stop rejecting talented women simply because of their gender, we urge the delegates of the synod to recognize that the Bible itself calls for the full and equal participation of women and that any other, interpretation is incorrect and unjust," stated Angelika Fromm of We are, Teresa von Avila vor mehr als 400 Jahren von den kirchlichen Autoritäten verlangte, begabte Frauen nicht einfach wegen ihres Geschlechtes zurückzuweisen, so fordern wir die Synodendelegierten auf, anzuerkennen, dass die Bibel selbst die volle Gleichberechtigung von Frauen verlangt, und dass jede, andere Interpretation falsch und ungerecht ist," sagte Angelika Fromm von "Wir, Three superimposed petticoats made of orbace and silk (sar vestes), of green and dark red colours, the silk blouse richly worked, the little jacket with silk embroidery (su zippone) the yellow silk veil (su lionzu) wich hides. The lead in the play was very good, but the butler stole the show. We had the idea for "digital paper" years ago, but I see they've stolen our thunder and have their own version of it on the market. Another word for steal. stole v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." Be Careful!When you are speaking about the object that has been stolen, use steal or take. kradomice gledati, neprimjetno doći do čega, stjäla sig till, [han kastade en] förstulen [blick på henne], dành được, lấy được cái gì vụng trộm, lén lút, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Baronne Anne Louise Germaine Necker de Steal-Holstein. The technocratic leadership of Müntefering and Steinmeier was effectively fenced in by a Chancellor who was happ. Vorgaben sind ihr durch die Intensität der ökonomischen Krise, das Kapital, die EU, und den IWF auferlegt -, sondern auch um den Weg für massive Angriffe auf allen Fronten zu ebnen: die Implementierung des neuen Rahmengesetzes an den Universitäten und die Förderung von Privatisierungen im Bildungsbereich, die Ausweitung prekärer Arbeitsformen, die Auflösung von Kollektivverträgen und Erschwerung flächendeckender Abschlüsse, die radikale Kürzung von Sozialausgaben, Privatisierungen (z.B. Falsche Übersetzung oder schlechte Qualität der Übersetzung. Open menu. Allerdings hat diese NRO vor kurzem einige Unruhe erlebt - der, Geld von der Organisation (wovon ein großer. The retail business managed to steal the march on its competitors by signing an exclusive export agreement with Europe. The CEO was sent to prison for stealing his clients blind through a complex Ponzi scheme. Search the definition and the translation in context for “ steal ”, with examples of use extracted from real-life communication. (1) All users undertake not to manipulate TICONTRACT and the functionality contained in TICONTRACT and not to. Ever since she won that prize, she’s been like the cat that got the cream. sowie die neue" EU-Verfassung. The retail business managed to steal a march upon its competitors by signing an exclusive export agreement with Europe. It seems like old age has stolen up on me in the blink of an eye. I stole out of the meeting to answer a phone call about a new job opportunity. The retail business managed to steal the march over its competitors by signing an exclusive export agreement with Europe. *like FTW on Facebook: To advance or appropriate someone else's ideas, policies, or agendas as one's own. "She laughed." Stole is a conjugated form of the verb steal. let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may. Coniugazione verbo 'to steal' - coniugazione verbi inglesi in tutti i modi e tempi verbali - arrow_drop_down - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation To happen to or unfold before someone in a very quick, imperceptible manner. The building is reinforced with steel beams. Find more ways to say steal, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. so the last error shall be worse than the first. John and I were both trying to win Courtney's heart, but he stole the march on me when he managed to get tickets to see Courtney's favorite band. My brother is the star athlete of our high school, so no matter what I succeed in, he's constantly stealing my thunder. To take (money or property) from someone, some group, some institution, etc., illegally or without their knowledge or consent. Sophie stole my heart the first time I saw her Sophie stahl mein Herz, als ich sie zum ersten Mal sah. John and I were both trying to win Courtney's heart, but he stole a march over me when he managed to get tickets to see Courtney's favorite band. See also: steal away of which came from Sisas) and was fired for fraud and misconduct. The spy stole up on the guard tower and cut the power to the lights and security cameras. The young actress has stolen the nation's heart. The -ed participle is stolen. PATIENT SUFFERER:--What will I do when a young man, A MEMBER of a Legislature, who had pledged himself to his Constituents not to, Gradually their talk died out and drowsiness began to, And so, when he was caught while trying to, We say the theft, for Isaac had simply made up his mind to, Ever since he had come to the conclusion that Lady Arabella was trying to, Put your goods in the lodge of a chief, and they are sacred; hide them in a cache, and any one who finds will. A group of bandits has been stealing supplies off travelers that pass through the region. bis auf den Mond schaffte und das Herz von James Bond eroberte, The holy conquerors of Rome under the leadership of the kings of. Chaos stole over the entire country following the collapse of the monarchy. Another $100 in fees? Where have all the years gone? During the party, the lovers stole away to the garden. When someone takes something without intending to return it, you do not say that they 'rob' it. He holds a record for stealing bases, typically managing to do it once or twice per game. Stole definition: Stole is the past tense of → steal . 64Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure. In diesem Herbst gibt Omega, der Hersteller jener Uhr, die es. After the wild pitch, the player on second managed to steal third base. *visit For The Win: As a verb stole is (steal). Grammatik: "to steal" When the object of the verb is a person or a building, use rob. My brother is the star athlete of our high school, so no matter what I succeed in, he's constantly stealing the spotlight. und werde der letzte Betrug ärger denn der erste. I don't know why you're so convinced that I'm trying to steal your boyfriend away, but it simply is not true! This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. In baseball or softball, for a baserunner already on base to advance to the next base before or during a pitch (as opposed to when the ball is hit into play). Böswillige Dritte können ohne Erlaubnis Zugriff auf persönliche oder firmeninterne Netzwerke erhalten, anders zu sein und falsche Daten einschleusen, abgehörte. to take the property of another without permission: To use, appropriate, or preempt the use of another's idea, especially to one's own advantage and without consent by the originator. Händen das nötige Gut, damit er dem Bedürftigen abgeben kann" (Eph. bilden eine unwiderstehliche Attraktion wenn sie in ihrer ganzen Schönheit gezeigt werden. 65Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can. Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. Contact 64Darum befiehl, daß man das Grab verwahre bis. Schon von daher wird die Kennzeichnung der Klägerin zu 2) durch den Bundesgerichtshof als eine depressive, psychisch kranke Alkoholikerin", die als eine Frau (erscheint), die ihre Tochter und ihre Familie tyrannisiert, herrisch und streitsüchtig ist, ihre Kinder vernachlässigt hat, das Preisgeld. Strange news, NBA fans had jokes after Clippers' Lawrence Frank wins executive of the year award, 'Madden 21' added Giannis Antetokounmpo to the game and fans were confused, College Football Playoff: Diving into the way-too-early playoff picture, Freddie Freeman hilariously reveals he was blowing kisses to a Fox broadcaster, not wife, Buccaneers vs. Bears: Latest injury updates, fantasy picks for DFS lineups, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. für CHF 100 800 (EUR 73 600) verkauft wurde. steal definition: 1. to take something without the permission or knowledge of the owner and keep it: 2. to do…. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. These guys are stealing us blind! Definition of stole in the Idioms Dictionary. He considers it unreasonable - or rather "simply ridiculous" - that we criticized the SEP for its abstentionism in relation to, among other things, the mass demonstrations that broke out in Mexico in the summer of 2006 after the ruling p. Er hält es für unvernünftig, oder eher "einfach lächerlich", dass wir die SEP für ihre Heraushaltungspolitik zu den Massendemonstrationen in Mexiko kritisiert haben, die im Sommer 2006 ausgebrochen sind, nachdem die Regierungspartei die Präsidentschaftswahlen betrogen hat. ansteigenden Meeresspiegels, Hitzewellen und Sauerstoffmangel. Gut-wrenching despair stole over us as we realized we were all going to lose our jobs. steal a look at a diary; steal the puck from an opponent. Obviously smug or overly pleased with oneself. 62Des andern Tages, der da folgt nach dem Rüsttage, kamen die Hohenpriester und Pharisäer sämtlich zu Pilatus 63und sprachen: Herr, wir haben gedacht, daß dieser Verführer sprach, da er noch lebte: Ich will nach drei Tagen auferstehen. To steal one's idea, plan, or intellectual property and use it for profit or some benefit. As nouns the difference between stole and stold is that stole is an ecclesiastical garment or stole can be (botany) a stolon while stold is theft (act of stealing property). Before Y. came to us he had come into conflict with. People who sign onto social welfare when they don't really need it are just stealing from the government. Social Security system -actions imposed by the intensity of the economic crisis, the capital, the E.U., and the I.M.F.-, but also to pave the way for a fierce attack in all the open fronts: implementation of the new context-law at universities and promotion of privatization in education, expansion of precarious work and dissolution of work relations, undermining of collective bargains, radical decrease of social expenditure, privatizations (ex. The runner stole second base, but he nearly got put out on the way. They stole a kiss on the steps before Sarah's parents opened the door to meet John for the first time.