Andrew has an MA in History from Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. Such new sprawling housing developments, however, have offered limited access to economic opportunities, and have imposed a significant burden on local governments to provide infrastructure and services. Through The implications of this entanglement are explored. ... • Introduced a new organisational structure which delivered annual operational savings of over £2m, whilst achieving all targets. The thirties heralded the emergence of Keynesianism (undoubtedly propelled by wartime interventions), while the stagflation of the 1970s witnessed the blossoming of the monetarist counter revolution, the most extreme forms of perfect market economics, and the period of neoliberalism. Back to top. is the clear means by which lower water bills, ter service and environmental improvements can, reforms to increase competition in the sector will, Given the monopoly nature of the water indus. Utilising empirical fieldwork undertaken within two co-associated wetland nature reserves in central London prior to its opening, and within local waterscapes in three interconnected rural villages, this chapter suggests that emergent modes of citizen agency are primarily enacted through the performativity of volunteering. While events in the last decades have certainly showed how monetary and financial practices and events have consequences that span largely across the globe, such global reach of money and finance is far from evenly distributed. This chapter argues that community volunteering initiatives in support of wetland environments within the UK generate landscape-specific forms of environmental citizenship. It begins by illustrating the current state of research on the financialization of infrastructure, and then details the method for contributing towards this literature. Allen and Pryke 2013 Fin Hohold water CJRES, Finance, water infrastructure, and the city: comparing impacts of financialization in London and Mumbai, Sovereign Debt in the Making: Financial Entanglements and Labor Politics along the Belt and Road in Laos, Inequality, poverty and the privatization of essential services: A "systems of provision" study of water, energy and local buses in the UK, Mexico’s Housing Paradox: Tensions Between Financialization and Access, The Power of Mirage: State, Capital, and Politics in the Grounding of 'Belt and Road' in Laos, Finance, Water Infrastructure, and the City, The Challenges of Changing Governance: Curating New Civic Identities for Health and Wellbeing, Fighting to undo a deal: Identifying and resisting the financialization of the WestConnex motorway, Sydney, Australia, Capitalism with derivatives: A political economy of financial derivatives, capital and class, Neoliberalism in Retrospect? It is the, politics of packaging and selling households as, a captive revenue stream that lies at the heart, of this model of nancialised water, one that. Mark is a Chartered Engineer with extensive experience in delivering major infrastructure in the water industry. Next, we elaborate our analytical approach by warning against functional, political, and spatial disconnections traced in the literature on the geographies of money. They are no longer citizens, but consumers-or, even worse, financial assets, When I have time I am still working on the financialisation of water and the wider political consequences. �����Ȭn0d��:�����fh$���! 'aպ��A��z1p�Y��-p�胀K7@�\2?� This arises from a variety of forces including fiscal conservatism by governments and the associated privatization and corporatization of public utilities. the techniques and practices of nancialisation. Drawing upon long-standing concerns about the relatively marginal location of finance in economic geography, we emphasize the integral role of finance in connecting the entangled geographies of the economic to the social, the cultural, and the political. Beyond competition for degree of severity, comparative analysis has not preceded much further, not least because differences between eras tend to dominate shared characteristics. He was formerly Head of Major Projects at Thames Water, which included the Lee Tunnel project, the largest contract ever awarded in the UK water industry. It reveals how a new model of financialization was developed in response to earlier controversies around Sydney’s expanding network of private toll motorways, only to become itself embroiled in major opposition and protests against the project on various fronts, from the impacts of demolition to concerns about air pollution. Furthermore, it examines some of the implications of following this logic, particularly at the local and household levels, such as surmounting mortgage debt, the clustering of vacant and abandoned housing, and, ultimately, the reproduction of poor housing conditions. Does Thames Water accept applications from people outside UK (foreign countries). He was formerly Head of Major Projects at Thames Water, which included the Lee Tunnel project, the largest contract ever awarded in the UK water industry. tal used to calculate the allowed rate of return. He is currently Chairman of Tideway, a Bazalgette Tunnel Limited company. One important strand of the protests involved activists and politicians coming together to share understanding and information about the deals behind WestConnex in order to develop strategies to ‘undo the deal’. p� �p� �T�K�X�\$��\ �~� �W��8O�=�+�nv �S�l`� [�"�f8G��8K�Ml`� �X'�Z�0 @� �X%@� +X!�rz�`� K�`� ��`� X �� A model of debt refinancing based largely upon the securitisation of household revenue potentially impact negatively on its customers). of a skewed distribution model of financialised infrastructure in the household water sector. The purpose of this article has been two-fold: model of nancialised infrastructure in the, water sector that has engineered benets more. pT��8"�aFH 0,@R���W�� Questions about Thames Water Utilities Limited. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Ownership Structure. Our website also uses cookies that are strictly necessary for the operation of our website or are functional in nature. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. It starts from a critical examination of established terms, shareholder value, corporate governance and financialisation, before suggesting a new generic term, coupon pool capitalism. He has 20 years' experience of developing and investing in global infrastructure and utility assets. The concept of alternative futures, banished from postmodernity's eternal present, flourishes on the financial summits of the global economy.