12 0 obj The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) links educational institutions across the world around a common goal: to build the defences of peace in the minds of children and young people. This title authorizes them, inter alia, to display on their panels and documents the UNESCO certificate and the ASPnet logo, to receive the UNESCO documentation they need and to create a "UNESCO Corner" in their libraries. document.write(''); The Clubs, Centres and Associations for UNESCO are groups of volunteers of different ages and socio-professional status who become activists in the service of UNESCO’s ideals. <> document.write(''); UNESCO Associated Schools Network Project Guideline on Logo Use 2 September 2016 3. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) links educational institutions across the world around a common goal: to build the defences of peace in the minds of children and young people. Cartoon back to college concept with cheerful students set. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. This email address is being protected from spambots. All rights reserved. nternational Commission, Futures of Education Initiative​​, The Futures of Education - Issue 11, 17 August 2020, Digital Divide and Inequality - Issue 10, 6 July 2020, Health and Education - Issue 9, 17 June 2020, International Arts Education Week - Issue 8 - 25 May 2020​, Successful Global Webinar - Issue 7 - 18 May 2020   ​, We are Global Citizens​​​​​​ - Issue 4 - 23 April 2020​, The Power of Art from Home - Issue 3 - 11 April 2020, Learning Never Stops - Issue 2 -  April 2, 2020, Solidarity for Resilience - Issue 1 -  March 22, 2020, What needs to be learned at school with teachers and other students?​ -, A-teacher-and-a-student-from-Mexico-in-the-spotlight-at-the-first-International-Day-of-Light, Global Webinar Reflections - Issue 6 - 7 May 2020. 3. oganise and participate in national and international seminars, youth camps and exchange programmes. explore teaching concepts and pass on successful approaches to schools within and outside the network. -obtain a membership certificate signed by the General Director of UNESCO; - be linked with UNESCO and other United Nations agencies as well as the associated schools worldwide; - participate in national projects organized by the National Commission, as well as, regional and international projects organized by UNESCO; - exchange information and educational or scientific experiences at national and internati. stream Choose below a format to download our visual identity:.EPS (vector file, best for use in professional printing).PNG (for use on web pages). Contact, Pack of colorful initial pixel logo template. <> var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; //--> illustrate. integrate UNESCO educational concepts into school programmes. The schools work closely together and benefit from the broad international exchange with more than 11,500 UNESCO Associated Schools in over 180 countries. endobj 2 clicks for more privacy: after you accept here, the iframe will be activated and you can access the content. include non-formal learning places and partners in the learning process. You can download in .AI, .EPS, .CDR, .SVG, .PNG formats. -use of UNESCO associated schools network logo. var addy39311 = 'natcomalgerie' + '@'; endobj UNESCO Associated Schools promote the ideals and values of UNESCO by reinforcing the humanistic, ethical, cultural and international dimensions of education. 9 0 obj Principals, teachers and students lead activities in member schools. endobj <> Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Concept the book is a light bulb. After evaluation by the National Commission, the application will be transmitted to UNESCO for review and approval. laboratory workspace and reactions research. 3 0 obj UNESCO Associated Schools Network There are more than 11,500 UNESCO Associated Schools in over 180 countries worldwide - … <> //-->\n They concentrate on six UNESCO educational approaches: The Network in Germany is coordinated by the respective State Coordinators at the level of federal states and at federal level by the National Coordination. <>>> %���� Throughout Germany you can find about 300 UNESCO Associated Schools. The network is an actor and driver of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education. <> Find & Download Free Graphic Resources for School Logo. List of UNESCO Associated Schools in Germany, List of UNESCO Associated Schools worldwide (ASPnet). 13 0 obj Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Education 2030. document.write(addy39311); //-->. Associated schools network in Algeria within the Algerian Commission for UNESCO. Signature charter- Commitment Declaration-.