Choice 1-3 grade is a better grade than Select 1-3, partly because Choice cuts have more fat, or marbling, than Select cuts. The Steiner Group estimates that the overall supply of lean finely textured beef (LFTB) is about 400 million lbs./year, while other estimates peg it at 500 million lbs./year. On Friday, 50CL beef was quoted at 73¢/lb. Writing in the April 2 edition of the CME Group In The Livestock Markets newsletter, Steve Meyer and Len Steiner of the Steiner Consulting Group estimate that 50CL beef trim accounts as much as 10% of total beef on the carcass (using USDA cutting yields and taking the highest volume possible for each primal). No More Lean, Finely Textured Beef – Now What? Part I. Please refer to weekly LM_XB459 as the item may qualify. Beef Magazine is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC. USDA Choice and USDA Select prices/values remain current by automatically uploading the past week’s USDA-AMS National Weekly Beef prices for Boxed Beef Cutout & Cuts — Negotiated Sales. of LFTB. Peeled/Denuded 1/8" 6. If 75% of the production capacity of LFTB is lost due to the controversy, and this is a big if at the moment, it would imply an additional 900 MM lbs. It’s What’s For Dinner.’s Wholesale Price Update gives a unique, top-line view of average reported wholesale prices on beef subprimal cuts. Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. The retail price file provides monthly estimates for the last 6 months. National Daily Boxed Beef Cutout and Boxed Beef Cuts - Negotiated Sales (CSV) (LM_XB803) … Prior days sales after 1:30pm are included. 3/4" (19mm) 1.0" 2. A typical refrigerated truckload carries 40,000 pounds. Registered in England and Wales. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Kuna, ID 83634, CS Beef Packers | Progressive Beef Packing | Kuna, ID, National Steer and Heifer Estimated Grading Percent, Oklahoma City Feeder Cattle Auction Averages. How’s the fall bull sale season shaping up? “The conversion rate of extra fat trim to LFTB is generally 3:1; for example, it takes 3 lbs. CURRENT VOLUME - (one load equals 40,000 pounds), Choice Cuts 68.06 loads 2,722,309 pounds, Select Cuts 33.02 loads 1,320,983 pounds, Trimmings 12.79 loads 511,416 pounds, Ground Beef 29.47 load 1,178,681 pounds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Choice Cuts, Fat Limitations 1-6 (IM) = Individual Muscle IMPS/FL Sub-Primal # of Total Price Weighted, rades Pounds Range Average ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 109E 1 Rib, ribeye, lip-on, bn-in 33 106,493 531.00 572.00 536.39 112A 3 Rib, ribeye, bnls, light 12 47,813 574.37 675.00 593.89 112A 3 Rib, ribeye, bnls, heavy 80 191,761 570.00 637.00 597.26 113C 1 Chuck, semi-bnls, neck/off 5 24,352 205.05 210.05 205.85 114 1 Chuck, shoulder clod 17 57,395 187.00 200.00 192.64 114A 3 Chuck, shoulder clod, trmd 30 127,966 199.80 218.00 204.97 114D 3 Chuck, clod, top blade 9 10,286 254.62 292.70 284.71 114E 3 Chuck, clod, arm roast 12 9,506 240.60 265.00 250.42 114F 5 Chuck, clod tender (IM) 8 6,654 367.00 392.00 373.84 115 1 Chuck, 2-piece, boneless 116A 3 Chuck, roll, lxl, neck/off 41 132,885 228.80 255.60 241.99 116B 1 Chuck, chuck tender (IM) 10 22,762 212.00 225.00 222.56, 3 Chuck roll, retail ready 120 1 Brisket, deckle-off, bnls 47 135,013 194.79 215.00 197.34 120A 3 Brisket, point/off, bnls 12 21,880 340.00 358.00 346.74 123A 3 Short Plate, short rib 28 32,994 435.00 482.00 459.01 130 4 Chuck, short rib 21 32,931 314.00 354.05 334.39 160 1 Round, bone-in 3 1,897 196.50 218.00 213.08 161 1 Round, boneless, 3 Round, bnls/peeled heel-out 167A 4 Round, knuckle, peeled 50 119,362 215.00 242.00 227.95 168 1 Round, top inside round 27 85,312 190.00 211.00 194.44 168 3 Round, top inside round 18 154,932 203.00 216.60 209.21 169 5 Round, top inside, denuded 26 117,431 230.00 264.00 243.10, 3 Round, top inside, side off 170 1 Round, bottom gooseneck 171B 3 Round, outside round 32 103,845 200.00 230.60 214.10 171C 3 Round, eye of round (IM) 42 101,188 220.00 249.00 233.57 174 1 Loin, short loin, 2x3 174 3 Loin, short loin, 0x1 26 261,220 513.00 557.00 517.35 175 3 Loin, strip loin, 1x1 180 1 Loin, strip, bnls, heavy 0 0, 1 Loin, strip loin bnls. This table details boxed beef cutout prices supplied daily by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Price spreads are reported for last 6 years, 12 quarters, and 24 months. The .gov means it’s official. This table details boxed beef cutout prices supplied daily by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Beef. A rating of 1 is the highest ratio of muscle to fat, while 5 is the lowest. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Have a confidential tip for our reporters? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------. The consumer will eventually get the supply of ground beef they need, it may cost more even if cattle are valued less.”, Part 2, Allowed HTML tags: . Stocks Climb to Five-Week Highs; Bonds Gain: Markets Wrap, Goldman’s Abby Joseph Cohen Warns Over ‘Considerable’ Market Downside, U.S. Jobless Claims Show Scant Improvement at 840,000 Last Week, U.S. Outbreaks Ahead of Polls; Japan Suicide Rises: Virus Update, The 50 Richest Americans Are Worth as Much as the Poorest 165 Million. 600-900 600-900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Cutout Values: 190.53 188.31 Change from prior day: 1.48 (0.07) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Choice/Select spread: 2.22, Total Load Count (Cuts, Trimmings, Grids): 143 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPOSITE PRIMAL VALUES, Primal Rib 284.44 283.16, Primal Chuck 160.80 158.78, Primal Round 162.46 162.17, Primal Loin 256.13 248.45, Primal Brisket 132.66 133.96, Primal Short Plate 137.79 141.31, Primal Flank 108.34 105.22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOAD COUNT AND CUTOUT VALUE SUMMARY FOR PRIOR 5 DAYS. Cutout values are separated into three main product types. Ground loads may contain 73, 75, or 80 percent ground beef. If LFTB isn’t accepted by retailers, a large portion will go back into rendering and trade at a discount to what it sold for in the past, Meyer and Steiner say. Omaha, Nebraska. Kuna, ID 83634. In addition, packers generate another 5-10% as extra fat trim and a good portion of this supply went into making LFTB and related products as well as into rendering. Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. Should I implement a drought strategy? A cutout value is an average of the prices tallied for cuts of beef from cattle carcasses weighing 550-850 pounds. CHOICE SELECT Date Choice Select Trim Grinds Total 600-900 600-900 03/29 67 31 14 35 147 189.05 188.38 03/28 156 61 8 37 263 189.07 188.84 03/27 133 59 12 36 241 189.96 188.51 03/26 88 41 12 38 179 190.43 189.17 03/25 83 38 11 40 172 190.58 190.21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current 5 Day Simple Average: 189.82 189.02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL BOXED BEEF CUTS - NEGOTIATED SALES FOB Plant basis negotiated sales for delivery within 0-21 day period. The .gov means it’s official. The Facts About Lean Finely Textured Beef. R-CALF continues court battles to change the course of the beef business, Ranching in a COVID world: 2020 Cattle harvest and beef production, Controlling cheatgrass with bio-herbicide, Here’s how cow-calf producers can beat the odds. 1/8" (3mm) 1/4" 4. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure you’re on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browser’s address (or “location”) bar. This kind of difference translates in about $3.2/cwt./head live. Number 8860726. “Back in January and early February, before the heavy weights became apparent and before the controversy over LFTB, analysts were estimating fat beef trim prices for April and May at around $120/cwt. 1/4" (6mm) 1/2" 3. Copyright © 2020. cutting style, external fat trim level, and initial live animal or carcass weight. 1x1 4 5,015 465.00 475.00 474.22 180 3 Loin, strip, bnls, 0x1 56 102,202 500.00 581.50 528.63 184 1 Loin, top butt, bnls, heavy 12 10,839 300.00 323.00 305.12 184 3 Loin, top butt, boneless 33 93,315 320.00 343.50 326.23 185A 4 Loin, bottom sirloin, flap 30 34,773 406.00 440.48 411.85 185B 1 Loin, ball-tip, bnls, heavy 26 73,031 225.00 240.00 232.99 185C 1 Loin, sirloin, tri-tip (IM) 10 50,702 253.07 273.00 267.73 185D 4 Loin, tri-tip, pld (IM) 13 4,745 350.00 376.00 360.34 189A 4 Loin, tndrloin, trmd, heavy 49 80,083 865.50 1046.00 908.48 191A 4 Loin, butt tender, trimmed 9 8,735 885.60 949.00 891.70 193 4 Flank, flank steak (IM) 24 30,699 390.00 434.12 421.42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select Cuts, Fat Limitations 1-6 (IM) = Individual Muscle IMPS/FL Sub-Primal # of Total Price Weighted, Trades Pounds Range Average ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 109E 1 Rib, ribeye, lip-on, bn-in 4 7,795 549.96 560.00 551.73 112A 3 Rib, ribeye, bnls, light 5 10,382 577.00 612.70 585.34 112A 3 Rib, ribeye, bnls, heavy 30 46,439 578.92 617.00 603.13 113C 1 Chuck, semi-bnls, neck/off 10 22,970 185.00 207.00 203.97 114 1 Chuck, shoulder clod 7 6,083 184.74 211.03 200.81 114A 3 Chuck, shoulder clod, trmd 11 88,014 196.00 208.33 203.79 114D 3 Chuck, clod, top blade 114E 3 Chuck, clod, arm roast 114F 5 Chuck, clod tender (IM) 115 1 Chuck, 2-piece, boneless 116A 3 Chuck, roll, lxl, neck/off 15 58,698 220.84 241.50 238.37 116B 1 Chuck, chuck tender (IM) 3 4,458 223.50 233.00 223.84, 3 Chuck roll, retail ready 0 0 120 1 Brisket, deckle-off, bnls 10 44,052 195.72 205.50 199.67 120A 3 Brisket, point/off, bnls 0 0 123A 3 Short Plate, short rib 4 4,630 409.00 471.00 442.24 130 4 Chuck, short rib 5 3,146 324.00 340.00 328.74 160 1 Round, bone-in 0 0 161 1 Round, boneless, 3 Round, bnls/peeled heel-out 0 0 167A 4 Round, knuckle, peeled 12 49,289 210.00 234.00 224.97 168 1 Round, top inside round 6 5,522 196.51 204.00 199.35 168 3 Round, top inside round 7 43,401 199.30 214.00 205.75 169 5 Round, top inside, denuded, 3 Round, top inside, side off 0 0 170 1 Round, bottom gooseneck 171B 3 Round, outside round 17 96,236 190.00 222.80 202.83 171C 3 Round, eye of round (IM) 24 58,725 216.84 255.00 237.59 174 1 Loin, short loin, 2x3 0 0 174 3 Loin, short loin, 0x1 17 109,080 485.03 537.00 501.20 175 3 Loin, strip loin, 1x1 180 1 Loin, strip, bnls, heavy 0 0, 1 Loin, strip loin bnls.