Bradshaw spent less than $10,000 – James Mackler, an attorney endorsed by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, spent $1.5m. 17.1 Reduce the proportion of women aged 18 to 44 years who have impaired fecundity. Christina Hale, a Cuban American, finds herself in a rare race in Indiana: she is a woman running against a woman to replace a woman – Susan Brooks, a Republican who is not seeking re-election. “This year’s numbers are a positive sign that 2018 wasn’t necessarily an anomaly,” said Kelly Dittmar, director of research at the Center for American Women and Politics. Among that number are 61 Black women, 32 Latina women, and six Native American women – record numbers for each group. “What this year also points to positively is a continued diversification of the women who are running for office and who are getting nominations.”. Reduce the proportion of pregnancies conceived within 18 months of a previous birth. 7.1 Women giving birth for the first time. Women are almost 50% of Democratic nominees this year, Dittmar said. 11.4 Three doses of Human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) for females by age 13 to, Increase the proportion of children and adults who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza. (DEVELOPMENTAL) Reduce the proportion of females with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Increase the proportion of pregnant women who receive early and adequate prenatal care. She supports Medicare for All and the Green New Deal – litmus tests for progressives – and is seeking to represent a district that is 40% Latino and 20% Native American. Sixty-three percent of Americans believe there will always be gender discrimination in the US, according to new research. “No one party has all the good ideas.”. “It is necessary for the demographics of the Senate to represent the demographics of the country. Black women are the cornerstones of their communities, active in churches, schools, healthcare. Here’s what you need to know, 'They don't know what I know': why Cori Bush is poised to change politics. Our voices need to be heard and collectively, we are taking the leap.”. Increase the proportion of females or their partners at risk of unintended pregnancy who used contraception at most recent sexual intercourse. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Increase the proportion of women who receive a, Increase the proportion of women with a family history of breast and/or. Every minute of the day. 7.1 Increase the proportion of sexually active females aged 15 to 44 years who received reproductive health services. For more information on HP 2020 please visit www.healthypeople.govExternal. 2.2 Females aged 65 years and older who are up to date on a core set of clinical preventive services. HP 2020 also includes objectives that are in development. As we see more women and women of color running for and winning seats in office, we’re seeing the focus of our elected officials shift towards working families and the challenges they face.”, My congressman has been a politician since before I was homeless, sleeping in a kiddie pool outside a gas station.Now I’m running to unseat him. I am living the issues. 11.1 Increase the proportion of sexually active females aged 15 to 19 years who use a condom and hormonal or intrauterine contraception at first intercourse, 11.3 Increase the proportion of sexually active females aged 15 to 19 years who use a condom and hormonal or intrauterine contraception at last intercourse. Hale faced criticism from challengers in the primary for not being progressive enough but she has said her willingness to work across party lines is a strength. “Women experience the world in different ways than men. She believes she can better represent people who might be struggling. In a campaign ad, Valenzuela recalls sleeping in a children’s swimming pool outside a gas station after the family fled domestic abuse. Each topic links to the full list of topic areas on the HP 2020 Web site. (DEVELOPMENTAL) Increase the proportion of providers who refer women with symptoms suggestive of inherited bleeding disorders for diagnosis and treatment. Reduce the proportion of persons aged 18 to 44 years who have impaired fecundity (i.e., a physical barrier preventing pregnancy or carrying a pregnancy to term). With New Mexico’s first and second congressional districts being all-female races, the state will have an all-female delegation to the House if Leger Fernandez can win the third congressional district in November. Increase the proportion of women delivering a live birth who received preconception care services and practiced key recommended preconception health behaviors. Described as a “true progressive” by Bernie Sanders, Bush is an advocate for universal healthcare, and for defunding the police. Hale’s race has attracted attention, and money, from Democrats nationally, and she has been endorsed by the Latino Victory Project, Barack Obama and Senator Elizabeth Warren, among others. (DEVELOPMENTAL) Reduce violence by current or former intimate partners. Increase routine vaccination coverage levels for adolescents. He’s a black boy. The new high builds on 2018’s midterm elections, when a historic number of women won seats in the House. Reduce pregnancy rates among adolescent females. 13.7 Sexually transmitted diseases-Females. Her Republican opponent, Bill Hagerty, has tied his fortunes to Donald Trump in the election – the president won Tennessee by 26 points in 2016. Reduce cesarean births among low-risk (full-term, singleton, vertex presentation) women. Increase the proportion of sexually active persons who received reproductive health services. We will introduce bills that support the environmental, educational and economic wellbeing of our country. You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link. Bradshaw is an environmental activist who supports the progressive Green New Deal, and she said the toxic damage from a military depot in her hometown of Memphis birthed her activism. “We’re seeing trailblazing women of color step up and run for office all across the country,” Valenzuela told the Guardian. Brooks won by 13 points in 2018, in the historically Republican fifth district, but the Cook Political Report rates the seat – with its large number of the sort of college-educated white people who have been turned off by Trump – as a toss-up this year. Reduce sustained domestic transmission of primary and secondary syphilis. This page outlines the women and girls objectives for the HP 2020 initiatives. The US presidential election may be dominated by two older white men, but away from the battle for the White House a record number of women of color are running for Congress in 2020 – as US politics continues to be dragged, slowly, towards being representative of the country’s population. I worry about [him], every single day. “As I fought for my community, I saw the opportunities that lifted me up were, and continue to be, under attack by Donald Trump and the corporate special interests that dominate his administration.”.