Your article is great one as you select one important topic as in our modern life the role of women in society, family and in all level is increased which will impose her to continuous travel decision alone and your article give all women important tips to enjoy more safe and entertaining trip, Thanks, corna Don’t add to the stress of traveling by protecting or worrying about items you may not even use. Never have I done anything in a strange place that I wouldn't do in my home city, and never have I felt the least bit threatened by malevolent men. I hope it inspires people to start their own pleasant journeys safely and confidently. However I live in a major US city known for its violence so I am no wide-eyed dumb dumb walking around. • Listen to weather reports—Be aware of the weather conditions where you are traveling and prepare accordingly. • Stay alert behind the wheel—No distracted driving. I've traveled alone tons. If your bag gets stolen, you want to still have your papers. Rode my rented bike around the island. Do not flash around any cash or let people see how many credit cards you have. So it's more social than walking for me.I have done quite a bit of travelling, most of it alone, but so far I have only been to 'safe' places. That's what I'm scared a bit. Bradley, a 25-year-old advertising manager in New York, was confronted with this reality after she quit her job and decided to travel around the world for a year back in 2017. But anywhere (within reason) would be fine. Also if I'm weird then it doesn't matter, I never have to go back. This list contains my suggestions for safe travel and solo road trip ideas for any woman who enjoys solitary journeys. Traveling in Northern Africa as a woman is the worst, you're going to get harrassed no matter what. But I took professional guided day-trips with other tourists. Stay focused especially in unfamiliar areas where you are not familiar with the highways. Luckily, I will be having my dog with me to keep me companionship, and to keep me focused. As part of our commitment to that mission, the AskWomen subreddit is curated to promote respectful and on-topic discussions, and not serve as a debate subreddit. It still beats not traveling and not seeing the destinations though, so I still do it! Not at all. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. We do have sources that show us women could easily travel alone for specific purposes. Nope. Except 19 year old me didn't care and I traveled alone to both of those countries and didn't have any issues. When she finally returned to New York and slowly acclimated herself back into work life, Bradley felt like herself again. "It seemingly came out of nowhere but it sat in my chest like a weight and wouldn’t let up. about getting stabbed and glasgow kisses or something, so I might have tried not to stay out late wandering into new areas, but I generally don't do that anyway. larissa says. Jamie Zunick graduated from the University of Kansas with a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts. It's also the only time I sometimes feel limited being sole (esp. This is really helpful. • Create a schedule for traveling—Know what time you want to begin your journey every day and, especially, know when you want to be off the road at night. Looking for smart ways to get more from life? It started when Bradley began to feel unfulfilled at her ad sales job and decided to consider other options. This list contains my suggestions for safe travel and solo road trip ideas for any woman who enjoys solitary journeys. These are great tips for staying safe! Your safety depends on the country you're travelling to, of course, but if you take precautions and make smart decisions you should be fine. I had just finished a very stressful internship and needed to do something mildly-crazy. Best experiences of my life, because I could make my own schedules, do whatever I wanted, and did some soul-searching while trying to navigate a foreign place. It teaches you about yourself and opens you up to new things. Women are traveling solo more than ever. You don’t get feelings like that traveling with other people. I haven't done masses of travelling on my own (been to Berlin, Paris, Belgium and Las Vegas on my own) but I make sure I stay somewhere respectable looking, I check in with family/friends back home to let them know I'm ok, I don't drink very much at all and I either use public transport if it is decent looking or licenced taxis. About two hours of time in a jail cell and interrogation. Give someone you trust your intinerary and keep them updated. The goal is to not look like you're lost, don't know where you're going, or in touristy amazement at the scenery (that's a tough one sometimes!). • Always carry ID safely—Store all paperwork (driver’s license, registration, and insurance information) together in a safe, convenient place for easy access.