Telefon: +41 44 634 48 21, Home It provides the collection of links for Fully Funded Scholarships, Partial or Departmental Scholarships. The person who has an open PhD position also takes part in the interview. The University of Zurich was founded on April 29, 1833, when the prevailing colleges of theology, the Carolinum founded by Huldrych Zwingli in 1525, law and medicine were merged with a replacement faculty of Philosophy. Regulations: You will find everything you need to know about your studies in the regulations. Sessions are either based on a talk by an experienced researcher followed by a student lead discussion or on a general research topic which is being prepared by a group of PhD students for discussion with peers. Prof. Milo Puhan, MD, PhD (website) Dean's Office / Careum 2, Gloriastrasse 18, room 290, Subject Biomarker, Location November 17, 2020 and 4:15 - 5:45 p.m.: To achieve this, the lectures will cover novel study designs (special designs of RCTs and observational studies like factorial RCTs and nested case-control studies), advanced statistical methods (propensity scores, missing data). In an interview, the admissions commission examines the admission to the doctoral program. They formalize the promotion regulation for the title Dr. sc. In the University's early years, the 1839 appointment of the German theologian David Friedrich Strauss to its Chair of Theology caused a major controversy, since Strauss argued that the miracles in the Christian New Testament were mythical retellings of normal events as supernatural happenings. The aim of the course is to give students practice in different stages of dealing with a clinical research project: study design, primary outcome definition and sample size calculation, plausibility checks, data analysis and modelling, computation, interpretation, and communication of results. Further, the main message has to be shaped. Project 2: Comparison of the means of two populations, hypothesis testing with parametric and non-parametric tests, confidence intervals. Our academic advisors or the Dean's Office are ready to help you. 8091 Zurich, Lisa Marxt, lic. Moreover, graduates with the right aptitude have the opportunity to complete a doctorate, an outstanding foundation for an academic career. Home; Contact; Sitemap; Deutsch; University of Zurich; Faculty of Science Main navigation. Doctorate Faculty of Science; Joint Doctorate at the Faculty of Science of the UZH and the ETH Zurich [35] In 2009 the faculty of Business Administration was ranked third in the German-speaking area. List of 57 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at University of Zurich (UZH) in Switzerland: Your email address will not be published. The ‘lab’ sessions will provide practical techniques, (using R) that will further expand the set of tools that the future PhDs will be able to apply in their research. The overall goal of this 4-week block course Introduction to Epidemiology is to introduce students to the major questions of clinical and epidemiologic research and to methods to address these questions. Required fields are marked *. All rights reserved except where noted. The University of Zurich (UZH, German: Universität Zürich), located in the city of Zürich, is the largest university in Switzerland,[5] with its 28,000 enrolled students. 7 Oct 2020 Admission based on academic background: If you have a Bachelor's degree from another higher education institution, get informed about the categorization process. Associated with the university are 12 Nobel Prize recipients, primarily in Physics and Chemistry. In 1962, the faculty of science proposed to establish the Irchelpark campus on the Strickhofareal. Sitemap phil., Program coordination(contact). CH 8091 Zurich. Currently, the university has seven faculties: Philosophy, Human Medicine, Economic Sciences, Law, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Engineering, Computer Sciences and Robotics, Theology and Veterinary Medicine. As of now, the doctoral program committee is composed of the following members: Current senior members of the committee are: Also members of the doctoral program committee are: The Member's Meeting consists of faculty members taking part in the program. 57 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at University of Zurich (UZH) in Switzerland. © Universität Zürich It is the largest university in Switzerland over 25,000 students. phil. You have laid a foundation by completing your Bachelor's studies. This process includes the preparation work, writing the paper and submitting it. The Lecture will be held in person and streamed at the same time. [14], The university is scattered all over the city of Zurich. Data Protection Statement, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, Minors Offered to Students from Other Faculties. Your email address will not be published. University of Zurich; Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Main navigation. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; Subpages. Data Protection Statement, Dean's Office / Office of the vice president for medicine, Informationen zur Habilitation und Umhabilitation, Academic career development and gender equality, Information UZH - Safety, Security and Environment, Information Federal Office of Public Health, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. [21], The university's Department of Economics is especially strong and was ranked first in the German-speaking area by the Handelsblatt in 2017. submit all your documents exclusively via E-Mail (dissertations, habilitations, application for titular professorships, etc.). They formalize the promotion regulation for the title Dr. sc. Can be combined with the following minor programs: Home About this site Double matriculation in the general doctorate of the Faculty of Medicine (Dr. In addition, supervisors who are not faculty members but supervisors of students (mostly with private research programs) may be elected members. Big data and data-based decisions are among the greatest challenges facing us both today and in the future, given the lightning speed at which data is gathered, the vast quantities in which it is stored, and the constant new ways in which it is linked. Applications sent by e-mail or mail will not be accepted. The Clinical Science program allows candidates to carry out an in-depth clinical research in the field of medicine. The doctoral program Clinical Science, which focuses on research with healthy or sick people in a clinical setting, has been established to open a university postgraduate qualification opportunity in the field of clinical research. Pestalozzistrasse 3 Project 3: Research protocol for a clinical study, primary outcome, secondary outcomes, sample size determination. Employment should be in line with the rules of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF). In the fields of bioscience and finance, there is a close-knit collaboration between the University of Zurich and the ETH (Federal Institute for Technology, just across the road). The following topics will be addressed: randomized controlled trials, bias, hypothesis tests and sample size calculation, randomization and blinding, confidence intervals and p-values, analysis of continuous and binary outcomes, multiplicity, subgroup analysis, protocol and protocol deviations, some special designs (crossover, equivalence, and clusters), analysis of diagnostic studies, analysis of agreement. Admission to the Master's program . University of Zurich Faculty of Science Faculty Departments and Institutes. This course has been designed for Clinical Science PhD students to learn and experience the scientific and practical aspects of applied clinical research methods. Applications will be reviewed by the admissions committee after the deadline. With a Master's degree in Data Science, you will be one of the few informatics specialists in Switzerland who specialize particularly in analyzing and processing data – a field with a huge amount of potential for the future. However, in justified cases exceptions to this may be authorized by the doctoral program commission. The course follows an overall framework (Figure) that describes the course of scientific discovery from the detection and burden of disease and its causes, to diagnosis and prognosis of disease up to the development and evaluation of preventive and treatment interventions and their consequences for population health. Doctoral students must be enrolled throughout the entire period of study. Examples for discussed topics include personalized medicine, biomarkers, evidence based medicine, graphs in publications a.o. The statistical software R will be used. Interviews will be held in English and German. If you need a personal signature, please contact us in advance by E-Mail. All candidates must have good skills in English and German. University of Zurich Faculty of Law, Dean's Office Rämistrasse 74/2 CH-8001 Zurich +41 44 634 22 33 Phone +41 44 634 43 74 Fax. The lab 15:00 - 16:00 h will be held virtually on Zoom. How do you link information from a range of sources if they use different units and terminology, for example, or have totally divergent structures?