Although one thing just occurred to me though, not really a fan of the printing of lyrics in a live record. If you can accept all of what has been mentioned thus far in this review, then I am happy to report that there is a lot of good stuff on this album as well. — Dave to me sounds great through most of it considering the time that’s past! I have not heard the live album yet .. and the track listing looks cool … But i have seen Van Halen on both Kimmel and Ellen(?) ( Log Out /  I could of swore some time back that sammy made a comment how he would like to do a tour with dave and the VH brothers… In sammys book he said he was abducted by a ufo, they must have removed sammys balls since he cries like a b—h so badly. On stage and in music videos, he was larger than life, outspoken and a true rock star. It’s really live and nobody does that anymore. Change ). The ‘reason why’ brings up another uncomfortable issue... Michael Anthony is not in the band anymore. This live album kicks butt. These songs need to be played live, and it is awesome to see them all on one concert CD. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! But the guys are getting up there and a mid-show drum solo gives Dave and Eddie a chance to rest for a few minutes. I have the sama feelings about “hear about it later”, my all time VH favourite. Notice how his singing voice is not on that list! So, the bottom line here is that Van Halen, on this album, is vocally weaker than what we want them to be. From there, it boils down to the essentials: “Panama,” “Ain’t Talkin’’Bout Love” and “Jump.” It’s likely the swinging ropes were no where in sight as “Panama” lifted off. Or, you could buy that 4 CD version with the first album and 1984 included! What I’m talking about, of course, is what everybody is talking about, namely David’s nutty art installation set up center stage to aggravate the three members of this instrumental band. And he looks like a creepy neighbour. Every time they do something, I’m like, ‘Oh my God, can these guys do anything worse to their reputation and to the level of the music of the band?’”. The Van Halen bros with the blonde haired dude only did a couple of these gems, and having Dave back makes this a special event, even with the issues discussed earlier in this review. Look, we all get why, and if we were a proud pop like Eddie, we would want our talented son on stage with us as well. As long as VH fans are not stuck in the past, they should love Tokyo Dome. Tokyo Dome In Concert is the second live album by Van Halen, which has been proven to be worse than Live: Right Here, Right Now. Why? I was hoping you’d notice. lately … and “most” of the notes seem ok … But Roth’s timing is deplorable. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), REVIEW: AC/DC – “Shot in the Dark” (2020), REVIEW: Van Halen – Live Without a Net (1987 VHS), Rest in Peace to the greatest guitar player of all time: Edward Van Halen (1955-2020), REVIEW: Faith No More – We Care a Lot (Deluxe Band Edition), VIDEO: Max the Axe – “Hard Drive” / Traffic jam on Highway 401, Sunday Chuckle: Things You Don’t See Every Day, Gallery: A closer look at Alice Cooper and Japanese import unboxings, Adventures in Epilepsy – Live LeBrain Train with Guests, Friday Live Stream – Adventures in Epilepsy, VHS Archives #97: Fred Coury & Stephen Pearcy of Arcade (July 17 1993), REVIEW: Frank Zappa – Strictly Commercial: The Best Of (1995), #862: Strictly Commercial & Adventures in OCD, REVIEW: Storm Force – Age of Fear (2020 Japanese import), REVIEW: AC/DC - "Shot in the Dark" (2020), REVIEW: AC/DC – “Shot in the Dark” (2020).