Heroine: Emma Watson’s ‘Badass’ Transformation, Mel Sembler: Mitt Romney’s Florida Fat Cat, The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume I, The Memoirs of Harriette Wilson, Volumes One and Two. Ambassador definition is - an official envoy; especially : a diplomatic agent of the highest rank accredited to a foreign government or sovereign as the resident representative of his or her own government or sovereign or appointed for a special and often temporary diplomatic assignment. Senior Official The difference in accreditation is also reflected in the formal titles of envoys to foreign and Commonwealth states: e.g., British High Commissioners are formally titled "The High Commissioner for Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom", whereas British Ambassadors to foreign countries are known as "Her Britannic Majesty's Ambassador". a diplomatic minister of the highest rank sent on a special mission, a diplomatic minister of the first rank with treaty-signing powers, an ambassador with special duties who may be sent to more than one government, an authorized representative or messenger, From Hermione to U.N. Ambassadors represent their home country while working and living in the country to which they’ve been appointed. [5], The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 formalized the system and is the set of international legislation in use nowadays. Based on our pool of users, ambassadors tend to be – in almost equal measure –enterprising, artistic, and investigative people. They also spend a lot of time in an office, writing up reports and implementing international programs. The website Entrepreneur makes the following comment regarding brand ambassadors: “Your brand ambassador has to be passionate about the brand and able to connect with customers, especially Millennials, on a somewhat personal level.” (Millennials are people born from the early 1980s up to the middle of the 1990s.). Composure Many smaller nations do not have ambassadors in every country. Ambassadors are individuals from a particular country who represent their country abroad. The capacity to speak fluently in a concise, grammatically correct, organized, precise, and persuasive manner; to convey nuances of meaning accurately; to use appropriate styles of communication to fit the audience and purpose, Planning & Organizing They tend to be artistic individuals, which means they’re creative, intuitive, sensitive, articulate, and expressive. This practice then spread to Europe during the Italian Wars. The capacity to absorb and retain complex information from a variety of sources; to draw reasoned conclusions from analysis and synthesis of available information; to evaluate the importance, reliability, and usefulness of information; to remember details of a meeting or event without the benefit of notes, Initiative & Leadership Ambassadors also help travellers from their home country, explain foreign policy and evacuate refugees from dangerous situations. As the public face of the United States of America in the host country, the chancery is usually architecturally impressive—either a historic building or a striking newer structure.”. In many countries, less formal variations are frequently used, such as "Ambassador" followed by name, or the name followed by "Ambassador of...". While staff members are seen as authority figures, students often see ambassadors as peers and equals. Ambassadors do not only exist in embassies, but also in business, finance, charities, and other organizations. The personnel of all these US Government agencies report to the ambassador. The documentary was filmed by Pace University students in 2010. Historically, presidents or prime ministers have commissioned special diplomatic envoys for specific assignments, primarily overseas but sometimes also within the country as ambassadors-at-large. The aim of the ambassador is to create positive responses to the US in general and the country’s policy. “Ambassador.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ambassador. From there, you'll need to be selected for a post and work your way up. Ambassadors do not only exist in embassies, but also in business, finance, charities, and other organizations. Countries may choose to maintain diplomatic relations at a lower level by appointing a chargé d'affaires in place of an ambassador. Special envoys spearhead their movement. He or she is the single person that a country’s government has chosen to represent it in these meetings.