When it comes to organic foods, it’s just as important to know what isn’t allowed as what is. I would definitely have more respect and listen to the arguments you so eloquently serve up. All food needs to be labeled if it has been altered and is GMOs. Physician and Health Advocate. Organic farming, agricultural system that uses ecologically based pest controls and biological fertilizers derived largely from animal wastes and nitrogen-fixing cover crops. No specific percentage of ingredients required to be organic. Steve, Monsanto's RoundUp Ready GMO seeds are linked to many health problems and are thus outlawed in many other countries. Thanks to all above for the insightful comments. I suffered for 10 years with a chronic pain illness, that was cured by removing grains, GMO's and pesticide laden foods from my diet. Organic farmers use biological fertilizer inputs and management practices such as cover cropping and crop rotation to improve soil quality and build organic soil matter. If gmo's are safe than why not label products that contain them and allow the public to be fully aware of what they are buying? Most people don't care and those of you who do should just buy the products labeled NO GMO. Isn't the point of the blog to address consumer concerns and to find out what the public thinks? They discuss the issue in great detail: http://gmo-awareness.com/2011/05/05/is-organic-always-gmo-free/, Why can't america have europe's standards? only list certified organic ingredients as organic in the ingredient list and the percentage of organic ingredients. This means one can't intentiionally use the technology but if one ends up with some GMO in the final product, it doesn't remove their organic status as long as they complied with their organic plan. It's really disheartening. I am not wrong. I looked at that EU report as well. The pesticide company's would make the argument pesticides are safe, and yet they are not allowed into organics. There are a handful of pure seed companies left. You want the premium price for your product, then there should be a guarentee on what the consumer is getting. However, that isn't necessarily the truth. I need someone to explain this to me. This includes GMO. Whatever the rule, I believe that the same rules apply to the other up-to 30% of non-organic ingredients in products which say "Made with organic so and so" on the main label panel. Not required to comply with national list of ingredients allowed or not allowed in organic foods. I buy ONLY organic now!!! Farms and market growers who are transitioning to healthy land again, they have to fertilize heavily to regain soil health while the herbicides are degrading in the soil, this can take three or more years. But the GMO crop loses a great percentage of nutritional value due to damage to roots and the good bacteria has been killed off, the uptake is not there. This blog explains why synthetic fertilizers are not allowed in organic agriculture, and the alternative methods organic farmers use to enhance soil fertility. This is worth reading- it answers many misconceptions in these comments: The European Commission is the executive body of the European Union. We WANT to know what we are eating and putting into our bodies.