Thanks for any info and Gruss Gott! There are also fossils of pre Cro-Magnon hominids found throughout Europe and Asia that are just as old as some fossils found in Africa, some may even be older. Jews are proud of this fact and you should be proud to be whatever you are as well. The Sky Above Me – Copenhagen November 2010, Gönn dir eine Auszeit – Nachhaltig Übernachten in der Natur mit, Kroatien vom Wasser aus – Eine Katamaranreise,,,,, Where to go Shopping in Stuttgart - Joy della Vita - Travelblog, Die schönsten Plätze in Baden-Württemberg (Dem schönsten Bundesland an sich). His roots were by no means german, let alone swabian. a. Allett Katherine Mary Aberle (1986 – ), Minneapolis, MN – My son didn’t know the origins when he started but it’s from our people. Greetings from Stockholm! The earliest human originated in Africa, The “Out of Africa Theory” has been debunked with the latest DNA and Haplogroup data. Unfortunately in Germany they don’t seem to teach this to the new generation. Was stationed in Göppingen in the 80s. Spelling variations are ABERLIN, ABERLEN, and ABERLEE. Every family knows every family. GGFather: Mat(t)hias Aberlee/Aberlen (1829 – 1915), Tennenbronn Inglewood, CA 5GGFather: Christian Aberlin (1696 – 1753), Reichenbach/Rothenbach- b. Joshua James Tousignant (1985 – ), Brainerd, MN – Some hours ago the “Eagle” has landed on the Moon. Answer: They were Swabians who were kicked out of the tribe for being frivolous spendthrifts. Swabian towns are usually small. A younger cousin whom I babysitted made it to CEO of Dresdner Bank. any idea on source of tabar surname. The world we live in is fragile enough with terrorism striking anywhere (US). His assertions about founding and owning the Motometer Company became more pronounced and propagated once the principles left the company and/or passed away and could not or did not challenge his false assertions. You're an adventurer or a chicken? Die coole Seite von Nürnberg. We travel a lot, but we find we are most comfortable staying in our hometown”. He was born a Swab. Schau dir Yvonnes Profil bei Pinterest an. Look to where we each came from & celebrate similarities & acknowledge differences. Find me on Facebook please!! a. Megan Lynn Cady (1997 – ), Chisago City, MN – And yes, I do also speak standard German. Red hair is found everywhere, from Mongolia and Afghanistan, to Denmark and Portugal. He has the same name as me! Well, as a person having german ancestry, speaking German fluently and spending a large part of my life in Germany and Austria I can tell I have heard surname: Schnobel on an occasion. Don’t be so arrogant. c. Seth David Craig Aberle (2007 – ), St. Louis Park, MN – By the way, there is no evidence “prima nocta” was a thing, and red hair isn’t just a Celtic trait (I’m a red-headed German). Augsburg is the capital of Swabia (Regierungsbezirk Schwaben), even though it’s in the state of Bavaria! So be travelous and follow me! Especially remember their 150th anniversary in the 1960’s – they had a great pageant telling the history of the Rappites. We speak Swabian, a German dialect mostly not understood by other Germans. I too was born in Ostpreussen, dann emigrated to the US, verheirated, ended in Ohio verwittwed mit 2 kindern. What is the or find of that term ? b. Kaitlyn Ellen Louise Aberle (1992 – ), St. Louis Park, MN – We call the area we’re living in “Ländle” (dialect form for small land). SVEA , SUEVI , SWABEN , SWEDEN – One thing is sure if he didnt ran to the USA, the great majority of German Nazi population would have sent him to Auschwitz and burnt him until his dead. SUEVI, SCHWOBA, SCHWABEN, SWABIA, -another. 6GGFather: Michael Aberlin (1665 – 1746), Hornberg, Baden – As far as I know, he remained there all of his life and never returned to his beautiful, native Swabia.. My grandmother moved and that is why I’m American. . Everyone knows that. Berlin residents who want to experience Swabian culture can head to Prenzlauer Berg in the northeast, a Swabian exclave famed for its excellent bakeries and unusually clean streets.