Luke Skywalker was trained by Yoda as a Jedi around 22 years later on Dagobah; Darth Sidious was killed by Darth Vader around a year after that (Vader threw him down a deep shaft on the second Death Star near Endor) Darth Vader died as a result of the battle between him, Luke and Sidious (on the second Death Star near Endor). In case you are interested in more family friendly Star Wars fun, crafts, food and games. thanks for this bit of trivia. Wookipedia, however, states that he was trained by a Jedi Master named N’Kata Del Gormo, a serpentine being with four arms. Well, not in the flesh obviously, but still he was more involved than you think. Yoda found that Luke had the same anger that caused his father’s downfall, and was initially reluctant to train him, but ended up agreeing. Breakfast food is life and coffee is what makes the world go round. Wikipedia The four limbed, serpentine Jedi also had crafted a staff imbued with a large crystal at its summit. Whoever 'they' (whatever fan-fic- or 'official' STAR WARS database-you find) says, it's more like 'who created Buddha' ... you know (and even Buddha admits) he was created by the same God who made everything else, but that God doesn't usually communicate in the language His creation demands. A young hermit named Yoda and a Human friend had crash landed on the world and came to Del Gormo for assistance. At some point, the Jedi told Yoda an insightful story about a Jedi named K'ungfu,[2] and taught him how to live in peace. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. ( Log Out /  Did you find a factual error in my research? with Star Wars. Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Yoda made his first appearance in the Star Wars universe in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, when Luke Skywalker traveled to Dagobah to seek his guidance after being advised by the Force ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi to do so, who described him as “the Jedi Master who instructed him”. [1] If those events did happen, their exact dates were lost during the Great Jedi Purge, when the self-anointed Emperor Palpatine exterminated the Jedi Order. The most eventful since … I have read online that Master Be-De Leister was the origin of all Jedi and he was the one who trained Yoda. But every once in a while, he catches me off guard. [4], Although N'Kata Del Gormo went about mostly unclothed, he still wore a leather harness made of two straps that crossed his upper torso. Prior to Screen Rant, she wrote for Pop Wrapped, 4 Your Excitement (4YE), and D20Crit, where she was also a regular guest at Netfreaks podcast. He lived in harmony for a thousand years and started to develop a Jeckel-Hyde personality where he unknowingly created and trained the first Sith in his altered state. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The answer lies in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones as well as extended canon material. He was the voice for Yoda, and the puppeteer for three of the five movies the character appeared in – Yoda was CGI in Episodes II and III. The above is a link to the offical Star Wars website. The character was created by Chuck Hamilton, a Star Wars fan, for the backstory of his Hysalrian entry in the "Design An Alien" contest held in the Star Wars Galaxy Magazine. My son asked me who trained Yoda so I looked it up and found that, according to, he was trained by Bontu Sitmus but according to Wikipedia, he was trained by N'Kata Del Gormo. He loves it, and he particularly loves the Jedi. His path towards the Jedi began when he left his home planet with a Human friend, who also did not know he was Force-sensitive, on an old, barely space-worthy ship en route to the Core Worlds to seek employment. Perhaps only another little green goofy guy that has been around longer than Yoda, who in turn introduced Yoda to his would be best friend, Frank Oz. So when exactly was Obi-Wan trained by Yoda? Having so much early influence on many Jedi initiates, Yoda can certainly be found in many such pedagogical lineages, which is potentially an even greater testament to his power than his actual abilities with the Force, having left a legacy of learning that would be essential to preserving the ways of the Jedi into the era of the New Republic and beyond. N’Kata also lived in a swamp, and then went on to become a Jedi Grand Master. Yoda taught him the Jedi arts, but Dooku ended up turning to the dark side and was taken as apprentice by Darth Sidious, thus becoming Sith Lord Darth Tyranus.