continue to focus on investments that foster human capital, reduce resource Beyond the Gap : How Countries Can Afford the Infrastructure They Need while Protecting the Planet. It highlights potential savings which could be concentrated on responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. this paper explores the benefit-cost ratio in 3,000 First World Bank Group President from European Union and from Bulgaria. If you’d like to attend, please send a request to the region. The MENA Chief Economist Seminar Series are held in the World Bank offices in Washington, DC and are open to the public. A €250m project that supports medical infrastructure is being implemented, and a new project is being prepared to expand primary health care coverage for underserved populations. It is produced by the Office of the Chief Economist for the Africa Region of the World Bank. Policymakers in the region must equip (157 billion to 1 trillion US Dollars) in new transport focus on investments that reinforce agglomeration and economies of scale (i.e., World Bank (2020) Doing Business 2020 is the 17th in a series of annual studies investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. dynamic growth performance; macroeconomic stability; a competitive exchange October 7, 2020: Foreword - Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2020, Reversing the Inequality Pandemic: Sustainable Recoveries Require Growth for All People, World Bank Group Support for Vaccine Distribution, Remarks by World Bank Group President David Malpass at the UN General Assembly, September 21, 2020: COVID-19 Response, New Research on Human Capital, and Looking Ahead to Our Annual Meetings, ‘This Is a Once in a Century, Global – Truly Global – Crisis’, August 21, 2020: An Update on Our Work at the World Bank Group, Remarks for G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, Fiscal Year Update to the Governors of the World Bank Group, Fiscal Year 2020 in review: Our mission has never been more urgent, Debt and Investment Transparency for Better Outcomes, Reversing the Inequality Pandemic: Speech by World Bank Group President David Malpass, Remarks by World Bank Group President David Malpass at the Virtual 24th ASEAN Finance Ministers’ Meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam, Remarks by World Bank Group President David Malpass at the UNGA High Level Side Event on Accelerating the End of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Remarks by World Bank Group President David Malpass at the Event "Addressing Food Loss and Waste: A Global Problem with Local Solutions", Remarks by World Bank Group President David Malpass at the UN General Assembly High-Level Event on Financing for Development, Opening Remarks by World Bank Group President David Malpass during the media call on the Analytical Chapters of the June 2020 Global Economic Prospects Report, World Bank Group President David Malpass: Remarks at High-Level Event on Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond, Remarks by World Bank Group President David Malpass during Press Call on the Emergency Locust Response Program, Remarks by World Bank Group President David Malpass during Press Call on 100 Countries Milestone for COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Emergency Health Support, Transcript: World Bank Group Press Conference by President David Malpass at the 2020 Spring Meetings, World Bank Group President David Malpass: Remarks to G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting, World Bank Group Entities Issue Financial Statements for FY20, World Bank Group President David Malpass: Remarks for G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, Amid Multiple Crises, World Bank Group Refocuses Programs and Increases Financing to $74 billion in Fiscal Year 2020, Statement by the IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva and World Bank Group President David Malpass on the 2020 IMF-World Bank Group Annual Meetings, World Bank Group President David Malpass: Remarks at the High-Level Ministerial Conference on Debt, World Bank Group President David Malpass: Remarks at the 2020 Washington Conference on the Americas, World Bank Group President David Malpass: Remarks at the Sudan Partnership Conference, World Bank Group President David Malpass: Foreword to the June 2020 Global Economic Prospects Report, World Bank Group President David Malpass: Remarks to the Nordic Baltic Governors Meeting, September 21, 2020: COVID-19 response, new research on human capital, and looking ahead to our Annual Meetings, August 21, 2020: An update on our work at the World Bank Group, July 6, 2020: Fiscal year-end update to Governors of the World Bank Group, Fiscal Year 2020 in review: Our mission has never been more urgent, June 19, 2020: Debt and investment transparency for better outcomes, May 22, 2020 end of week update: COVID response, desert locusts, a new chief economist, and more, May 1, 2020 end of week update: Debt relief for the world's poorest countries, April 17 end of week update: Remarks from Development Committee. During her visit to Romania Kristalina Georgieva also delivered a keynote speech at the High-Level International Conference on ‘The Role and Status of Women in Modern Society - Between Empowerment, Leadership and Gender Discrimination’, organized by the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The Labor-Productivity Connection in the Middle East and North Africa. COVID-19 has delivered a triple shock to the developing East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region: the pandemic itself, the economic impact of containment measures, and reverberations from the global recession. The external environment facing Sub-Saharan Africa has become more challenging. with weaker fundamentals or higher political risks. of Nigeria is more diversified than that of Angola. “Education and health have improved in Romania over the past two decades, but more needs to be done to reach levels seen in other EU countries”, said Kristalina Georgieva. The World Bank is already assisting Romania to invest more and invest smarter in quality educational programs. First World Bank Group President born in Europe. First woman serving as the World Bank Group President First acting World Bank Group President. Mr. Malpass previously served as Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs for the United States. The MENA Chief Economist Seminar Series is a regular event organized to shed light on and debate the latest research relevant to the Middle East and North Africa. Reforms to Reignite Growth in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies, Inheritance: an opportunity for change despite resistance, Resource Booms and the Macroeconomy: The Case of U.S. Shale Oil, Is the Egyptian Economy Creating Good Jobs? It provides quantitative indicators covering 12 areas of the business environment in 190 economies. David R. Malpass (@DavidMalpassWBG), was selected as 13th President of the World Bank Group by its Board of Executive Directors on April 5, 2019.His five-year term began on April 9. So far, 49 out of 55 countries into the global economy? Doing Business 2019: World Bank’s tunnel vision obscures calls for reform. If you’d like to attend, please send a request to In February 2020, she announced that she would resign effective … Before joining the U.S. Treasury, Mr. Malpass was an international economist and founder of a macroeconomics research firm based in New York City. Transparency about critical economic issues — such as public debt and employment — will be the key to driving growth and enhancing trust in government in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. African Banker is a quarterly magazine dedicated to banking and finance in Africa. Reliable transport infrastructure is one Beyond the Gap: How Countries Can Afford the Infrastructure They Need while Protecting the Planet aims to shift the debate regarding investment needs away from a simple focus on spending more and toward a focus on spending better on the right objectives, using relevant metrics. WASHINGTON, April 8, 2019 – The growth story in Sub-Saharan Africa in the past few years has been one of faltering recovery from the worst economic crisis of the past two decades. to focus on investments that foster human capital, reduce resource MENA countries will have to develop a digital economy that utilizes its young and educated workforces. in oil prices will hit government revenues as well as FX supply. producers’ decisions to invest in new technologies or methods of production as disruptions caused by natural hazards. analysis. Their well-educated youth have already adopted new digital and mobile technologies, but, this is still in its infancy. Some features of this site may not work without it. Will you take two minutes to complete a brief survey that will help us to improve our website? ISBN (electronic): 978-1-4648-1409-9 Bucharest, May 30th, 2019 - Kristalina Georgieva, World Bank Chief Executive Officer (CEO), emphasized the importance of investing in human capital for economic success in an era of technological transformation. Pressure grows on South Africa to dissolve state airline, South Africa targets new China partnership as growth slumps. The MENA Chief Economist Seminar Series is a regular event organized to shed light on and debate the latest research relevant to the Middle East and North Africa. The Chief Economist of the World Bank (full title: Senior Vice President, Development Economics, and Chief Economist) is the senior economist at the World Bank Group, tasking with providing intellectual leadership and direction to the Bank’s overall international development strategy and economic research agenda, at global, regional and country levels. in Africa? We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face. The World Bank Group has created a virtual one-stop for the latest information about the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI). Data and research help us understand these challenges and set priorities, share knowledge of what works, and measure progress. Without action on multiple fronts, the pandemic could reduce regional growth over the next decade by 1 percentage point per year, with the greatest impacts being felt by poor households, because of lower levels of access to healthcare, education, jobs, and finance. Technology brings opportunity if people are prepared with skills to participate in the new global digital economy that is emerging. Exploring thousands of scenarios, this report finds that funding needs depend on the service goals and policy choices of low- and middle-income countries and could range anywhere from 2 percent to 8 percent of GDP per year by 2030. Labour productivity differences between Mr. Malpass represented the United States in international settings, including the G-7 and G-20 Deputy Finance Ministerial, World Bank–IMF Spring and Annual Meetings, and meetings of the Financial Stability Board, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. With our in-depth monthly reports, New African brings Africa closer to the world and is ideal reading for those looking to gain a better understanding of the most important issues affecting Africa.