WWOOF hosts are often tied to their farm because of all the work and cannot travel themselves. Be prepared to contribute four to six hours of organic farming and gardening each day for about five days a week in exchange for meals and accommodations, and a rewarding and educational experience. Within the Host descriptions you will find information about where the Host property is located and how to get there. Der Hof liegt am Rande  eines kleinen Dorfs im landschaftlich reizvollen Naturpark Schwäbischer Wald. THIS SITE IS A COPYRIGHT OF WWOOF™ Deutschland - WORLD WIDE OPPORTUNITIES ON ORGANIC FARMS Deutschland, Oersberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland, LAGE: They are true ambassadors from their countries. Be sure to ask your Host if there is anything in particular you should bring with you. Alter, Frisch vom Acker auf den Tisch Keep in mind that Hosts are not permitted to ask their WWOOFers to use pesticides and other chemicals as WWOOF focuses on sustainable, organic farming practices. WWOOF™ wurde 1971 im UK gegründet und ist eine Freiwilligen-Organisation der ersten Stunde. WWOOFer suchen sich Höfe aus und kontaktieren Höfler, um Vereinbarungen zu treffen und Details vor der Anreise abzusprechen. WWOOF™ Germany was founded in 1992. WWOOF ermöglicht Erfahrungen des kulturellen Austauschs und der Weiterbildung, die auf Vertrauen und geldlosem Austausch basieren, mit dem Ziel eine nachhaltige globale Gemeinschaft aufzubauen. The Hosts who offer a more basic setting and only part of your overall diet will ask for less hours in return and vice versa. Gain practical knowledge in biological farming and sustainable living on farms, ranches, homesteads, family gardens, orchards, vineyards, urban gardens, co-operatives, and others - all sharing the WWOOF philosophy. Viele Strände an Schlei, Ostsee und Flensburger Förde sind in erreichbarer, LAGE: WWOOF memberships will not be refunded if you later determine you cannot obtain a Visa. Bio Gemüse aus eigenem Anbau ist das Herzstück beim “[==============]” Inzwischen gibt es WWOOF-Höfe in 132 Ländern und zunehmend auf der ganzen Welt. You are willing to partake in the physical demands involved with farming. ", "I am looking to become a WWOOF member again. WorldWide Opportunities on Organic Farms, Deutschland (WWOOF™ Deutschland) ist Teil einer weltweiten Bewegung, die ökologische Höfe mit Besuchern verbindet. You understand WWOOF is about giving as well as receiving. Can you accommodate vegetarian or vegan diets? -  WWOOFer (visitor) Membership price is €25,00 (single) providing display of your profile on the WWOOFer Listings and access to online Host Listings for one year from date of purchase.