A novel based in the expanded universe of Star Wars. He was born the same year as Anakin Skywalker. But if this theory proves true it could have major implications, both short term and long term. And then there's Yoda having trained most of the afore mentioned in some kind or another. Yoda. I loved that the author was able to keep the feel of the beloved Star Wars Universe while focusing on a single beloved caratcher. I thought the author nailed the characters esp. One of the darker (along with Shatterpoint) Clone Wars novels out there. I rate this book very highly and is among the best of the Star Wars prequal era books. In the show, Gungi, the young Wookiee Jedi, chooses wooden components to reflect his connection to nature and his home world of Kashyyyk. One of the few Star Wars novels that I see as 'good literature' outside of the star wars world. And like the one on Mortis he died to do it. The Clone Wars novels have been hit or miss for me, but this one is certainly on the stronger side. . It depends a lot on assigning roles and titles to characters without hard evidence they apply. His latest novel is BattleTech: Honor's Gauntlet. She reveals to Whie that the Château is in fact his house, and the insane house-woman was his mother, Lady "Whirry" Malreaux. Before he dies, Father tells Anakin, “You have brought balance to this world, and you will do it again for the galaxy, but beware…”. Many conversations and insights in this book really "make you think". The Count is a most-gifted Padawan and prime Jedi Knight in training with Master Yoda. Oh yeah. In this tale, set several years into the Clone Wars, Yoda receives a message from Count Dooku, inviting him to the planet of Vjun to negotiate a cease fire. “Fear is the path to the dark side. . That also caused him to use the Force to assemble his lightsaber in a way that would have blown up on him. It is set in the Star Wars expanded universe during the Clone Wars conflict between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. It was reminiscent of time when TV gunslingers would go on a new adventure every week. He's the co-author of the new Robotech Roleplaying Game and writer for outlets ranging from StarWars.Com and The Huffington Post to Syfy and /Film. There's lots of background on the master / apprentice relationship between Yoda and Count Dooku. There's a lot of characterization of Dooku as well as Yoda. Even though Dooku wounds him, Yoda, unfazed, does not yield to the dark side. The humor is the best and most abundant in recent memory, and manages to be such without detracting from the overall somber tone of the novel. Not solely, at least. 2. The savage Clone Wars have forced the Republic to the edge of collapse. Anger leads to hate. Maybe because the title sounds like a romance novel. The comic aspects never overrule the story in a 'Jar Jar B. It's one of the few SW novels that you'll always remember. I was concerned about Yoda being a central character but the inclusion of the two young jedi as primary characters and the cameo appearences of Anakin and Obi-Wan made it a very palatable read. I believe that anyone that has seen the prequel trilogy would enjoy this book. It also explored the relationship between the Jedi and the Clone Troopers. But by the time I finally got around to reading this, I was incredibly surprised! This entire series of episodes feels vital to any broader understanding of the Force in the entirety of the Star Wars Saga. We got our first glimpse of this process in episodes where Master Yoda and Padawan Ahsoka Tano take a group of Jedi younglings to the planet Ilum to find the crystals for the lightsabers they would finally be making.