["RT2_CatMin"]=> Completely private, one of Sydney’s best whisky oases, NOLA Smokehouse & Bar, can comfortably accommodate 14 guests, with the added bonus of data connections and a TV making it ideal for business lunches. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in United Kingdom. string(5) "43080" Looking for the best private dining rooms Sydney has to offer? Sydney is in no shortage of these – you can choose from a wide variety of dining rooms with vistas of the Sydney Harbour. ["RT4_CatMax"]=> NULL NULL ["Closed"]=> NULL ["Custom"]=> NULL NULL ["RT6_CatMax"]=> ["RT1_Value"]=> We’ve gathered a list of frequently asked questions below: What if my guests have special dietary requirements?We’ve got it all covered. Reset zoom. The Paddington. ["venue_Name"]=> NULL string(17) "Outdoor Courtyard" ["RT8_Value"]=> The Paddington Inn. We’ve got a list of answers based on our experience and platform data. Function Venues |  I came across Tag Venue completely by accident and Sarah was unbelievably helpful in saving me valuable time and conducting the search on my behalf. string(12) "Entire Venue" ["RT7_Value"]=> ["RT5_CatMin"]=> ["RT2_Value"]=> NULL NULL ["RT7_Value"]=> string(13) "Searock Grill" ["RT6_CatMax"]=> }. NULL ["ActiveFeature"]=> ["Name"]=> ["ActiveFeature"]=> ["SqM"]=> ["RT8_CatMax"]=> Again, don’t be afraid to talk to the venue manager. ["RT9_CatMax"]=> ["ID"]=> NULL ["RT8_CatMax"]=> ["RT8_CatMax"]=> ["RT5_Value"]=> string(10) "Parramatta" ["RT8_CatMin"]=> ["RT5_CatMin"]=> NULL NULL string(0) "" NULL NULL Any questions? With us you’re sure to find a private dining room that suits all of your needs! ["venue_Name"]=> ["RT3_CatMin"]=> ["RT9_CatMax"]=> ["RT8_CatMin"]=> string(1) "0" Christmas Party Venues |  ["RT2_CatMax"]=> NULL Map updates are paused. Please correct the marked field(s) below. NULL ["Suburb"]=> ["packages_from"]=> ["RT1_Value"]=> string(1) "0" string(3) "110" ["RT2_CatMin"]=> Conference Venues |  Our collection contains a wide variety of Sydney spaces, from ones specialising in paddock-to-plate dinners to fine dining restaurants. ["packages_from"]=> string(2) "70" ["RT6_Value"]=> NULL Published on 16 January 2017. by Avril Treasure. ["SqM"]=> NULL NULL string(1) "0" string(1) "0" ["packages_from"]=> Looking to expand your search outside of Sydney? ["RT5_CatMin"]=> NULL NULL NULL Look no further. NULL ["RT5_CatMax"]=> ["RT10_Value"]=> Event Venues |  Not surprisingly, most rooms available for hire in Sydney are priced with a, In some cases, especially if you’re keen on having an external caterer, venues might be priced with a. NULL ["RT3_Value"]=> ["RT1_CatMax"]=> string(1) "0" string(4) "1538" ["Name"]=> ["RT8_Value"]=> ["Closed"]=> ["RT6_CatMin"]=> ["ID"]=> ["RT4_Value"]=> string(5) "43082" Seminar Venues, array(46) { ["RT2_Value"]=> NULL We have suggestions. NULL ["Custom"]=> ["RT3_CatMax"]=> string(1) "0" ["RT2_CatMin"]=> We’ve got you covered. string(2) "39" ["VenueID"]=> string(6) "Sydney" ["RoomDescription"]=> By clicking on or navigating the site, you agree to our use of cookies. ["RoomDescription"]=> Many restaurants and other venues with private dining rooms in Sydney keep this in mind, so don’t hesitate to ask if you’re going to need a vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, halal, kosher or any other kind of special menu. ["packages_to"]=>