Fuller's London Pride will probably be the easiest one to find here, but there's plenty of versions from other breweries. The eagle-eyed might even see the resemblance between MG’s logo and the Old Speckled Hen label! Reviews: 974 | Ratings: 2,233 | … More than 35 years on, the great premium ale continues to be a finely balanced beer with a distinctive rich, malty taste and fruity aroma. Black Sheep Ale is an excellent pale ale … If you really like Old Speckled Hen then there are a number of beers that are similar to it. Old Speckled Hen is an English Pale Ale (or Bitter, as it is called in the UK). This version is blended with a 12% ABV Greene King brew known as Cheese Gift Baskets View: Beers. Pretty much every English brewery will make one. Fuller’s London Pride is one of the best English Pale Ales. Old Crafty Hen is a very special version of Old Speckled Hen, one of England’s more famous and classic ales.