After an initial scuffle, Alexander lures the Germans onto the melting ice of Lake Chudskoe where the majority of the heavily armored knights drown. Dies auch deshalb, weil sich die künstlerische Zusammenarbeit zwischen Eisenstein und Prokofjew nicht darauf beschränkte, den Komponisten Musik zum bereits geschnittenen Film liefern zu lassen. The entire city of Novgorod gets behind the defenders by equipping the ragtag army and, women included, get set to go to war. This seemingly simple period drama cleverly combines action and romance, a heroic quest, and socialist realism with a bloodthirsty and, yet, deeply emotional national folktale. On that Russia stands and will stand forever!”. But colourful and reasoned oratory from peasants and seasoned warriors offer the correct solution. His passionate appeal to defend the sacred soil of Russia is ridiculed by the city’s lords who argue for appeasement and surrender (it becomes clear later that they are the traitors who have aided the German attacks). Aleksandr Nevskiy/Alexander Nevsky (1938 USSR 112 mins), Prod Co: Mosfilm Dir: Sergei Eisenstein, Dmitri Vasilyev Scr: Sergei Eisenstein, Pyotr Pavlenko Phot: Eduard Tisse Ed: Sergei M. Eisenstein and Esfir Tobak [uncredited] Art Dir: Nikolai Solovyov, Sergei Eisenstein [uncredited] Mus: Sergei Prokofiev, Cast: Nikolai Cherkasov, Nikolai Okhlopkov, Andrei Abrikosov, Vera Ivashova, Aleksandra Danilova, Vladimir Yershov. Oktober | Essential differences are highlighted between the Russians and the Teutonic knights in much the same way that traditional folktales construct the distinctions between good and evil. Eine für damalige Verhältnisse revolutionäre Vorgehensweise. Alexander adopts this animal husbandry tale of the weak turning the tables on the strong as his military strategy. Unter der Führung Newskis werden die Truppen der Ordensritter auf den zugefrorenen See gelockt und dann dort vernichtend geschlagen. "Hack their ships we did nigh to smithereens," they sing, referring to the teenage Alexander's earlier triumph over a Swedish invasion at the River Neva (which lent him the commemorative surname Nevsky). Juni 2020 um 20:51 Uhr bearbeitet. The 1st Long Distance Film Festival, More Like Collage Than Contest: The 67th Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen Online, The Last Film Festival: the 2020 Berlinale, “An Artist Always Paints His Own Portrait”: Jean Cocteau’s, The Impotence of Asceticism: Luis Buñuel’s. The film was designed to mobilise and bring confidence to the worldwide struggle against fascism. Eisenstein creates a strong relationship between sound and image with Prokofiev’s score defining much of the film’s dynamics and the text of the songs providing the narration. Alexander Nevsky (Russian: Александр Невский) is a 1938 historical drama film directed by Sergei Eisenstein, also known for The Battleship Potemkin and Ivan the Terrible. The costumes are unmistakably a perversion of Nazi and Christian iconography. Highlighting the direct connections between medieval times and the present, the film provided dramatic commentary about contemporary conditions and how to correct them. Recollections of Coproducing Two Videos by Jean-Luc Godard for Prime-Time on Télévision Suisse Romande: Hidden Images: The Disappearance and Re-appearance of the Leader Lady, No Service, Keep Moving: The 63rd International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Your Daughters Come Back to You: The 28th Pan African Film and Arts Festival, Reimagining the Film Festival Landscape in the Time of a Global Pandemic: The 27th Sheffield Doc/Fest, Closer Than Ever? But those who come to us sword in hand will die by the sword! However, there is much else to recommend in Eisenstein’s film. They demand that Alexander Nevsky be summoned to lead them into battle against the invaders. This thin allegorical veneer dismisses the easy assignation of propaganda and allows viewers to explore the film as a folk epic with its cast of legendary characters and established narrative structure. Like other examples of socialist realism, Alexander Nevsky sets up the clearly unacceptable but earnestly expressed policy of appeasement, as well as the “reality” of German superiority, early on so that it can dramatically expose this proposition to be false throughout the rest of the film. Greg Dolgopolov is a lecturer in Film Studies at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 13. Founded in 1999, Senses of Cinema is one of the first online film journals of its kind and has set the standard for professional, high quality film-related content on the Internet. [1] Nach Deutschlands Überfall auf die Sowjetunion im Juni 1941 ordnete Stalin an, den Film in jedem sowjetischen Kino zu zeigen. Socialist realism had become enshrined as the appropriate working method and style and was intended to produce “images that are made with the purpose of helping along a desirable reality” (1), having put an end to the artistic experimentation of the early years. Eine Streitmacht des Deutschen Ordens und des mit ihm vereinigten Schwertbrüderordens hat bereits die strategisch wichtige Stadt Pskow eingenommen, in der die Invasoren mit äußerster Brutalität regieren. Der Film wurde sein erster längerer Tonfilm und der erste unter der Kontrolle von Eisenstein vollendete Film seit 1930. Auf der Grundlage seiner Filmmusik entstand später Prokofjews Kantate Alexander Newski op. Prince Alexander is the ultimate folk epic action hero – he is brave and strong, yet kind and wise. Alexander Newski ist ein sowjetischer Historienfilm des Regisseurs Sergei Eisenstein aus dem Jahr 1938, in dessen Mittelpunkt der russische Nationalheld Alexander Jaroslawitsch Newski steht. The message of the film is uncomplicated: “Those who come to us in peace will be welcome. Neun Monate nach der Premiere im Bolschoi-Theater am 23. The film was rushed into production to bolster national morale and released in November 1938 to public and critical acclaim at a time of the USSR’s greatest isolation from the European community in facing up to the rise of Nazism. While preparing for battle Alexander hears an old soldier’s tale about a fox who is chasing a hare buts gets caught between two birch trees. Pointedly, the graphic structure of infinite upright spears in a sea of ordered warriors is clearly borrowed from the crowd scenes in Triumph des Willens (Triumph of the Will, Leni Riefenstahl, 1935). Eisenstein erholte sich nie von dem Debakel. Alexander Newski | In real life… In der frühen Bundesrepublik Deutschland verbot der Interministerielle Ausschuß für Ost-West-Filmfragen die öffentliche Aufführung von Alexander Newski. Absicht war es, mit diesem Film eine Abneigung gegenüber Deutschland zu schüren: Dementsprechend ist beim Kostümbild die Charakterisierung der gegnerischen Ordensritter ausgefallen, die vor keiner Gräueltat zurückschrecken. Die Arbeiten an diesem Film, Die Beshin-Wiese, wurden aber nach kreativen Differenzen mit Boris Schumjazki, dem Generaldirektor der Hauptverwaltung Film, abgebrochen. Decoding Hou: Analyzing Structural Coincidences in, Unearthing a Forgotten Television Work by Jean-Luc Godard. Panzerkreuzer Potemkin | | Alexander marches victorious into Pskov dragging the captured traitors and German knights amidst songs and vibrant celebrations. A Mongol emissary from the Golden Horde appears and offers Alexander a job as commander. Alexander Nevsky is an allegory that projected present events and sensibilities onto the past in order to draw strength from Russian history. Stalin’s increasing paranoia and the search for traitors resulted in The Great Terror of 1937. Nearby Novgorod is the last remaining free city in Russia and after some fierce debate the citizens decide to summon Prince Alexander to protect their city and free the nation. Er hatte 1929 die Sowjetunion verlassen um sich in Hollywood an verschiedenen Projekten zu versuchen, von denen aber keines verwirklicht wurde. Click here to make a donation. Romance Sentimentale | The film is a symphony of patriotism and, as David Bordwell notes, Eisenstein offered a work modeled on the folk epic in both structure and style (2). Iwan der Schreckliche (Teil 2), Deutschlands Überfall auf die Sowjetunion, Interministerielle Ausschuß für Ost-West-Filmfragen,, Alexander Jaroslawitsch Newski als Namensgeber, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Welche große propagandistische Bedeutung Alexander Newski seitens der sowjetischen Staatsführung zugedacht worden ist, wird schon allein dadurch deutlich, dass Sergei Eisenstein, der zuvor mit Panzerkreuzer Potemkin (1925) zu einem auch international hoch geachteten Filmkünstler aufgestiegen war, auf Wunsch des Diktators Josef Stalin mit der Regie dieses Films beauftragt worden war.