Governor Newson, lets see your water bill for your residence. Since no one has any idea how to implement this, the odds of it actually happening anytime soon seems remote. My question us will Gov Newson follow the same law as us working folks!!! The nose knows! Lol. Who is kidding who??? The city can clean my gutters. The total bill for Commercial and Industrial customers is a combination of the monthly meter base fee (which is based on the size of the meter) and the amount of water used. How many people in one district does it take to incur a $1,000/day fine and is that fine distributed to all the people in that water district? we all had a chance to get rid of some of these yahoos, instead we elected NEWSOME, perhaps we all need to convince our friends and relatives to vote these no good for nothing people out of office and get back the Real California!!! What about running a dishwasher? He can’t, just like they all do, they pulled it out of their lala land, and deemed it reality. Some Californians are getting really angry and soon a whole lot will, as-soon-as they get hit for their dumb ignorance voting. The State enacted rent control as a first shot across the bow with the intent to make those who rent believe the State is protecting their interests. I had a neighbor who took 45 min showers aka however long to empty hot water tank at apartment block twice a day or more. Some people really need to shower for a very long time. Democrats passed the law. Could the goal be to find out exactly how much a supplier can do without, so that water right can be reduced and redirected? Yes, you are correct that there was an abundance of water in the last two years. Without it we cannot survive. Right now there is no way to monitor individual indoor usage, nor is there a way to separate indoor watering from outdoor watering. This one good example of why that idiot Newsom is being recalled. The goal is reduced to 52.5 gallons by 2025 and 50 gallons by 2030. What the heck. Voters passed HSR in 2008 how much of that got done? While it seems as if thats the case read closer and there is NO protection that once you move or a vacancy occurs the cost of housing will not change. What? What happened to “Make America Great Again ” where is that in this water ration law. What it really was meant to do is gain the support of those renting when they moved to attack Prop-13 and commercial property owners thereby preventing those who own commercial properties from raising rent. Bigger government, higher taxes, lower standard of living for the middle class + Sanctuary cities and massive homeless populations erupting in big cities…yeah. The fines and limits for indoor water use apply only to municipal water departments, or CPUC regulated water companies, not customers. Customers living in a single-family home, and using about 9,000 gallons of water per month, will see an increase of approximately $5.58 on their monthly bill.