Kamala Harris calls the US response to the virus "the greatest failure" of any president in history. Bladon resident Rachel Guest, who is on the pub's community committee, said: 'The White House has been at the heart of the Bladon community since … Picture: Ed Nix. Contact churchfentoncommunityhub@gmail.com OUR SPONSORS Weheld many events and it was clear that the community was behind the bid” said Mike Edwards, Pub Committee Member. If you have a complaint about the editorial content which relates to inaccuracy or intrusion, then please contact the editor here. 0000005329 00000 n The land is now leased to the Parish Council, but BVHRC provided the wildflower meadow seeds with a grant from Wychwood and the community orchard with a grant from the Tree Council – and the enthusiastic involvement of villagers and schoolchildren who planted all the trees. It is hoped the pub will reopen in September, and will offer a host of services including a cafe, shop and meeting place for groups. Advisory Committee Social/Community Recovery; Comm Plan & Phys Serv (Restru. It has also provided free sports coaching each summer for children aged 5 to16, and which has been very popular. More than 450 Bladon residents and supporters from further afield are now the proud owners of the White House, Bladon. Are wildfires the end of the Californian dream? The old village hall was well used for many years, but eventually had to be demolished some twenty years ago, and there was no support for the construction of a new building in its place. h�b```b````a`�Of�c@ >f�(ǃi@� f*v�g``l``��ƀ���!��WjB�������a�\� � ?0�����}3��$3]!�R9S\g�g��(5{�#l�����If�N�7��4��W��?r�U�ۅ�� Minutes of Management Committee Meetings; The White Horse; Church Fenton Community Hub, Powered by WordPress.com. Churchill’s White House is saved by Bladon Community. 0000008047 00000 n After six months of relentless campaigning, the Bladon Community Benefit Society had over 450 shareholders and had raised more than £330,000 in shares. Our plans now are to support the acquisition of a community pub and hub for Bladon, and to organise recreational and educational activities in the hub, alongside our work to maintain the orchard. Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services regarding an update on the partnership building with the community regarding an anti-racism network. 0000009068 00000 n endstream endobj 14 0 obj <>stream Campaigning for a pub for the village, run by the village Pub chain Greene King said it was "very pleased" The White House would continue to operate as a pub. If you wish to contribute to the project, you can make a donation on the website: bladoncommunitypub.org/, Privacy & Cookie Policy | Accessibility | Site Map. To donate to the project, please visit: bladoncommunitypub.org, Get involved with the news in your community, This website and associated newspapers adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation's Editors' Code of Practice. We are still fundraising in order to improve the fabric of the building and bring community services to life. “These unprecedented times have boosted Bladon’s community spirit even further. Plans for the pub include adding disabled toilets with baby changing facilities, and improving access to the garden. After 6 months of relentless campaigning, Bladon Community Benefit Society had over 450 shareholders and had raised more than £330,000 in shares. Fearful for its future, residents formed a committee, the Bladon Community Pub, which has now had an offer accepted by Greene King. The team also successfully applied for funding from the Plunkett Foundation and put in an offer to Greene King just before lockdown. Members: Chair: Shirley Gonzales, District 5 Roberto Treviño, District 1 Housing and UDC policies will also be considered by this committee, while ensuring that the development and maintenance of the community’s infrastructure and utility systems—including SAWS, CPS Energy and communication technology—support the comprehensive plan. Reputed to be the pub where Winston Churchill “learnt to drink” during his time at Blenheim Palace, this historic pub is set to become the heart of the community once again. The Estate Office, Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1PP. Our tenants have assured us there'll be clear guidance and direction on arrival to support you to follow the new measures that will be in place, and to be able to enjoy your community pub safely.