It was a high-point in a fairly typical and predictable procession for the feted Red Guide. The marriage of both, combined with a strong academic background, has lead to a cooking style that has one foot placed firmly in the future and the other inspired by the past. Chef Andrew Wong serves some of the finest Chinese food in Europe at his Michelin-starred . We tailor our list so that styles and vintages pair with certain dishes and cooking techniques – where the food tells the story, the wine provides the music. The majority of Chinese restaurants in the UK are Cantonese because only those in Hong Kong could emigrate to the UK until relatively recently, and the recent influx of Sichuanese restaurants shows how different the food can be. One of Andrew’s main aims is to educate the British public about the diversity of Chinese cuisine across the huge country, and waiting staff are incredibly knowledgeable about some of the more unusual or unheard of parts of China. British born of Chinese heritage, his environment and nurture have had equal impact. While the food at A Wong is an homage to the regional cuisine of China, Andrew is keen to point out that it isn’t 100% authentic – it is his interpretation of Chinese food. 70 Wilton Road, Pimlico, Victoria, London, SW1V 1DE, Painting a picture: introducing Mukta Das and Andrew Wong’s series on the history and culture of Chinese cooking, Painting a picture: 'Plum in a Golden Vase', Painting a picture: beef preserve with 'rib' of sweetcorn, Coconut granita with bird's nest, mulberries, yoghurt and mochi, Join our Great British Chefs Cookbook Club. The kitchen makes its own Peking duck in-house, before serving it as part of an eight-course banquet. His cuisine is an intuitive expression of tradition, authenticity and craft. The only Anglo-Chinese dish left on the menu at A Wong is the crispy duck pancakes – something Andrew wants to remain as it shows another aspect of how Chinese food has evolved over its 2,000-year history. A Wong is chef Andrew Wong’s homage to the diverse cuisine of China.What was originally Kym’s, his parents' restaurant serving standard Cantonese food, was transformed into A Wong in 2013 after the chef went on a culinary tour of China and brought back with him an arsenal of culinary knowledge. Andrew Wong Chef founder of 'restaurant A.WONG' in London London, United Kingdom Leisure, Travel & Tourism The restaurant itself – which won a well-deserved Michelin star in 2017 – is built around an open kitchen, which means diners can experience all the sights, sounds and aromas the fast-paced environment can bring. With Andrew’s vast knowledge of regional Chinese cooking techniques, he is able to offer dishes ranging from dim sum to Lanzhou’s famous hand-pulled noodles and Peking duck alongside the skills he picked up at Westminster. Taking over the family business after his father died, Andrew Wong is now head chef and owner of A Wong, a restaurant which is spearheading Chinese gastronomy in the UK and has gone on to achieve three rosettes from the AA Restaurant Guide.