Please subscribe or login to participate in the conversation. On the defense side, an early recess would essentially guarantee that lawmakers won't formally start final negotiations on the annual National Defense Authorization Act. Email us at [email protected], and follow on Twitter @bryandbender, @morningdefense and @politicopro. Use the form below to reset your password. When he insulted the memory of Biden’s late son, or when he refused to denounce white supremacist hate groups, we learned a lot about Trump’s character. The COVID crisis gives insight into why President Trump is unfit for high office. He is famously generous, decent and kind. Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley also expressed concern this summer about law enforcement officers operating domestically being confused with military forces. Progressives slam Biden’s foreign policy team, Cindy McCain endorses Joe Biden for president, Subscribe now for Season Two, launching Oct. 21. our colleague Jacqueline Feldscher reports. The COVID crisis gives insight into why President Trump is unfit for high office. "American cities aren’t battlefields and law enforcement must act and be equipped accordingly," Wyden said. “And the risks of failure are unacceptable. TRUMP TAPS NEW INTEL WATCHDOG: Trump has nominated Allen Souza, a staffer for the National Security Council and former aide to top House Intelligence Committee Republican Devin Nunes, to be the next inspector general of the intelligence community. Biden may not be a perfect candidate, but he has developed a moderately progressive policy agenda and has the political know-how to advance it. “He has grappled with America’s most difficult foreign policy challenges for decades, learning what works — and what does not — in a dangerous world. Nonetheless, committee staffers are already hashing out many of the differences in the House and Senate bills. WWE legend, actor and businessman, Dwayne Johnson, officially made his first public endorsement for a presidential candidate as he announcement his support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Sunday. document.cookie = cookieString2; Eric Fanning, president and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association, told Morning D that whatever the implications, “aerospace and defense companies are committed to strengthening the diversity and inclusion in our industry, which includes trainings for our employees.”, “While we are evaluating the impact the recent executive order has on our industry,” he added, “our companies stand firm in building environments that are welcoming to people from all communities and encourage the diverse talent that is critical to our success.”. No purchase necessary. HAPPY THURSDAY AND WELCOME TO MORNING DEFENSE, where we're always on the lookout for tips, pitches and feedback. The continuing resolution, which would keep the government funded through Dec. 11, easily passed the House on Tuesday after Democrats and Republicans hammered out a deal to include funding for nutrition assistance and trade relief for farmers. By submitting your email address you agree to our. He’s put together a broad coalition of supporters, ranging from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on the left to former tea party Gov. Absentee ballots become available on Monday, and Mainers should promptly mark theirs for former Vice President Joe Biden, doing their part to return this country to rational leadership. In our endorsement today, the board wrote that above all else it is Mr. Biden’s promise to be a president to all Americans that argues most persuasively for his election. Biden for President has previously announced more than 3,000 endorsements from national, state, and local leaders, including current and former U.S. senators and representatives, governors, state elected officials, community leaders, and national security professionals. Donate today: Thank you for joining our campaign to elect Joe Biden. I know his character, his heart, and his record. He is knowledgeable, but he also knows that listening to diverse and dissenting views is essential, particularly when making tough decisions concerning our national security.”, “While some of us may have different opinions on particular policy matters,” they added, “we trust Joe Biden’s positions are rooted in sound judgment, thorough understanding, and fundamental values.”. "It's finding a balance between the major defense acquisition programs that are already in the budget and the cutting-edge capabilities that we need to add into the mix to ensure that those systems stay relevant. Senate Majority Whip John Thune said the chamber may adjourn and return if a pandemic relief deal is struck or for a vote on a nominee to succeed the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Acting DHS chief's confirmation hearing brings pointed questioning, Subscribe to our special edition "Global Translations" newsletter. var cookieString2 = "MSPAN_Paywall_user=0; domain=""; path=/; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); }()); Get 7 days of unlimited articles & They understand that the threat posed by extending the Trump presidency is far greater than any specific policy difference. ESPER, MILLEY TOWN HALL: Esper, Milley and Ramón "CZ" Colón-López, Milley’s senior enlisted adviser, will co-host a virtual town hall at 10 a.m. By providing your mobile phone number you consent to receive recurring text messages from Biden for President. } Please note the display name will appear on screen when you participate. — New legislation would bar federal law enforcement officers from wearing camouflage uniforms so they don’t get confused for the military. But we learned nothing about his plans to address the four historic crises that America is facing: a deadly pandemic, a deep recession, racial injustice too obvious to deny and the accelerating consequences of climate change. TRUMP ORDER SETS OFF A SCRAMBLE: Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order banning federal contractors from conducting “any form of race or sex stereotyping,” a move expressly designed to stifle any diversity training that discusses the controversial notion that racism is fueled by “white privilege” bestowed by society. I know that Joe is the President our country desperately needs right now, not because I've known Joe so long, but because I know Joe so well. But most importantly, he knows that the key question in this election is: What kind of country do we want to be? The world learned Friday morning that President Trump and the first lady have tested positive for coronavirus. If the page does not reload within 5 seconds, please refresh the page. write in an open letter. Our nation makes up only 4 percent of the world’s population but accounts for 20 percent of its COVID-19 cases and deaths – a testament to the dishonest, bumbling and heartless leadership Trump has provided, not just in this pandemic, but also throughout his 45 months in office. But the legislation would demand "rigorous oversight" of any such exception, he stressed. Check out voting options in your state here. It’s something that will take a team of people working as a team, each delivering on different aspects of the plan to make this work.”. A request for information to collect the data is expected to be published within 30 days. Already have one? What they didn’t anticipate was Donald Trump. The POLITICO Pro platform combines the news you need with tools you can use to take action on the day’s biggest stories. } But the 2020 election is already underway. But Trump's law-and-order campaign push could be facing an erosion of sorts as his opponent, Joe Biden, gained the endorsement of more than 190 … By providing your email address you consent, Our Endorsement: Joe Biden should be our president. [We need] Joe Biden to bring our nation and world together during these most divided and dangerous times. Paywall: { if (cookieName.test(cookies[i])) { Act on the news with POLITICO Pro. | Samuel Corum/Getty Images. var mediaContent = "media\\:content,content"; The event will be streamed live on the Pentagon website and the department’s Facebook page. Joe Biden showed the country what I have known for a long time: there is no other leader with more experience, heart, or determination for this moment. var now = new Date(); totalViews: function() { Already registered? Don't miss out on insights from the most influential minds and thought leaders reinventing health, technology, philanthropy, industry and media. We know Joe. The Senate has yet to schedule a vote, but Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he aims to hold a vote on the CR "as soon as we can." “This is a really big, really hard project and it's really, really important,” she said. Joe Biden is attracting more crossover endorsements from prominent members of the opposing party than any other presidential candidate from either side in decades. “We love our country. By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO.