Table 2 Results of the growth and development assessment. [ Links ], 18 Oliveira MA, Furtado RA, Souza TN, Campos-de-Carvalho MI. Physical labour and Human skill. The sex of the child is another major factor affecting the physical growth and development of a child. Prior to the research, some pilot studies were carried out in order to practice the application of tools, as well as to perform the reliability measures. Pagan, A., (1984). Diseases and conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc., can also be passed through genes, thereby affecting the growth and development of the child adversely. The most positive growth is seen when families invest time, energy and love in the development of the child through activities, such as reading to them, playing with them and having deep meaningful conversations. 667-682. J Pediatr (Rio J). The same children underwent home visits to practice for the HOME application. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Non-economic factors refer to socio-political factors or even religious factors. Determinants of development are broadly classified into economic factors and non-economic factors. Bioclimatic resources (land, water, forests and climatic environment), Fossil Fuel and non-fuel mineral resources. “Educational Policies and Economic Growth in BRICs: Comparative Perspectives”, Journal of US-China Public Administration, 8, (2), pp.188-197. First, governance is more positively significant in non-contemporary specifications as opposed to contemporary regressions. Second, the influence on output of many key variables—the reform index (based on World Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) work), for instance—is again far stronger in the growth period than in the first period. Natural resources (those which are available as a free gift of nature) include land, water, minerals, fossil-fuel, forest products, wind and solar energy, etc. Textos para discussão IPEA nº 1460: Determinantes da queda na desigualdade de renda no Brasil. (2013). Their timely functioning is critical for normal physical growth and development in children. Keywords Failure to thrive; Child development; Child health. (Accessed: 14/02/2015). Although nations with poor geography and stable institutions still do well, the authors acknowledge the role geography often plays in promoting stable institutions historically. For language, in addition to the quality of this environment, the neighborhood quality and the child's age were also relevant. The percentage of 56.7% was found to be much higher than the 11.8% recorded in the southeast region in 2006.1 Prenatal care is reported as one of the determinants of adequate child growth.6,11 Although 98.9% of the children were breastfed, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of life was 2.9%, below the average for the set of Brazilian capital cities.21 Studies have shown both a protective effect of breastfeeding on growth and development when it occurs,7 as well as the risk when it does not.6 The fact that almost half of children had a record of chronic and infectious diseases is of concern, given the association demonstrated by other authors between diseases and growth and development deficits.3,6. The results showed a high prevalence of stunting and below-average results for cognitive/language development among the participating children. “Conditional determinants of FDI in fast emerging economies: an instrumental quantile regression approach”, African Governance and Development Institute Working Paper No. The intra-examiner reliability, measured by the ICC, showed a mean of 0.99 for weight measurement of and 0.98 for height measurement. [ Links ], 3 Grantham-McGregor S, Cheung YB, Cueto S, Glewwe P, Richter L, Strupp B, et al. 2011;16:4181-7. [ Links ], 10 Correia LL, Silva AC, Campos JS, Andrade FM, Machado MM, Lindsay AC, et al. Second, there is some interesting evidence on the heterogeneity of political governance as a driver. formation of moral values. Output has also increased rapidly in countries with high average growth rates of exports, suggesting that opening an economy to outside influences and stimulating output to generate exports are important determinants of growth. Ribeirão Preto: Universidade de São Paulo; 2009. 75, 2007. (2013). Determinants of development are broadly classified into economic factors and non-economic factors. For example, most babies, by the time they grow up to be 8 months old, can weigh around 8 to 10 kilograms and can sit up. Growth and development contribute to each other, are inseparable, and occur simultaneously. “Innovation in Africa: Why Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. items of interest to you.Subscribe or Barro, J. R., (2003). Success in recovering output, however, readily suggests itself as a useful unifying theme for economic assessment, not least because of the importance policymakers in transition economies attach to output growth and its immediacy for the welfare of everyone in those countries. (ii) Capital Formation: Labour is combined with capital to produce goods and services. (See the article by John Nellis in this issue.). GDP growth and real GDP output are used as dependent variables. Review of Development Economics , 11 (4), pp. In our analysis, we attempted to test whether any one of the individual components of reform by itself pointed the way. Almost half of the children had had chronic (45%) and/or infectious diseases (48%) in the last three months prior to data collection.