As a committee member, the NEA is one of the sponsoring organisations of the Joint Radiation Emergency Management Plan (JPLAN) of the IACRNE. Following its recent report on “Effective operation of competitive research funding systems”, the OECD Global Science Forum has launched a new activity to investigate “Effective Policies to foster High-Risk/High-Reward research”. Reference works. He served as Director of the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics from 2010-2019 and has held numerous positions at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the National Science Foundation, Argonne National Laboratory, and the Aspen Center for Physics. Johan Huysse studied law in Rotterdam and has worked at the HR departments of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Tilburg University and Leiden University. Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), where he is in charge of Human Resources issues. In addition, the WPNEM will continue its long collaboration on nuclear and radiological EPR with the IAEA, the EC and WHO, and will liaise, as appropriate, with the industry and relevant stakeholders. Reference works. There are some 250 committees at work in all. An interlocking directorate occurs when the same person sits on the board of directors of two or more companies. In the framework of NEA’s active involvement and efforts to improve nuclear accident emergency planning, preparedness and management at the international level, the NEA is a member of the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies (IACRNE). Dr Robin is co-chairing the OECD GSF Expert Group on High-Risk/High-Reward Research. Prior to joining Technopolis, Diogo worked at the OECD Science and Technology Policy. As a result, there have been a number of calls for a change in funding processes and increased funding to support high-risk/high-reward (HRHR) research. Likewise, there is limited analysis of policies that could foster research environments more favourable to high-risk research. There are also no good indicators for scientific or other risk or indicators of transformation and there is recent evidence (Wang et al., 2016) that traditional bibliometric measures of scientific excellence do not correlate with novelty. at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the National Science Foundation, Argonne National Laboratory, and the Aspen Center for Physics. The EC and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency also participate in the IACRNE. Directorate for Public Governance In this framework, the WPNEM seeks international collaboration on specific emergency matters of interest to NEA member countries in the framework of the NEA Strategic Plan and the CRPPH Mandate. Directorate for Education and Skills. Other groups existing outside the Article 9 rule have also been added, such as meetings in special series, various forums, short-period ad hoc groups or task forces that were not included in the Directory of Bodies, all in an attempt to realise an exhaustive census of OECD working groups, past and present. The objective of this international workshop is to discuss key challenges for promoting HRHR research and to identify potential policy solutions based on case studies. Putting together a water financing and management strategy requires looking at a range of questions. Virtual workshop on “Effective Policies to foster High-Risk/High-Reward research”, OECD Global Science Forum Version 15 ... in the Office of International Science and Engineering as well as Geosciences and Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorates. He was previously Chair of the Danish Rectors’ Conference (2005-2014) and rector (2001-2014) at University of Southern Denmark. Professor Michael Turner is Senior Strategic Advisor at the Kavli Foundation. Working Party No. Heavier than you might think. It meets regularly to discuss key work of the Organisation, share concerns and take decisions by consensus. is a Distinguished University Professor in the, College of Information and Computer Sciences, . . The committee is the co-ordination mechanism among relevant international intergovernmental organisations to ensure that co-ordinated and consistent arrangements and capabilities for preparedness and response to nuclear and radiological incidents and emergencies are developed and maintained. A fellow of the CNRS for 44 years, now emeritus, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon is a mathematician specializing in differential geometry and mathematical aspects of theoretical physics. Prior to joining NSF, she worked at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Around 40 000 people take part in these meetings every year. Conducted by ZOOM, tele-conference, hosted by OECD, on 22 April 2020 (Paris time). Are you sure you want to delete this document? Directorates report to the Secretary-General. Follow the NEA on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube. Professor Jim Kurose is a Distinguished University Professor in the College of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The WPNEM seeks good co-operation and co-ordination with other international organisations, and works efficiency by identifying areas of synergetic effort and optimises resources by clarifying roles, responsibilities and relevant activities to avoid duplication. Online Press Conference: OECD-FAO AGRICULTURAL OUTLOOK 2020-2029 Jul 16, 2020 - 10:30 to 12:24 This database presents the bodies established by the Council in accordance with Article 9 of the Convention, together with such sub-committees, working parties, groups of experts, ad hoc groups, etc., as those bodies have, in their turn, set up to assist them with their work. Director of the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques in Bures-sur-Yvette (1994-2013), he also taught at École Polytechnique (1986-2012). She has also led efforts to support high-risk, high-reward research across NSF. Introduction, reminder of the objectives of the activity and of the meeting by GSF chair and OECD Secretariat, The objective is to present a historical perspective on the rationale and drivers for HRHR mechanisms and policies, as well as on the challenges faced by researchers wishing to carry out truly innovative research. How can we be sure that actions to curb environmental damage are effective? Jim has been on leave since January 2015, serving as Assistant Director at the. Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs. OECD Directorates and Main Committees: The following is a list of OECD directorates and most, but not all, of its principal committees. Likewise, there is limited analysis of policies that could foster research environments more favourable to high-risk research. For too long, policymakers have been talking about the deterioration of the world’s environment without taking sufficient action to address the problems. Committees, expert and working groups bring together countries and partners to share policy experiences, innovate and review policy implementation and impact. Read about: US and Japanese economies, Mexico, the 21st century, Germany, unemployment, regulatory reform, food safety, development aid, environment, global warming, climate change. There exist few indicators or tools to help manage high-risk research portfolios. Professor Oddershede has been chairing the Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy over the last term (2014-2020). Receive monthly updates on NEA work, activities and newly released reports. What can governments do to strengthen their fiscal resilience? Marc Zbinden studied in Berne and obtained his PhD in Evolutionary Biology from the University of Bonn. Some discussions can evolve into negotiations in which all OECD countries define and follow common global rules. She has been with NSF since 2007 in the Office of International Science and Engineering as well as Geosciences and Mathematical and Physical Sciences Directorates. Development Co-operation Directorate. It is led by the Secretary-General and composed of directorates and divisions that work with policy makers and shapers in each country, providing insights and expertise to help guide policy making based on evidence in close coordination with committees. Head of Research Stephen Perkins provided an update on the ITF programme of work for 2020/21, which will be decided at a meeting of the ITF member countries in Dublin in the week of 4 November. In this activity, High-risk, high-reward (HRHR) research is defined as research that (1) strives to understand or support solutions to ambitious scientific, technological, or societal challenges; (2) strives to cross scientific, technological, or societal paradigms in a revolutionary way; (3) involves a high degree of novelty; and (4) carries a high risk of not realising its full ambition as well as the potential for transformational impact on a scientific, technological, or societal challenge. Globalisation is exerting pressure on the environment, but it may also provide solutions. The IAEA serves as secretariat to the IACRNE. The question is how? There are also no good indicators for scientific or other risk or indicators of transformation and there is recent evidence (. The wins would be significant. Natural hazards can lead to costly disasters, which is why public authorities must work hard to reduce risks and to be prepared financially. Find out more: NOTE: All signed articles in the OECD Observer express the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of OECD member countries. At the research system level, issues such as disciplinary and institutional structures, research careers and precarity, cultural norms in the science community, research evaluation, and strategic prioritisation processes all have an impact on the type of research that is conducted. Establishing reliable ways to measure the results is crucial to meeting this challenge. Despite the near-consensus, that high-risk research is an essential component of a national R&D portfolio, there has been little study of the effectiveness of mechanisms for the funding of such research and practices for managing HRHR research programmes. Working Party on Nuclear Emergency Matters (WPNEM), International Nuclear Emergency Exercises (INEX), Co-operation and co-ordination with other international organisations, History and organisational structure within the NEA, Inter-Agency Committee on Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies (IACRNE), Joint Radiation Emergency Management Plan, International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation (IFNEC), Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP). Comments on, or additions to, the database information are welcome. In addition, the current Covid19 pandemic has triggered an unprecedented mobilisation of the scientific community at the request of national and international authorities. The field of emergency preparedness and response (EPR) is broad, complex and involves many stakeholders.; Data; Publications; More sites. He has experience of management of funding programs, R&D strategy building and science and technology policy study. He advises on the university job classification system, which places a key focus on employee development and future career prospects. In general, representatives from the IAEA, the WHO attend meetings and participate in discussions. The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is a specialised agency within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an intergovernmental organisation of industrialised countries, based in Paris, France. Dr. Jessica Robin is currently Section Head of Integrative Activities in the Division of Earth Sciences at NSF. Chair: OECD Secretariat, Session 2: Funding mechanisms and evaluation processes. He was previously head of the National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) at the SFSN. The objective of this session is to identify policies at the institutional level, which may affect, positively or negatively, the success of HRHR and emergency programmes. This database presents the bodies established by the Council in accordance with Article 9 of the Convention, together with such sub-committees, working parties, groups of experts, Comments on, or additions to, the database information are welcome. Chaired by the Secretary-General, decisions are taken by consensus. The OECD Council is the organisation’s overarching decision-making body. Once a year, the OECD Council meets for the Ministerial Council Meeting, which brings together heads of government, economy, trade and foreign ministers from Member countries to monitor and set priorities for our work, discuss the global economic and trade context, and delve further into issues such as the budget or the accession process.