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Here are some examples of the many approaches you could take (individually or in combination): Whatever verification method you choose, it must prove two things about the inputs to your organic process: (1) that they were produced and packaged in a certified organic system and (2) that after production their organic integrity was continuously maintained throughout shipping and warehousing right up to the moment you received them and took direct, formal control and responsibility for their organic integrity. ����� e [Content_Types].xml �(� Ė�N�0E�H�C�-j\X ����$��ֵ'��/�S��$i#-�(�J�̽����]�[��BLڻ��C���^i7+���fpƲ��)a���-!�����h��2R�T�9b8��Q��� UNCERTIFIED HANDLER AFFIDAVIT. to receive industry news, event and training information, QAI Warehouse and Uncertified Handler Affidavit, USDA AMD Organic Integrity in the Supply Chain. Ready to start down the (green) pathto organic certification? :���c���'�8����� u��j�_㏖�����v�_௷�o���¼�Gv�Ľjb��X1��[���� � ص���v�Zs�C\/�ha}��<>4������VM�#�ܪ���-�O����?�%}�;��?��)N����8c���y�/�y��Gf�$���I�������i.W�3!��5�������36�k�^y�����5�ٴ���8.�e���i�)|i�A ���=�/�n�>��&@ �׹>| ��v̪�-�j�̢�Zf�1��a^a�Zs%uA��E|�%w�5�[P1 ���X� |������/�J2%�k��n���zBu�n���)�y9�� ����臱~ )-�;|�^iY��Y&�"̘k��\ب�P�ۼ���-fߗ�ʕ�a[����p�[�K6j����V�/����$o;�����P� ����X�);3��6�p �@S�G|R 2155 Delaware Avenue, Suite 150, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 To prove that the products you received came from a certified source, you need documentation that the source was certified and documentation that the product you received originally came from that certified source. Find out why our Standard sets the standard. By having your uncertified suppliers complete this form and submit it to you every year, you ensure that your uncertified suppliers go on record declaring compliance (for themselves and their subcontractors) with all necessary aspects of the organic law. �}��fHaC݂�/�6R ����>D |Esn�=��g��f�9��]�魋���Ig[ Toll Free | 1.877.378.0690 PK ! Companies involved in “paper trades” or “brokering” can be excluded from certification. Biodiversity & Natural Resource Cost-Based Monitoring Log, Biodiversity & Natural Resource Monitoring Log, Declaracion Jurada de la Historia de la Tierra, All recordkeeping certification documents ». � -�-�ȚB$��9c�%�Y����j�CZƐ�,1��1�>�Wڒk����Ӑ�f��v���ԥg��?b���}Ce���N�Y�P%C~5Pu��������UX��J]C����(�u �k\�z46��qaY��d|��drkxa��{��f�B)��߶Sb:� �bs��&�������e������-��C��8�SX�;N��߳:�߾�����B��ԹG�p� �q����zh��M�_EI�_.�b+=�rL�����/K� �k��8{����w:�h Does the shipping or transactional documentation you receive from a non-certified handler, such as in the example above, demonstrate that the exact product you received (i.e. �h�6��&Ҋ�`\�'�-/݊��^C�q�:�\ת�85X�c"�4�!j� ��w6{XY����܅� ]դO���RQ��nƬ�N��4���x�+��?ɼO�2+3e��a��. Our mission is to make our food system and agriculture biologically sound and socially equitable. Our resource library has forms, brochures, webinars and other information for the organic industry. OX� March 21, 2018 | Categories: Organic, Certification, Handler. ���z���ʼn�, � �/�|f\Z���?6�!Y�_�o�]A� �� PK ! Quality Assurance International 4370 La Jolla Drive Suite 300 San Diego, CA, 92122 – Organic Consumer and Farmer Protection Act. �2)���I�9 View more If the original supplier is certified by QAI or certain other certifiers, you are able to request a transaction certificate (TC) from the original supplier for this batch of product. %%EOF Whether your suppliers provide you with seeds or processed ingredients, you make sure that the inputs to your process have a history of organic integrity (called a chain of custody) that is documented every step of the way. Fax | 541.753.4924, Understanding organic food business certification, Sourcing organics from an uncertified entity, Sourcing organic ingredients for processing, Understanding your Master Ingredient List, Clearly identify uncertified entities sources in your Organic System Plan Master List(s), Maintain organic certificates for the last certified handler of organic agricultural inputs purchased through uncertified entities, Collect and maintain all records associated with the purchase and transport of organic agricultural inputs through the supply chain back to the last certified entity, Provide documents and records to verify organic certification of purchased organic agricultural inputs to OTCO staff and inspectors upon request, Clearly link all traceable elements between all documents and points in the supply chain, Identify all certified organic agricultural inputs as “organic” through the entire supply chain and on each piece of documentation, Have matching volume/weight through the supply chain, explaining and verifying any variances, Show that any handling performed (processing, labeling, relabeling, packaging or repackaging organic products) in the supply chain is performed only by certified handlers. `g`�g҂` VNIЇ����.�[�%[����ٖ)�{d���;�_�GP<38t��I��v����let���z���oz=j̒m����pB��;�>.p"��\�%�.\���ŌM^4.�(3-���ڌ#kk&[.�+����83x�m��/��P�����w��RAHV��!c��(Zs�%�Lv! <> Non-GMO Project Verified is the market's trusted seal for GMO avoidance. How can I prepare for the audit trail portion of my inspection? h�b```c``�������� Ā B��@q� �[��@̦-��� D`! At minimum, you will need some traceability documents. An audit trail is a collection of documents that demonstrates your recordkeeping system. Records for purchased organic agricultural inputs must: Download the documents and forms you need. These records must fully disclose all activities and transactions, and demonstrate compliance with the regulations in sufficient detail as to be readily understood and audited. D�: }��A�"Y�}�z��`�HV�9�ڶ��}���]��^��q�E����_O��?����ُ������e�^�U�uYEhޒ�l�3�>�{Vfv��\��e�ޮi^t�{ث씍�R6��_O~y��C/r_��=9_�R6)���/�I��+�5�/����:5�P�"9�|=}!�Vum�+4�WyE]i�s�W����뼅��rj��5��_�����/?.`�o�6'?-H}����Kx��?�߾c�������+�������~~oM������9[*��S�W��l��mɦ R�������0��B0��A0�j�D�1!m���؏Ԫ�����#0!���﻽���S���m���6�Ϡ�3�DY3ED'-�}ƽd����\~V���n����W�$��nџdW����~�-9Yƒ;��۳C��2��x{-����uqڱ?j���bў\@G6W9tp=�^�թ���v���ps�tϺ��I�=�֏�����Zy@�� This is where the affidavit can be an important component of your verification efforts. There are special compliance requirements for materials purchased through uncertified operations. :��u������gj�ix#�E�8� Add Process or Product? The Standard. To help you to make this verification task as easy as possible, QAI provides an. �R�����m��SȱTN+9x�7�4BK0��1�tS�w����zb���"3��?\���$��x��{2��a�lTe�����3R����2�Q�aLx�_la�J��k**;Ԗ��C��Ƹ29Q+t��dws˝��u���8���sb49��wO�EU4yۛh4�ɩ�ɧ�����: