Despite degree of disability, children with cerebral palsy are always less likely to be included in activities, including in school. to write, move around, or speak, most children with CP have average or The MyChild™ call center representatives are not permitted to and do not provide any legal or medical advice. Accommodating a Student with Cerebral Palsy. This can include a lot of different things, so I will give you an example of some of the ones I use. For both special education and general education teachers, providing inclusivity for students with cerebral palsy is so important. The goal is to advance learning. Besides that, the only other main difference is that the 504 plan has a broader definition of what qualifies as a disability than an IEP because of the laws that they are under. intellectual disability. One of the last issues parents may prepare for is how to decipher a dizzying array of lingo.Words that are strikingly common in meaning in terms of everyday usage take on distinctly different meaning when Those two words may seem like synonyms to many parents. Some children with DCD do need simple accommodations, however, that can make a big difference to their ability to participate and be successful at school. With the right accommodations, children with cerebral palsy can be hugely successful in the classroom. Many children with DCD do not qualify for, nor do they need, special education services. ( Log Out /  Cerebral palsy (CP) is a term used to describe a group of chronic conditions affecting body movement and muscle coordination. Cerebral palsy (CP) is a physical disability that affects the way that a person moves. These children may have Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).Do all students with DCD require accommodations? Change ), This is a text widget, which allows you to add text or HTML to your sidebar. be non-verbal. Teaching children with cerebral palsy is often an unfamiliar circumstance for a regular education instructor, but with assistance from therapeutic programs and access to modifications in the classroom, students with CP can thrive in a general setting alongside their non-disabled peers. Children that require modifications are less likely to be mainstreamed than their accommodated counterparts, or may spend more time in special education classes for some requirements. Please note that CanChild is not a clinic for children and youth with developmental conditions. It is to recognize how relevant these two terms are when planning a child’s experience and outcome. To calm your nerves and allow you to better understand what sorts of adjustments you may need to make in the classroom, here’s some helpful information. An IEP is a written document that describes the student’s strengths and needs and sets out a plan to address those needs. ( Log Out /  Cerebral palsy occurs when there is damage to the brain when it is developing, and it affects a child’s ability to control their muscles. Teachers can play a large and positive role in ensuring they get those. You can use them to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. Sometimes, students need different services to be successful; this concept is also true outside the classroom. I can follow up with our guest poster and see if they’d be willing to provide a lesson too. If the parent goes into a conference unaware of what these terms mean, a child that is capable of doing grade-level work with a few accommodations could end up learning modified material based on a false inference. It does not seem like therapy for him since it is fun. The information provided by is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. (Ont. More specific suggestions, organized by grade level, can be found in the MATCH flyers for educators. The child should be able to complete the task at hand, whether communicating with others, engaging in a physical activity, performing self-care, or finishing an assignment. A good example of accommodation would be quizzing a student orally to allow him or her to demonstrate knowledge of the subject at hand so he or she can receive a grade. Making an accommodation often requires environmental changes because a student might not be able to work at a desk or in a noisy environment. )School of Rehabilitation Science and CanChildMcMaster University, Hamilton, This way, a child can be quizzed on the material and the teacher can assess the child’s knowledge. But because the rigors of classroom scheduling, testing and the use of materials for hands-on assignments are not practical for these students, some creativity is required. Check out our bestselling tool by clicking the button below: Copyright 2020 © All rights Reserved. If you have any experience with this topic, please share. The child would not be playing hockey at the physical level of able-bodied children, but he’s playing the best he can within his set of skills. McMaster University, All Rights Reserved. Accommodations may be different for each child, but the outcome should always be the same. Section 504 accommodations are based on the unique needs of the student identified during the evaluation process. Cerebral palsy can be limiting, but it shouldn’t be, especially in school where all children deserve to have the same opportunities. Modifications are made in both mainstreamed and special education environments. They are services provided to students to help them succeed academically. The earlier students start to feel accepted and included, the better their chances of staying well-adjusted, participating, and succeeding in school are. Copyright Some sample ideas are listed below. Any use of this website is subject to our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer. This might seem like it’s an attempt to lower the bar for students with disabilities. and succeeding in school are. The attorney responsible for this Website is Kenneth A. Stern of the law firm, Stern Law, PLLC,  Your email address will not be published. So much of coping with Cerebral Palsy is about creating opportunities for a child to complete the same tasks others do. The difference in the IEP or the 504 plan is just which laws they are under. What are accommodations? That’s what modification is meant to do – to provide inclusive opportunities afforded those without a disability. The accommodations included in an IEP are typically grouped into three categories: instructional, assessment and environmental accommodations. Home » Neurological Recovery Blog » Cerebral Palsy » CP Management » Cerebral Palsy in the Classroom: Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment. Typically, parents are the most knowledgeable about the Cerebral Palsy Guidance is a website dedicated to providing answers and practical help to parents of children with cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a condition that results from brain damage or brain malformation. This means that reasonable accommodations must be made to Music is a motivator for him. It most often occurs during childbirth or during fetal development. Because every case of cerebral palsy is unique, it’s crucial Many students that have disabilities are more than capable of meeting that goal. For more detailed A general resource book around the development of IEPs and school issues for children with special needs in Canada is: Forman, N. (2005). Implementing accommodations means those who teach or care for a child are required to have a clear understanding of the child’s abilities – their physical, cognitive and emotional resources. There’s a recovery device for CP that’s actually fun to use. While all children with cerebral palsy will have motor impairments, the severity and locations of their motor impairments will vary from person to person. and students. A child may not have the ability to skate at the neighborhood ice hockey game, but today, a young person can play modified hockey that makes use of a sled with runners/blades to transport across the ice, making inclusion a possibility. Design by Elementor, Cerebral Palsy in the Classroom: Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment, Top 10 Toys for Children with Cerebral Palsy, Understanding Spastic CP and How to Manage Its Symptoms, Cerebral Palsy in Preemies: Risks, Symptoms, and Management, allowing additional time to finish assignments, making sure the classroom is wheelchair accessible, adjusting the formatting of tasks and assignments (i.e., taking a written test verbally), taking advantage of alternative communication (iPads, speech-generating devices, etc. )School of Rehabilitation Science and CanChildMcMaster University, Hamilton,, Cheryl Missiuna, Ph.D., OT Reg.