Copyright 2020 Complex Child Magazine | All Rights Reserved |. My son Matthew is on Prevacid and glycopyrolate along w a bunch of other medications. 10 Replies, Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone out there has any info./resource/anything about helping a child develop a suck/swallow. 6 Replies, I am new to this forum. My 23 month old has excessive secretions he really struggles with it after waking up most time he will cry for 30 minutes to an hour and constantly smacking his lips, gagging,etc. Any child whose quality of life is being affected by drooling should see a specialist, in most cases an otolaryngologist (ENT). Your Cerebral Palsy support group and discussion community. The ones he has had have not made a whole lot of difference. So, although it seems rather drastic, the ENT did surgery to tie off the sublingual salivary glands when Pat was about 7. When children do not swallow frequently enough or at all, they may aspirate secretions from the mouth into their upper or lower airways, which can cause choking, coughing, vomiting, and in some children, serious respiratory complications including pneumonia. And error. Among the many surgeries, some helpful, some not, this one was clearly a winner for him. Complex Child is an online monthly magazine about caring for a child with complex medical needs or a disability. Any nput would be appreciated. Commonly used medications include the anticholinergic drugs Robinul (glycopyrrolate), Atropine (often sublingually), and Scopolamine, which can be administered through a patch. Also, a child may be unable to cough up secretions that physically obstruct their airways. Thanks for the input! His ent had said something about a medicine that can dry up some of the secretions(can't remember the name) was wondering if anyone else has issues with this and if they were put on meds and if so did it help and what were the side effects if any? Characteristics of Cerebral Palsy and its Causes. Hi's me again. To start a new discussion in this community, please click here. Because medication side effects may outweigh the benefits, treatment with medication should be reserved for more serious cases. They are bilateral thin scars about 1" long under his jaw---I guess I forgot about them years ago. It is important to get help as early as possible to improve your child's quality of life. The condition was first described in 1862 by an orthopaedic surgeon, William Little. They can also cause associated symptoms, including choking or coughing, congestion, or skin irritation. This discussion is closed to comments. He still has infantile spasm but it is just treated differently now. 35 Replies, i want to ask if somebody tried the stem cell transplantation for CP or knows any experiences about that i want to try it for my daughter 2 ... While some children have too many oral secretions, others simply cannot swallow their saliva. (i use this term too much but thats how it is for ... Children with severe drooling and respiratory symptoms may benefit from surgical treatment. Most of these children have normal amounts of secretions, but are unable to swallow some or all of them. CP is caused by problems with how your child's brain formed, or injury to the brain during pregnancy, birth, or early childhood. I have some amazing news to share about Logan! The effects are temporary, typically lasting from one to three months. 5 Replies, Does anyone use a standing frame as a way to get a better stretch?? Those with underlying respiratory conditions may have trouble with mucus and other respiratory secretions that are coughed up. DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: It's caused by damage that occurs to the immature brain as it develops, most often before birth.Signs and symptoms appear during infancy or preschool years. Oral suctioning using a suction machine or bulb syringe may also be helpful. He explained that other salivary glands would still provide adequate oral saliva. Problems with saliva control are considerable for children and young people with cerebral palsy. This may be due to: • lack of awareness of external Some children also produce excess secretions. We never know what's beneficial when it comes to all They include the following: After secretions have been mobilized, they should be removed, either by coughing or suctioning. Nonetheless, excess secretions can have a serious impact on a child’s quality of life, including a child’s social situation. 9 Replies, Hello Everyone, Just looking for some info on Dystonia, and any medication that others may have had success with. Sleep issues can arise from disrupted melatonin secretion, “sleep-breathing” disorders, involuntary teeth grinding, excessive daytime sleeping, and nightmares. CP and epilepsy. He is on sabril, baclofen(1ml),trileptal, plus meds For reflux. Cerebral palsy (CP) is a disorder of movement, balance, and coordination. 5 Replies, Hello Everyone, this is my first post here. We have other special needs children but CP is not one of ... I have question on Gabapentin, but will welcome any insight into below. Cerebral palsy (CP) is a disorder of movement, balance, and coordination. Drooling or dribbling is the unintentional loss of saliva from the mouth. CP is caused by problems with how your child's brain formed, or injury to the brain during pregnancy, birth, or early childhood. My 23 month old has excessive secretions he really struggles with it after waking up most time he will cry for 30 minutes to an hour and constantly smacking his lips, gagging,etc. Posterior droolingoccurs when saliva spills through the oropharynx and into the hypopharynx. We just recently started our son on Robonul. Some children do experience a spread of the paralytic agent used, so care should be taken to find an experienced provider. 12 Replies, I'm so glad to have found this support group. In addition, these medications can cause urinary retention, flushing, increased body temperature, lack of sweating, slowed digestion, and an increase in autonomic symptoms for many children. Sometimes the risks of treatment outweigh the benefits, while other times, the benefits clearly outweigh the risks. If you look at the side effects of Sabril, insomnia is one of them. Evaluating the type of secretions the patient is suffering from, that is, sialorrhoea, thick secretions or both; consider the impact of saliva collecting at the back of the oral cavity. Many of these children have neurological or neuromuscular conditions such as cerebral palsy that make swallowing difficult, but some have problems swallowing due to anatomical malformations that directly affect the swallow. The typical procedures used include the following: Managing secretions can be a difficult process of trial and error. When secretions affect a child’s quality of life or health, they should be addressed medically. Aspiration is considered to be the most common respiratory complication that children with Cerebral Palsy face. A variety of devices may be used to mobilize secretions. What medication is he on? Considering adopting a baby with CP - Questions, Read more posts in Raising a child with cerebral palsy. Nebulized normal or hypertonic saline may be used to thin secretions. It was first prescribed at 1/2 tablet TID. Some children who require constant suctioning may need to consider a tracheostomy for better secretion management. My son had such excessive drooling and mucus secretions that we were suctioning him 5 to 7 time an hour during the day, and changing his clothing constantly. He also have trouble sleeping and produces excessive saliva....medications are all just hit or miss, trial Some children may also improve using biofeedback or behavior training to help them learn to swallow appropriately, though children must be physically and cognitively able to participate in this type of therapy. 12 Replies, Mlissa brought up in her thread about wondering if kids with CP get more cold/flu. Oral suctioning with a suction machine or bulb syringe may be sufficient for some children, but those with a poor cough may require deep suctioning to remove secretions. This drooling is anterior, meaning it runs out of the mouth. Wow that is interesting. My 1-year-old ... I am not aware if they necessarily get more colds/flu, but ... Thanks for the input. It is important to get help as early as possible to improve your child's quality of life. He was no longer drenching his clothing, could handle his own saliva, and was not requiring the near-constant suctioning I went to look for these incisions just now. Hope your sitituation betters over time. 17 Replies, In June my GS Elliot (7) had a ITB pump fitted. DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: Call your local emergency number (911 in the US) if: Your child has a … The largest group of children with secretion management problems is made up of children who cannot or do not swallow their secretions. 24 Replies, Anyone out there with reflux? Cerebral palsy is a disorder of the central regulation of mobility and development of mobility caused by damage to an immature brain.. Apart from delayed development of mobility skills like crawling or standing, decreased or increased muscle tension is … She is on NG tube feeding and she is constantly finding ways to pull it out. Many of these children drool, sometimes almost continuously, which is called sialorrhea. It just seemed to make them thicker. Simple management strategies may include using bibs, bandanas, or wraps to absorb secretions. I sure don't like the effects of the Robinul if you give so much.