Australia's life expectancy at birth reached 82.8 years in 2015, the world's fourth highest the latest World Health Organisation data shows. Quarterly Essay 68, Without America: Australia in the New Asia, by Hugh White. Share this on Twitter. Australia was in 10th place well ahead of the US in 28th position. 93. points. This isn’t based on a well-concealed British optimism, however; Australia’s murder rate is far higher than Britain’s (0.8 per 100,000 inhabitants vs 0.2 per 100,000). That means candidates have to compete in a much smaller percentage of the electorate in America. Here are four of the biggest differences, and how they compare to the Australian system. November 16, 2011 2:45am. The four charts that show Australia is a better society than America. Sydney is considered the most beautiful and one of the most livable cities in the world. But it has been China’s conduct inside Australia that has really got people’s attention. Whilst no cities of America are on that list. Over the past year or two, Australian policy-makers have become more anxious about China’s power and influence, and less confident that America can handle this without clearer and more tangible Australian support. Australia vs US where it counts. Updated November 23, 2016 — 12.30pm first published at 10.14am. Here's what it means for you, Backpacker employer fined $65k over farm death linked to heat stress, NT reopens borders to Sydney as 'hotel quarantine rave' video emerges, We fact checked Scott Morrison on ships 'lining up' at Port Botany. That means that the few states that do flip back and forth are where the election is won or lost, and they're hotly contested. If you don't want to vote in America, you don't have to. Quality of Life. Employment?Data Sources: first connection between Canada and Australia was the deportation of 154 Canadian rebels to Australia in the 1800s. 4 of the States capital cities: Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide are all in the top 10 most livable cities in the world. (Hanging chad anyone?). The Chinese know how susceptible Australian political leaders are to anything that suggests trouble in the relationship, because our leaders keep reminding them of this. They know you're probably going to vote. Which has better health? So, how do Americans actually cast a ballot? Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Finance Minister Matthias Cormann will address the media at 1:30pm (AEDT). Obviously, there is a huge variation within both countries based on demographics such as location and wealth.Oh, and at the end of the day, this just a video on YouTube. In September Australia was ranked among the world's ten healthiest countries by the Sustainable Development Goals Index, perhaps the comprehensive assessment of the burden of disease and living standards ever. We have not so far been forced to make an all-or-nothing choice to side with one and abandon the other, but that could come if the rivalry escalates further. It seems that Trump has finally made those in Canberra realise how fragile America’s position in Asia is, and so they have now decided to encourage Trump to stand up to China, and to see Australia as a valuable ally in doing this. Every time they say, “We don’t have to choose between America and China,” they remind Beijing how easily a diplomatic frown from China can create an acute political problem for any Australian government by disproving the mantra on which Australian foreign policy is based. Gillard, Abbott and Turnbull have all avoided doing anything that Beijing has seen as violating Howard’s understanding with then-leader Jiang Zemin – that Australia’s alliance with America was not negotiable, but nothing Australia would do as a US ally would be directed against China. 4 of the States capital cities: Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide are all in the top 10 most livable cities in the world. Nearly a third of Australia is in the tropics where the average temperatures are in the mid 20 degrees Celsius. This was the first time an Australian prime minister had plainly acknowledged the strategic rivalry between China and America, which was long overdue. 20 reasons why Australia is better than England. It's cities are also far more advanced and safe (except at night). So far they are getting what they want, so we haven’t been punished. “We hate it when your guys keep saying, ‘We don’t have to choose between America and China’! Areas of concern include espionage and cyber-infiltration, the vulnerability of major infrastructure, influence over Australia’s Chinese-language press, and surveillance and intimidation of Chinese nationals in Australia, including students. That is a big win for them, because we are America’s oldest and closest ally in Asia. While Australians bathe in endless sunshine, the English are confounded by that mysterious yellow orb in the sky when it makes its annual cameo appearance each ‘summer’. In the wake of Donald Trump's surprise election victory the former Australian Prime Minister, Paul Keating, made a bold claim. Under successive governments since 2011, Canberra has offered strong rhetorical support to America’s leadership in Asia, but has refused to do anything practical which can unambiguously be seen as directed against China. One reason we're comfortably ahead of the US on the UN's index is our health statistics. The pattern is clear. And the gap has widened since the 1980s. And according to Professor Jackman, that means GOTV operations in Australia just aren't as necessary for our political parties. Another indicator of fairness is the share of all income that accrues to the richest 1 per cent of the population. Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop received a famous dressing-down from her Chinese counterpart after she condemned Beijing’s declaration of an air defence identification zone in the East China Sea. Beijing’s flagrant conduct in the South China Sea has at last convinced many of Canberra’s optimists that China’s challenge to the region’s “rules-based order” – by which they mean the US-led status quo – must be taken more seriously. 52% Ranked 7th. There's no official list of the swing states, especially in a year where Donald Trump is upsetting the electoral apple cart. But, false or not, the “we don’t have to choose” mantra reveals Canberra’s assumptions about Australia’s future. Weather. "A preferable system would just be a national vote — so the candidate that got the most votes across the whole of America. Quality of Life. It is, in other words, a policy of systematic duplicity. And we'd probably be number one if our temperate weather was taken into account. "It depends," is the simple answer according to Professor Jackman. Australia. Let’s start with some low-hanging fruit. Our aim throughout has been to convince Washington that we are supporting it against China, and to convince Beijing that we are not. And it all looks the same.". Well before the last election the Australian Electoral Commission defined 62 seats out of our 150-seat parliament as marginal. Even more shocking was the realisation that Trump cared nothing for the alliance. Americans will be voting on a whole range of things on November 8, depending on where they live. For the long explanation, check out this piece by ABC's North America correspondent Michael Vincent on the electoral college system. This has become something of a mantra, intoned by leaders on both sides of politics whenever the question of US–China relations comes up. Life expectancy at birth is especially good for Australian men. But he says the state-by-state approach reflects America's identity as the "United States" from the 18th century. Each of the 50 states is worth a certain number of votes (roughly proportional to population). Most significantly, it may explain Turnbull’s extraordinary decision to offer Donald Trump unqualified support in his threats to launch a war against North Korea. Content warning: please read with tongue planted firmly in cheek. He warned of China’s ambition to become the region’s leading power, and called on America and its friends and allies in Asia to block this ambition and preserve the old US-led regional order. It’s a diplomatic tightrope, Last modified on Tue 7 May 2019 12.23 BST. Why? "Voting in Australia is simple. A candidate needs 270 to win the presidency. It also explains the strange and sad spectacle of the Australian government trying to pretend that Donald Trump is anything like a normal president leading a competent administration. Penny Wong, as shadow foreign minister, has spoken quite seriously about our relations with China, but her words suggest that she too assumes that we will face no hard choices, and that America will always be there in Asia for us. We won’t have a choice, because America will no longer be there for us to choose. And that means things get pretty complicated. Australia has a much better quality of life. Share this on Facebook. It is a triumph for wishful thinking over serious policy, and a further confirmation of the systemic failure in political and policy leadership that has afflicted Australia for at least a decade, and arguably since the turn of the century. Your situation is unique, and your identity is more than your countries or these stats. "It varies county by county." "Say you've got three electoral college votes from Wyoming. It means the popular vote doesn't directly elect the president (and why those swing states we talked about earlier really matter), but Americans do have direct control over the decision. Since then counties have developed strong ties and having fought alongside each other in multiple wars and UN security council missions.This is Alex, an Aussie with family in Canada, and today I wanted to objectively compare these countries to see which is more liveable. Take the Human Development Index, a league table of countries collated by the United Nations each year. But American outlet Politico has named 11 states they think are up for grabs. Because you have to. Canberra, then, is making the same mistake as Washington: it is underestimating China’s strength and overestimating America’s. Our whole vision of Australia’s future assumes that we can avoid such a choice, so that we can keep relying on China to make us rich while America keeps us safe. This means Australia's summer starts in December and winter begins in June. I am getting pretty close to spending 3 months in Australia. If we won’t have to choose between America and China, it can only be because they are not serious strategic rivals, and if they are not serious strategic rivals, it can only mean that China has decided not to challenge America for regional leadership, because it lacks either the power or the resolve to do so. Certainly the leaders in Beijing are not fooled, but nor are they displeased. That is how safe Australia is. Julie Bishop received a famous dressing-down from her Chinese counterpart after she condemned Beijing’s declaration of an air defence identification zone in the East China Sea. While Australians bathe in endless sunshine, the English are confounded by that mysterious yellow orb in the sky when it makes its annual cameo appearance each ‘summer’.