Valid certification of disability is required (source). Take a look at the report or get saving straight away by applying for a water meter today. Camera Mouse: Camera Mouse innovative software for people with disabilities is a free program designed by Boston College allowing individuals to control a windows computer mouse using their head (source). A physician’s certificate of disability or valid Medicare Card is required. For reservations, call 1-877-275-4915 or submit an online request (source). Free clubGO membership is also offered to members of several non-profit partner organizations (source). Read this FAQ. Bookshare: Bookshare is an easily accessible online library supported by the Department of Education that is designed for people with print disabilities. Call 860-572-0711 for inquiries on ticket prices (source). Mystic Seaport: Mystic Seaport offers a 50% discount to persons with disabilities and one companion, in addition to special parking spaces, accessible restrooms, adaptive strollers, and wheelchair rentals. We don't offer discounts for singer occupiers, so if you're not on a water meter and your charges are based on the Rateable Value of your home, you may benefit from switching to a meter . Available for online download or postage-free delivery (, The Amy Van Dyken Foundation provides essential medical equipment to individuals with spinal cord injuries who cannot afford the equipment otherwise (, Friends of Disabled Adults and Children provide durable and affordable medical equipment to persons with disabilities (, Friends of Man grants financial aid to individuals with disabilities so they can purchase mobility equipment and medical supplies in addition to other basic needs (, The Lion’s Club offers financial assistance to low-income persons with disabilities so they can purchase eyeglasses and hearing aids in addition to educational assistance and other health-related services (, MTS Medical Supply offers discounted medical equipment and supplies to persons with disabilities. Disney Parks: Disney Parks offers a Disability Service Access Card to individuals with disabilities who are unable to wait in line due to a disability. National Disability Rights Network: The National Disability Rights Network provides legal representation and advocacy following state and federal laws for persons with disabilities (source). United Club members can use their digital membership card through the United app on their iPhone® and Android devices to access the United Club. It suggests that a single person living alone in a property on the average "rateable" value could save around £100 a year. Spirit Airlines: Passengers with disabilities aboard Spirit Airlines do not need to pay extra fees for their wheelchair, mobility aid, and other special devices or medications. here. Qualified applicants can use the funds to upgrade and repair wheelchairs or install ramps and other adaptive devices in their homes (source). Owners' allowance - an annual allowance of 3.5% is available to owners of premises who, by agreement with us, undertake to pay unmetered charges for one or more tenanted household properties. Free resources are provided for all Verizon Wireless and Verizon Fios products (, Regal Cinemas offers wheelchair accessible seating for guests with disabilities in addition to free theater admission for individuals accompanying guests with disabilities (, Carnival Cruise Lines provides special accessibility features as well as special services for guests with disabilities (, Persons with disabilities and their families can enjoy handicap accessible cruises and vacation packages at Easy Access Travel. Pay your bill online . Chanda Plan Foundation: The Chanda Plan Foundation offers integrative therapies such as acupuncture, adaptive yoga and exercise, chiropractic services, and massage therapy to individuals with disabilities (source). Lifeline: Low-income individuals with disabilities can receive discounts on landline or wireless telephone services when they join the Lifeline program of the Federal Communications Commission. Call, assists students with disabilities in finding scholarships and financial aid programs from hundreds of organizations and foundations (, Students who are diagnosed with cystic fibrosis can apply for merit-based scholarships from the Cystic Fibrosis Scholarship Foundation (, Microsoft disAbility Scholarship is offered to high school senior students with disabilities and financial needs who are planning to attend a vocational or academic college. The Dealhack Persons With Disabilities Discounts Guide is a list of stores and brands that offer discounts for persons with psychological, psychiatric, or cognitive disabilities. BroadFutures: BroadFutures is a non-profit organization that offers individualized assessments, training, mentorship, paid internships, and job placements to young adults with disabilities (source). Restrictions apply (source). For reservations, call (, Hertz offers hand controls, spinner knobs, and accessible parking services to customers with disabilities at no additional charge. Our mobile app is the quick, easy … United Airlines: United Airlines is offering wheelchair support, accessibility options, onboard medical oxygen, and other services to travelers with disabilities. Caregivers receive free admission (source). WestJet: Persons with disabilities must notify WestJet at least 48 hours before their flight when requesting for priority seating, handicap assistance, and other special services. Call 1-800-365-5996 for reservations (source). Restrictions apply (source). The list currently consists of more than 80 stores and services divided into 19 categories. You can find it in this post under the category “Recreation & Amusement Discounts”. Royal Caribbean: Passengers with disabilities who are planning to travel with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines can qualify for shipboard and offshore assistance, accessible staterooms, and other services. No label was found using the key: Version_Enter, Open United's Instagram feed in a new tab, Open United's LinkedIn profile in a new tab, Travel for U.S. military & government personnel, United Contact information, CNPJ, SAC, refunds, passengers with special needs & rules of Civil Aviation - Brazil. Every three months, we update the lists to include the newest offers to help you save on your purchases. offers nationwide financial pet assistance resources and guides to people with disabilities (source). For inquiries, call 212-3333 (source). Restrictions apply (, Mobility Works provides handicap accessible van rentals and services for customers with disabilities. Adaptive Sports Foundation: The Adaptive Sports Foundation offers winter programs such as snowboarding and skiing to adults and children with disabilities. U.S. Department of Agriculture: The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides rental assistance, home ownership opportunities, in addition to home repair and renovation grants and loans to persons with disabilities (source). Restrictions apply (source). Getting Back Up: Getting Back Up assists qualified individuals with disabilities by providing the funds to purchase adaptable devices and participate in exercise-based recovery programs (source). U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers housing guidance and resources for individuals with disabilities (source).