Thanks for this recipe. Sounds yummy! Add the peanut butter mixture back to the cream base and transfer to your ice cream mixture. People must love being your neighbors lol. By the way, I know you’re in love with your current recipe for vanilla ice cream, but have you tried Cook’s Illustrated’s? You’re oh so welcome. Hi Michelle, 1/4 tsp. I’m off to order some Dutch cocoa, you’re right, can’t find it here anywhere. Thanks!! P.S. Hi Kathryn, I would say up to 24 hours or so. With the pancake syrup Most were under $10.00 and free delivery. So I add them at the end, or at another point in the recipe.” 2) With the first cup of cream and dutch cocoa, I added about 2 tablespoons of coconut cream. My first ice cream with eggs. You have managed without fake food, although where I would find agave nectar is beyond me! I have yet to find anything that is similar to me… Thank you for taking the time to reply! Thank you so much for this superb recipe! After licking the dasher clean, I took a spoon to clean up all the bits of ice cream that were still frozen to the sides of the bowl and hadn’t made it into the freezer container. Even though I don’t have an ice cream maker, I decided to try this. This is, without question, the absolute best chocolate ice cream I have ever eaten. Pingback: Adventures in Ice Cream Making – Curdling Custard |. They love it Thank you! While the base is mixing in the mixer, take the other 1/2 cup of peanut butter and about 3 tablespoons of sugar and blend thoroughly. I’m thinking I added a bit too much absinthe (4 TBSP). And now, on to the texture. It sounds yummy! And I have been to Italy. Share it! I researched many models– between the “freeze the bowl in the freezer and have to move it every time you are digging around for frozen peas” variety, to the classic “add rock salt and ice and try not to get this mixture into your custard, and prepare to have the best biceps in town” kind. VeggieGirl – Thanks for the scoop recommendation! I’m definitely partial to darker backgrounds for photos but I also love your lighter one (and the happy one)! I ve been fighting ice cream cravings all week, and lo and behold, what am I eating as I read this post? Just got this out of the KA and WOW! I have just enough for a small serving but once thats gone I’ll defiently be making another batch of this. My husband and I are licking our spoons. When I get home tonight, I will coerce them into a luxurious homemade ice cream. That’s just what I was going for. I want the pretty round scoops. I will Try soon. So easy. Hi, I am planning on making this today and I was wondering how long to chill it in the fridge for before pouring in the machine?? You can mix them using a food processor, a blender, a mixer . This sounds great! There’s so many recipes out there that use Splenda and artificial sweeteners that I wanted to present a natural alternative, although I do point out that this is a recipe for people avoiding white/highly-refined sugar. I’ve never been a huge fan of chocolate ice cream myself, but when I read his prologue of the recipe, I knew I had to try it. Cuisinart ICE-100 Compressor Ice Cream and Gelato Maker. Hi Kim: Glad you like the recipe. I tasted the custard and it was yummy–can’t wait to eat it tomorrow! I just got the wonderful Kitchenaid ice cream attachment for Christmas and really, really want to try this. Pingback: Get Your Summer Rolling With These 3 Kid Activities – Fellow Dads. If you live outside the United States, you can often find tablets of unsweetened chocolate at some chocolate shops and specialty stores. I saw Joy Bauer demonstrate a banana ice cream on the Today Show last year .. but your addition of chocolate and peanut butter really take it to the next level. Definitely LOVE ice cream made with egg custard since getting my new ice cream maker a month ago. However, FF Half and Half has a few grams of sugar so if that’s a concern, stick with the regular Half and Half (no sugar). Love your recipes! Ok, I just made this ice cream using semisweet chocolate and it’s good but not what I want in a chocolate ice cream. You have inspired me to try Agave in my baking. This is seriously one of the easiest recipes ever– and perfect for kids to help with. My husband is a Peanut Butter freak. Thanks for such a great recipe. I’ve made it a bunch of time and while thick it’s always churned. Directions: Mix all ingredients together in a blender and process in ice cream maker as per manufacturer instructions. Enjoy the little things in life and share them with someone you love. And, my custard based ice cream came out with a wonderfully smooth texture! Bravo! It’s usually in one of three places: Americans are obsessed with artificial sweeteners. I had to make another batch so chose this one. Oh no!!! – Tower Of Word. Penzeys offers smaller quantities, so if you just want to try it out, you can get a small bag of it through them for a much lower cost. I now have to make this ice cream every few days to keep up with the consumption in my family!!! Stir in the vanilla … Cook over moderate heat until the mixture begins to bubble, then simmer for 30 seconds, whisking frequently, making sure to break up any clumps of cocoa powder. 1/4 tsp. I also find Zerol cheaper than otehr brands since you are buying direct form Zerol and not from a 3rd party such as pampered chef. Best chocolate ice cream I’ve made yet! Just my two cents. Great post! 4. Um, can I substitute the unsweetened chocolate (if I can’t find a good one) with cocoa powder? It’s so easy and delicious! I had to hold back from trying to jam my face into the ice cream maker bowl to lick out every last bit!!! Excellent recipe…… and my husband says that it is beyond excellent! I’ve tried it for baked goods, it retains some moisture, so works better for moist things. Love the ice cream…I’ve made it twice now… Peanut butter is at once wholesome and high end. David, the ice cream looks just fantastic.