Great instruments for a child with CP to play could be the drums, tambourine, maraca, and piano. Stickers can be placed on many objects to entice a variety of movements. Some children will be able to become more or less independent with appropriate training and possible modifications to the environment or the activity, while others with severe impairments may always need consistent care. I also think it’s amazing that music can have such a calming, relaxing, or uplifting effect! At a certain age, most children begin having the motivation to do things by themselves and enjoy the feeling of achievement. At first, it might be difficult for parents to learn how to communicate with their child, but learning the best ways to interact with a child will be immensely beneficial as a child grows up. If a child is not responsive under those conditions, he or she should be seen by a physician immediately. The wonderful aspect of a communication device is to allow a child to express themselves more freely without limitations. It goes without saying that if a parent suspects that something is wrong, he or she could consult a physician even if the issue at hand seems minimal. Cognition is the ability of a person to think matters out by using information from the brain. This is wonderful. Gradually but slowly, children become more independent. Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us! I have many nephews and nieces and your post was very useful to learn how to engage them especially now when everyone at home. Thank you for your incredible support and allowing me the opportunity to deliver the most valuable content to you! There is not a fixed list of ADL's, as they depend on the age of the person, their intersts, the culture they live in, etc. motor skills should be worked on in accordance with functional goals. I’m going to buy some books online and hopefully they’re here before I visit them again. Why do you think this happens, and what do you think the impact may be on the child? While I don’t know anyone with kiddos personally who has CP, I can say that these ideas are helpful to anyone who has their hands full with ‘what do I do with my kid today!’  Especially now with what’s going on! Sometimes, a child’s Cerebral Palsy will only affect his or her physical functioning. Overall, swimming is a safe and effective way for a child to strengthen motor functions while having fun at the same time. Games are an AMAZING activity option to promote mobility through play. The buoyancy of water allows a child to move around more freely without placing stress on their muscles. Cerebral Palsy News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. impaired hand function, which affects 50% of children living with Cerebral Palsy, will have an impact on child’s performance in upper limb activities. Even for children who will always need help, parents can be trained and supported to allow children to participate where they can in ADL's. These essential skills include the child's ability to feed themselves using utensils appropriately and to perform toileting, bathing and grooming activities. Technology might also be employed under these circumstances. These measures help a child build self-esteem, which will likely improve his or her disposition. One of these challenges is severe spasticity, which can hinder daily activities. Communication Board. It provides guided interaction between the child and caretaker. Sitting (head and trunk control, balance); opening mouth, chewing, muscle control and muscle strength of mouth muscles, eye hand coordination, tasting different kinds of food; names of food and names of taste etc. The best way a parent can help extend a child’s longevity is vigilantly monitor his or her health – if an issue seems minor, don’t hesitate to have it checked out by a doctor who can inform a parent about what’s happening, even when a child cannot. A fun sensory activity a child can do to develop strength and control in their hands. My nephew has CP as well and one of his favorite activities is music; listening to music, dancing to music, or playing with music makes him the happiest kid in the world (even though he is already a happy little guy). Many children with Cerebral Palsy can develop continence [3], although this often occurs later than in typically developing children. Find your way to better health. There are many variations on the definition of ADL's but most organizations agree there are five basic categories.