The reason of their being happy are the income, support, health and freedom. Salary packages for teachers in the United Arab Emirates can range between $3,500-$5,500 (12,300-20,400 AED) per month, depending on experience.However, like most Middle Eastern countries, the requirements are stringent and most jobs require teachers to be … Questions You Should Never Ask at a Job Interview, Looking for a New Job: Here’s Your Job Search Road Map for Success, 4 Surefire Ways of Putting Off Your Interviewer, 5 Reasons You Should Get Higher Education Now, Career Success: Stop Being Afraid of Social Media, Key Strategies for Getting Entry Level Jobs, How to Choose a Career That Suits You Best, Job Hunting In the Digital Age: Reputation, Resumes & Video Interviews, Moving forward: How to deal with career setbacks, Adrenaline Careers – Intensely Rewarding Careers and Jobs, Helpful Resume Writing Tips to Land Your Dream Job. Due to a high number of international schools, the job opportunities are plentiful for English teachers. Surprised to see United States on number 3! The healthcare is shared between the employer and the employee and is basically from private organization. Macroeconomic policies and subsidy reforms have improved the country by miles. Canada is highly urbanized, with 82% of the population concentrated in large and medium-sized cities. Tourism also plays a major role in boosting the economy of this country. Another regular in the ‘highest paying countries’ lists, Iceland – despite its remote and often hostile environment – looks like a wise bet if you're in the healthcare sector. It was updated in February 2017, May 2018, and June 2020. We built using the latest techniques and technologies. This is the 6th highest paying economy in Africa with an average monthly salary of $422.57. Life in Norway is about more than your wage packet, too. For each country on this list there is, expectedly, a range of salaries. The poverty rate has declined and the political stability driven by John Magufuli remains the foundation of Tanzania’s strong economic performance. On your days off, you'll also have access to some of the most beautiful natural scenery in the world, making it the perfect place to recharge your batteries when work becomes too stressful. Salaries in New Zealand are generally impressive, reflecting the high quality of life there, and those who possess skills in key industries can do very well; the average take-home for nurses, for instance, is $56,318. Get access to the latest payroll data for 700+ positions. But then there are countries such as mentioned above which are the great economic powers and have the abundance of natural resources which enables them to make money on an international level as well. The United Nations’ Human Development Index ranks Iceland as the 9th most developed country in the world. Nurses command an average yearly take-home of around $63,541, which, to give some context, is nearly double the country's average salary. The average wage is a measure of total income after taxes divided by total number of … The climatic conditions are usually good and abundance of flora and fauna make this place incredibly beautiful and rich. Switzerland. Generally speaking, the highest paid ESL jobs in the world are found in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the two biggest cities in the UAE. Top industries: machinery, watches, pharmaceuticals, textiles, precision instruments, chemicals, tourism, banking, insurance. Very sparsely populated country and almost the mass of Kentucky, Iceland stands at number 7 with an average income of $46, 074. The healthcare is fully funded by the state. In fact, ESL teachers in the United States make on average $40,000 - 75,000 USD per year. The average income is calculated by … Average annual income: $58,714 This makes faster and easier to use. Factor in overtime and bonus opportunities and a lower cost of living, South Korea is one of the best destinations for teaching abroad. It’s no wonder they are the second most happiest country in Africa. Despite average salaries in Israel not being among the highest in the world, there are certain industries where workers can seriously attract the big bucks. With low tax rates that are very attractive to outsiders. Average annual income: $50,024 Despite its enormous geographic scope, Australia is relatively sparse in terms of population; therefore, skilled workers are nearly always welcome from abroad. Canada, the United Kingdom, Belgium and the other Scandinavian countries all narrowly missed the cut-off, for instance. An Elite CafeMedia Publisher - Update Privacy Preferences. Top industries: steel, nonferrous metals, chemicals, machinery, food processing, transportation equipment, textiles, electronics, construction, furniture, shipbuilding, windmills, pharmaceuticals. 7. You'll need to have a degree, 2+ years of teaching experience, and most likely a TEFL certificate. On an average a person makes up to $58, 389 and people generally work for 31 hours in a week. Australia. However, that is changing. Saudi Arabia has an edge on some of the other countries in the Middle East, because many job openings do not require teacher certification. Switzerland has longtime been a symbol of the rich free market. Known for its rugged landscapes, laidback lifestyle and love of all things rugby, the country also operates a mixed public/private healthcare system that is regularly ranked as one of the best in the world. Please. Starting salary currently lays around $49,000 annually. Top industries: banking and financial services, real estate services, construction, steel, metals, glass, aluminum, information technology, telecommunications, engineering, cargo transportation, chemicals, biotechnology, tourism. According to the data on the site, the cost of living and rent in Zambia is low and the country also has an average monthly salary of $1,482.22. Depending on your skills, work experience, and personal preference, you can choose among the list if you want to get a high salary. New Zealand is already a hugely popular destination for English-speaking immigrants – especially in the healthcare sector where doctors can also earn sizeable salaries. Here at Listwand, we are devoted to helping Africans and the whole world in general get relevant and valuable African contents ranging from the happenings, tribes, rankings and cultures of peoples of African origin in both Africa and the African diaspora. As one of the EU's – and, indeed, the world's – most stable economies, the Netherlands is an unsurprising entry to this list. According to World bank, Mauritius is considered the easiest African nation to do business in. Netherlands, also known as Holland, ranked as the sixth happiest country in the world in 2017, based on the United Nations World Happiness Report. With contracts that range from 6 months to 2 years, it’s possible to cater your experience to suit your needs. Many teachers find it possible to save at least $1,000 a month! Find schools and get information on the program that’s right for you. If you live here, you'll have your choice of top restaurants, beaches, nightlife, and cultural activities. Major source of earnings in this country-continent is transportation and industrial equipment, chemicals, food processing, mining and steel.