Saint Clare of Assisi (July 16, 1194 – August 11, 1253, born Chiara Offreduccio and sometimes spelled Clair, Claire, etc.) Although I am not a Franciscan, I have had Franciscan friends, clergy, and spiritual directors instruct me on the beauty of St. Clare's spirituality. Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) ... Saint John Damascene Quote (On The Assumption of t... Saint Nathanael bar Tolomai (Bartholomew) Quote, Saint Bede the Venerable Quote (On John the Baptist). for your love. Love Him totally . Love that does not know of suffering is not worthy of the name. All rights reserved. “The Lady: Clare of Assisi : Early Documents”, p.22, New City Press, There is a mistake in the text of this quote. If we love things, we become a thing. I come, O Lord, unto Thy sanctuary to see the life and food of my soul. Place your soul in the brilliance of glory! #Riches. He is the patron of expectant mothers, midwives, obstetricians, infertile couples, and newborn babies. Love that does not know of suffering is not worthy of the name. © Faith of the Fathers, 2005-2018. — Clare of Assisi “ Loving one another with the charity of Christ, let the love you have in your hearts be shown outwardly in your deeds so that compelled by such an example, the sisters may also grow in the love of God and charity for one another. Do not be disturbed by the clamor of the world, which passes like a shadow. | Catholic topics, events, and chatter from around the Catholic blogosphere. prayer to Our Lady Ransom, patron against nervous disorders and tics, patron of builders plumbers construction workers, patron of construction workers plumbers and builders, patron of desperate situations and lost causes, patron of headaches epilepsy single laywomen and torture victims, patron of housekeepers domestic servants and waitresses, patron of medical profession artists and painters, patron of parents separated from children, patron of people rejected by religious orders, patron of senior citizens and retired people, patron of sick people and loss of parents, patron of the poor and those rejected by religious orders, patron of those in difficult circumstances, patron of unmarried women and women who wish to become mothers, patron saint against abortion and miscarriages, Patron saint against ear aches and dysentery, patron saint against ear aches and epilepsy, patron saint of desperate situations and lost causes, patron saint of lepers outcasts and those with HIV/AIDS, patron saint of penitent women and reformed prostitutes, patron saint of people suffering from racial discrimination, patron saint of pregnant women obstetricians, patron saint of racial justice and philanthropists, patron saint of racial justice and philanthropists. Jan 6, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Eternal Hope Design. For those who have betrayed us...Father, forgive them. #Eternal Love St. Clare was canonized by Pope Alexander in 1255. Our labor here is brief, but the reward is eternal. Love God, serve God; everything is in that. Love God, serve God; everything is in that. Place your mind before the mirror of eternity! Let us ponder and learn from the words of some of our Saints, Blesseds, and Venerables, from Saint Quote of the Day. Be the first to learn about new releases! and Edited from the Earliest Mss. Inspirational Quotes Wise Words Saint Quotes Love Quotes Inspirational Words Words Quotes Catholic Quotes Quotable Quotes. Behold Christ's poverty even as he was laid in the manger and wrapped in… 722 Copy quote God requires that we assist the animals, when they need our help. Quote/s of the Day - 11 August - The Memorial of St Clare of Assisi "He, Christ, is the splendour of eternal glory, "the brightness of eternal light and the mirror without cloud." She was the first woman to follow the life of radical poverty practiced by St. Francis of Assisi and is the co-founder of the Poor Clares. Shapes. Go forth without fear, for he who created you has made you holy, has … Do not let false delights of a deceptive world deceive you.”, “Happy the soul to whom it is given to attain this life with Christ, to cleave with all one’s heart to him whose beauty all the heavenly hosts behold forever, whose love inflames our love, the contemplation of whom is our refreshment, whose graciousness is our delight, whose gentleness fills us to overflowing, whose remembrance makes us glow with happiness, whose fragrance revives the dead, the glorious vision of whom will be the happiness of all the citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem. If we love nothing, we become nothing. And transform your entire being into the image of the Godhead Itself through contemplation. In response to the coming invasion, St. Clare—while very ill—went out to meet the soldiers with the Blessed Sacrament in … We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become. your own Pins on Pinterest “Place your mind before the mirror of eternity! Join 48,000+ other people and subscribe to Quotefancy Weekly Digest. In 1224, an army of soldiers on errand from Frederick II arrived to attack Assisi. Our strength is not that of stone. As I hope in Thee, O Lord, inspire me with that confidence which brings me to Thy holy mountain. ", "He Christ is the splendor of eternal glory, "the brightness of eternal light, and the mirror without cloud. She was discovered to be incorrupt on September 23,1850 when her coffin was opened. Word had reached Agnes in Bohemia about the Friars Minor and a beautiful noble woman in Assisi named Clare di Favorone, who embraced poverty and the Franciscan movement. the Seven Deacons of the Church of Rome, St. Michael the Archangel Consecration prayer, St. Therese and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, state discrimination against pro-life citizens, Status Envy: The Politics of Higher Education, Sts. Do not let false delights of a deceptive world deceive you. Do not let false delights of a deceptive world deceive you. who gave Himself totally. As I hope in Thee, O Lord, inspire me with that confidence which brings me to Thy holy mountain. Love God, serve God; everything is in that. “We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become.”, “Love God, serve God; everything is in that.”, “Our body is not made of iron. For he is the brightness of eternal glory, the splendour of eternal light, the mirror without spot.”, “Never forget that the way which leads to heaven is narrow; that the gate leading to life is narrow and low; that there are but few who find it and enter by it; and if there be some who go in and tread the narrow path for some time, there are but very few who persevere therein.”, The Life of Saint Clare; Ascribed to Fr. Comments are moderated and are published at the blogger's discretion. grandparents of Jesus, taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research, The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Catholic Campaign for Human Development, The Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran, The Domestic Church: Room by Room: A Mother's Study Guide, the failure of comprehensive sex education, The Feast Day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, The International Theological Commission Catholic women, The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Real Truth About Obama Incorporated in Richmond. ", "Totally love Him, Who gave Himself totally for your love. And transform your entire being into the image of the Godhead Itself through contemplation. Go forth without fear, for he who created you has made you holy, has always protected you, and loves you as a mother. ", The Spirituality and Miracles of St. Clare of Assisi, St. Raymond Nonnatus, Patron of Expectant Mothers, Midwives, and Newborn Babies, "150th Anniversary of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes", "A Pastoral Letter from the Catholic Bishops of Kansas", "abortion cover-up" "late-term abortionist George Tiller", "Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City", "attack on citizens of Kansas by Tiller's attorney", "Cardinal Nicolas De Jesus Lopez Rodriguez ", "human rights. Start your week with a motivational kick. Follow AzQuotes on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. And transform your entire being into the image of the Godhead Itself through contemplation. Go forth without fear, for he who created you has made you holy, has always protected you, and loves you as a mother. August 11 is the memorial of St. Clare, one of my favorite saints. Love the line "the mirror of eternity" and know that our task is to see this Risen Christ in our each and every day to make eternity real on earth this moment, and all our days!