For example, the average price for gasoline is 0.82 USD/l in a subset of thirty-eight countries with fix price, while is 1.03 USD/l in a subset of forty-four market countries. With things like gasoline, the “price per gallon” you see on the sign is the price you pay no matter how many gallons you pump. Residential electricity prices also vary significantly across countries. If so, you can find the location below, and then click to sign up for a more affordable electricity plan. var pixelurl = ((document.location.protocol === 'https') ? And, each plan has a different calculation for how your monthly bill is determined. } var _regex = /([^=&/<>()[].,;:s@"]+(.[^=&/<>()[].,;:s@"]+)*)@(([[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z-0-9]+. Pricing shown is based on an exact usage of 1000 kWh. mps._queue.gptloaded = mps._queue.gptloaded || []; return true; Got a confidential news tip? Global Business and Financial News, Stock Quotes, and Market Data and Analysis. 'subtype' : 'section' , var foresee_enabled = 1 In 2019, prices for gasoline and diesel decreased both globally and on a country level following the marked decrease (-10%) of the crude oil price. However, the global consumption-weighted price of gasoline is lower than that of automotive diesel in a number of important countries, including the United States.4. var ajax_loader = ''; You can sign up for service with great electricity providers such as TXU Energy, Reliant, Direct Energy and more. Pay-as-you-go  The prices of energy derived from wind are less volatile than gas and oil prices thereby offering some stability when compared to the more traditional fossil fuels. mps._queue.adview = mps._queue.adview || []; The 2020 edition of the IEA Energy prices database has been expanded to include more information on taxation by category (or motivation) of tax. var _qs = window.location.href; !e;this.xhrGuids&&!this.xhrGuids[n]&&(this.xhrGuids[n]=!0,this.totalCbs+=1)}),f.on("xhr-load-removed",function(t,e){var n=""+p(t)+! The end-use price of an energy commodity is influenced by the amount of taxes) that are added to the cost of production, transportation and distribution. 'cat' : 'Markets|Futures & Commodities|Energy Commodities' , table.rates{max-width:800px;}Plan Name Plan Length Rate Cirro Energy - Smart Lock 24 Online24 months14.5¢ / kWhDiscount Power - Value Plus 1212 months11.7¢ / kWhConstellation - 12 Month Usage Bill Credit12 months10.6¢ / kWhConstellation - 12 Month (No Min Usage Fee)12 months12.2¢ / kWhPulse Power - Texas Green 1818 months12.3¢ / kWhPulse Power - Texas Fixed 3636 months12.2¢ / kWhTXU Energy - Flex Forward1 months14.4¢ / kWh4Change Energy - Eco Saver Plus 1212 months15.1¢ / kWhGexa Energy - Gexa Easy Saver 1212 months12.7¢ / kWhGexa Energy - Gexa Saver Premium 1212 months16.9¢ / kWhGexa Energy - Gexa Saver 1212 months9.5¢ / kWhGexa Energy - Gexa Saver Select 1212 months11.6¢ / kWhTriEagle Energy - Green Eagle 2424 months10.5¢ / kWhReliant - Truly Free Weekends 1212 months15.3¢ / kWhGreen Mountain - Pollution Free e-Plus 36 Preferred36 months11.8¢ / kWhPulse Power - Texas Green 3636 months12.5¢ / kWhTXU Energy - Solar Saver 1212 months16.2¢ / kWh4Change Energy - Cash Money 1212 months11.3¢ / kWhFrontier Utilities - Beat the Heat 1212 months9.7¢ / kWhPulse Power - Texas Saver 1212 months8.4¢ / kWh4Change Energy - Maxx Saver 1212 months7.8¢ / kWhFrontier Utilities - Best Value 1212 months8.0¢ / kWhFrontier Utilities - Frontier Max 1212 months15.7¢ / kWhFrontier Utilities - Light Saver 12+12 months13.2¢ / kWhGexa Energy - Gexa Energy Saver 2424 months12.9¢ / kWhTriEagle Energy - Eagle 2424 months10.2¢ / kWhReliant - Truly Free 7 Days 1212 months15.3¢ / kWhReliant - Truly Free Nights 1212 months15.8¢ / kWhDiscount Power - Saver 2424 months12.6¢ / kWhReliant - Secure Advantage 1212 months12.9¢ / kWhConstellation - 36 Month Usage Bill Credit36 months11.4¢ / kWhPulse Power - Texas Saver 1818 months8.3¢ / kWhPulse Power - Texas Smart 1212 months18.9¢ / kWhTXU Energy - Clear Deal 1212 months11.5¢ / kWhTXU Energy - Free Pass 1212 months15.5¢ / kWhTXU Energy - Solar Value 1212 months11.9¢ / kWhGexa Energy - Gexa Saver Value 1212 months13.5¢ / kWhTXU Energy - Free Nights & Solar Days 1212 months15.9¢ / kWhPayless Power - SmarTricity Easy Choice - Prepaid Plan1 months16.0¢ / kWhTriEagle Energy - Green Eagle 1212 months10.7¢ / kWhDiscount Power - Wise Buy 2424 months12.1¢ / kWhGreen Mountain - Pollution Free e-Plus 12 Preferred12 months12.0¢ / kWhGreen Mountain - Pollution Free e-Plus 24 Preferred24 months11.9¢ / kWhPulse Power - Texas Fixed 1212 months12.5¢ / kWhTXU Energy - Simple Rate 1212 months14.8¢ / kWhFrontier Utilities - Fantastic 12 Green+12 months14.1¢ / kWhGexa Energy - Gexa Saver Deluxe 1212 months8.0¢ / kWhGexa Energy - Gexa Saver Supreme 1212 months9.5¢ / kWhGexa Energy - Gexa Superb Saver 1212 months16.9¢ / kWhFirst Choice Power - You Got This"! 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