“I made this FREE for everyone and hopefully you will pass these coming 2019 exams. This way you’ll have a whole lot of loan words from Tagalog which you can lean on, and there’s no need to learn a new script or set of characters. Go for articles from reputable sources that see the forest instead of the trees. Another Important Update (Nov. 11, 2017): Naturalized Filipino citizens are now permitted to apply. You don’t need to take the civil service exam to be a foreign service officer. Such a fearsome reputation for an exam is all in all not that bad. The topic I randomly picked out of the fish bowl was something like “You are the Philippine Ambassador in Stockholm hosting a reception celebrating the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Yes. You might be asked to make a speech promoting of Philippine soap operas overseas. The examinees are divided into small groups and are given topics which they are suppose to discuss or debate on. I had a friend who once joked my major was in Wrestling and my minor in Fencing. However, one of the panelists, who I found out later on was a DFA Undersecretary, perhaps seeing I was being picked on, suddenly made a pivot and addressed the panel in my defense. Then, it was announced dinner was ready to be served and we were led to the dining room where we had assigned seats. Download Link: Ace Reviewer PDF. But remember the Miranda rights – that thing what the cops on TV say when they go busting down doors to arrest the bad guys, “anything you say can and will be used against you”, except when test time comes around you will not have the right to remain silent. Be prepared for no-holds-barred, all hell breaks loose kinds of questions. You’ll never be ready for an exam like this. Some of the panelists may intentionally try to belittle and unnerve you. Don’t I have to be a lawyer or be something like an International Relations graduate before I can take the FSO Exam? Mock exams are a great way to simulate as close as possible what you think the exam will be like. You might go to a review center or be a member of a review group and you’ll spend all day and night focusing on the heavy stuff, like international relations, economics, history and other mind-bending topics. You’re given a minute or two to prepare, then you’re thrust onstage to give an impromptu speech. A lot of people I know, myself included, had to rely on the old “shotgun” method for quite of number questions since there wasn’t enough time to answer them all. Some of these PDF files are quite large so please be patient as they take some time to load.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'techpilipinas_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',133,'0','0'])); Passing the civil service exam isn’t easy; it takes a lot of study and sleepless nights. Life is too short. The answer key can be found at the back of the PDF file available for download, . Download your copy now. Your time is better spend time reading quality articles that analyse and go in-depth on current issues. And, you should not be more than 35 years of age on the first day of the first exam (Qualifying Test). You have to pass each exam to make it to the next part; if you fail one test you are no longer allowed to continue. If you don’t have a background in any of these foreign languages and don’t have a particular inclination towards any of them either, you might want to go with Spanish. (haha, got you there, just kidding, they’re all from the bottom of my heart). While what I’m saying is by no mean definite, as the last say on matters related to the exam fall upon the DFA’s Board of Foreign Service Examinations, it can be interpreted that as long as you do not have long-term or legal permanent residence status in another country, such as for example US permanent residence, you should be eligible to take the exam. Landing a government job requires that one must first pass the civil service exam or attain career service eligibility. At another time, a panelist asked me out of the blue “Do you jog?”, Once the Panel Interview and the Group Dynamics are done, it’s time for the Formal Dinner.