Ferrus became an utter social darwinist and got infected by Nurgle when he tried to blow up a daemon world. The Most Fuck-Ass Awesome Timeline: The Legion of the Damned are sent back in time by the Throne-Emperor to stop the scattering of the Primarchs by Argel Tal. Can be read here (also contains sidestories and word of god). You can take it that the OU Malcador origin applies, but things diverge as the timeline moves onwards. Want to add your own? Especially from edit-fags. Thanks Eldrad! It only gets worse, as he himself became a mad scientist, created horrific astartes clones called Spawn Marines, and became an avatar of a previously unknown chaos god of emptiness and the void. And finally the Ultramarines, Dark Angels, and Space Wolves go independant of everyone. Fulgrim having a few librarians with him meant he never took up the daemon sword of Slaanesh... buuuut the Eldar didn't know that, so Eldrad convinced the Dark Eldar to kidnap him and subjected him to decades of disgustingly extreme torture so Slaanesh couldn't have him, on the pretense of a faulty prophecy. In this fan-created alternate universe, 18 new Space Marine Legions have been created, replacing the canon universe ones. Writing is mainly archived here at 1d4chan. Naturally, people like dreaming up alternate scenarios. In this alternate reality, some events from the Horus Heresy remain the same. Rogue Traders were quite an important part of the Great Crusade, charging out ahead of the Expedition Fleets and fleecing the locals preparing the way for Compliance actions. Humanity was plunged into the darkness of Old Night for another 1,000 years, putting a dramatic halt to the Great Crusade. Isstvan III against the loyalist elements of the Emperor's Children, Sons of Horus, Death Guard and World Eaters. For more than a hundred centuries the Galaxy has been beset by strife and torn by the neverending Long War. Warmaster Horus still becomes corrupted by Chaos and launches a galaxy-wide civil war. slice him up, poison him, disembowl him, tear off and reattach his limbs, and countless other horrific tortures, constructing huge rings of planetary fortresses around the Eye of Terror and Ruinstorm to keep chaos caged up, Can be read here (also contains sidestories and word of god), https://www.facebook.com/SanguinarySchism/, https://1d4chan.org/index.php?title=Alternate_Heresy&oldid=706904. A few things to remember about the Imperial Army: The tech priests of the AU have a different, but still tragic, trajectory. In the Imperial Heresy, the God-Emperor of Mankind decided "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" and sided with the Gods of Chaos. Hektor was a Captain in the Ultramarines Legion, who commanded the Battleship Fist of Macragge and was charged with searching out lost human worlds during the last years of the Great Crusade. For those who want to understand how things fit together in space as well as time. Imperial Fists, Raven Guard, Salamanders, and Blood Angels remain loyal to Emps. Rogal Dorn fell to Khorne due to a massive ork fleet almost destroying the Inquit System and destroying the Phalanx, leading to him never using his magic pain glove to temper his anger. IA units could be armed with anything from cold steel to high-tech pseudo-power armour and genehancements. It can be found here.The first e-zine covers nine of the eighteen legions. The fanatical Fabricator-General Kalkas Tygian devotes himself utterly to the Emperor and Orthodoxy, but gripping the Mechanicum so tightly causes many to slip through his fingers! /tg/ Creates an Alternate Universe of 40K Astartes legions and discusses how the heresy would play out between them. Hailing from the Hvar cluster that sits roughly 7,000 lightyears above the galactic plane hovering over a point where the Ultima Segmentum melts into the Eastern Fringe, the vetrovnak are another such breed of super soldiers designed to resist the ruinous touch of the warp. Current date/time is Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:35 am, In total there is 1 user online :: 0 Registered, 0 Hidden and 1 Guest Most users ever online was 26 on Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:41 pmRegistered Users: NoneNo users have a birthday todayNo users are having a birthday in the upcoming 7 daysLegend : [ Moderators ], Our users have posted a total of 246 messages, The newest registered user is The Wayward Guardsman, For all off-topic, humorous, and shenanigan based discussion. Because that buff to competence and common sense? Aside from the Space Marines, there's also changes to Mars, a re-imagining of the Squats, the blood-sucking Vetrovnak and a good amount of lore concerning the Imperial Army besides. If you'd like to get involved, contacting Lumey on his Talk page is probably the best option. After the Emperor is incapacitated relatively early on, he leaves three of his sons in charge of the Great Crusade, the Warmasters Triumvirate. Remplissez le formulaire ci-contre, nous nous engageons à vous recontacter dans les plus brefs délais. The Hektor Heresy began with a "make your own Primarch" thread, but gradually shifted tone from "tell us about your guys" to "re-write the 40k-verse". Scared of the new threat humanity would prove with 20 Primarchs and a fully functional Webway, the Ruinous Powers triggered the Fracturing; a series of galaxy wide warp storms that prevented all warp travel for a millennium. Following their temper tantrum, the Chaos Gods decided that the next best choice was Rogal Dorn, who had been going on overdrive with his pet pain glove. Hektor Varvarus commanded the Byzant Janizars Imperial Army contingent attached to the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet under the command of the Warmaster Horus during the Great Crusade.. History. Une de nos collaboratrices pourra vous accompagner et vous former durant cet essai. He was to immediately journey to the Vangelis space port to collect Captain Lysimachus Cestus and his forces there, before joining his Legion at the muster on Calth, as it prepared to attack the Ork hordes invading the Veridan System. Brotherhood of the Lost asks the question, "What if the canon legions were replaced by lost legion projects?" Within the Warhammer 40,000 universe, there are several different Alternate Universes, many of which take place in the Horus Heresy era, arguably one of the biggest events that takes place in the history of this fantasy setting. Death Guard, World Eaters, Night Lords, and Iron Warriors go egalitarian. raw download clone embed report print. based on a character from the OU. Grâce à ses applications sur Smartphone ou sur tablette, le logiciel immobilier Hektor vous suit partout, que vous utilisiez Apple ou Android. Whether you want to fluff up a Craftworld, a WAAAGH!, or a homebrew, grab your keyboard and get writing! Each of the Primarchs created in the project is intended to be an original creation (or at least an original mixture! When Tzeentch offered to save his sons from the Flesh Change, Magnus said no and basically cured it himself. After the initial compliance of Sixty-Three Nineteen was effected, a last rebel stronghold in the Whisperhead Mountains continued to hold out, despite the Imperial Army's best efforts to crack it. Page still being expanded. The Great Crusade picked up whatever crazy dudes it found and sucked them off their homeworlds so that they could make trouble on the Imperium's behalf, rather than in newly-Pacified territories. Some joined other Primarchs, creating larger empires. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Want to add your own? (Not so much from vandals.). The Imperium cries out for aid, but the Emperor cannot answer, locked in his own struggle with a reborn god of Anarchy, the fifth Chaos God, Malal. The Runemasters - Hektor Heresy. It doesn't impact the story very much, but the prologue states, essentially, that an eldar named Elaidanath was dying in a battle with the canon Death Guard. Perhaps the most particular is the Reign of Blood, where the Sisters of Battle never existed, because they were wiped out by the Word Bearers when they were still the Brides of the Emperor, and Goge Vandire (who was now the new Chapter Master following Lorgar becoming a martyr post-heresy) wasn't overthrown by some simple preacher, but by a novice marine named Sebastian Thor.