And she took the call. I watched one proceeding. [APPLAUSE] Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States accompanied by Mrs. Lilly Ledbetter. Linda Greenhouse, who writes about the Supreme Court for The New York Times. During a meeting in the Oval Office, Trump said that responsibility for social distancing would now fall to governors. But then you have to also consider, would he be able to get the votes at that point? And the dean goes around the table — these nine female first-year law students — and asked each one of them to justify why she’s there, why she’s taking a place that could have gone to a man at the great Harvard Law School. And we just looked at the stars and talked for a while. And if you’re interested in advertising with “The Daily,” write to us at I’ve had many calls from governors. But the bottom line is that the person who is elected president on November 3 should be the person to nominate the successor for Justice Ginsburg. And you know, she certainly had a voice. But she was doling it out in such little, inoffensive doses, that by the time they were finished swallowing everything that she had served them, they had, in fact, become a partner in that revolution. Tonight, it’s on HR 2831, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. But I did. In Part 2 of our episode on the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg —. It was an incredibly polarizing standard. And the fact that that did not happen in 2016, that Senator McConnell decided that he was not going to even so much as allow a hearing on President Obama’s Supreme Court nomination, really just put this sort of poisonous point on what had already become a really highly politicized and often very nasty process. And very quickly, he just said, never mind what I said before. Source: REUTERS/Leah Millis, Foto: Trump goes over the menu for the French state dinner with White House executive chef Cristeta Comerford. They’re getting it going, and we’re opening our country again. Wait, now, I need to understand some of the crazy things you did with him. Because men and women had one principal role: People. And in the past, we’ve often talked about how animating Supreme Court battles are to the right. And he put out a letter to all Republican senators on Friday night, not long after his public statement went out, that said: Keep your powder dry. Linda, thank you very much. This is “The Daily.”. This page is available to subscribers. 14-member IS module that returned ‘disillusioned’ from Iraq, Syria busted: NIA, Trump pulls out of October 15 presidential debate with Biden, calls it ‘a waste of time’, ‘I trusted Rohit Sharma blindly, did everything he told me and it worked’, Hathras gangrape: Teesta Setalvad moves SC, accuses UP cops of complicity, Watch: The fly that set Twitter abuzz during VP debate between Pence & Harris, Rhea’s mother reveals what actor said upon returning home, Salma Hayek shares pic of Goddess Lakshmi, says it makes her feel ‘joyful’, ‘Shah Rukh bhai, your biggest fan ever,’ When DK introduced Tripathi to SRK, ‘Yoga classes, good spirits’: Rhea’s lawyer reveals how she survived jail, Ozil left out of Arsenal’s Europa League squad, PCB to review Misbah’s one-year performance. Well, it would usually be like the middle of summer. Well, it really took a while. There were all kinds of other equal protection cases on the basis of race and so on. And it was not 100 percent applauding that decision. After careful reflection, I am proud to nominate for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. She died the next day. She’s 48 years old. We’ve heard nothing from Chuck Grassley. And then I’d just look around for him every time. And so the question of how we get Ruth Ginsburg to go from “that’s the way things are,” to “that’s the way things don’t have to be” is really the story of this woman’s life. But it was sort of on a back burner. Deze informatie wordt je aangeboden door een van onze adverteerders. Yeah, I don’t know a lot of grandpas or grandmas who’d do that. Here’s what else you need to know today. I now believe we should go forward with this. In Ghonda Khas, most families claim to have lived here for five to six generations — a period over which frail tenements turned into concrete houses (some of them three-storey high) built over 50-100 square-yard plots, much like the one in which Tarawati’s family lives. As this court said in Mississippi University for Women v. Hogan some 14 years ago, state actors may not close entrance gates based on fixed notions concerning the roles and abilities of males and females. He’d be the first president since Ronald Reagan to have been able to confirm three justices. And there’s another consideration here, too, which is the legitimacy question. — whose wife had died in childbirth. He wanted to take his church group there. It makes me feel like I’m not alone. Source: Chris Kleponis/Getty, Foto: Trump speaks on her initiatives during an event in the Rose Garden on May 7, 2018. She did that one case at a time. And so the idea is, if you’re president, and there’s a vacancy on the Supreme Court, it’s your role to fill it. Because as much as the president can control this process by putting forward a nominee, at the end of the day, as we learned from the case of Merrick Garland, the Senate either begins to hold confirmation hearings or it does not. Read more in: Ellen Degeneres; Facebook. I thought this, you know, is really quite remarkable. And part of the reason why is because Senator McConnell knows this dynamic is going to determine whether he has the votes or not. And remember, this is a woman who, on the D.C. Here’s what else you need to know today. Tarawati’s source of infection remains unknown more than three months after her death, said eldest son Joginder, highlighting the precarious conditions under which thousands of sanitation workers do their daily work during the pandemic. And we knew each other. Once we brought sleeping bags on the roof. Yeah, ‘cause for Breimhorst. He doesn’t have to feel pain, or sadness, or anything. And Mitch McConnell would continue to be the majority leader until the new Congress is seated in January.