9. Guided by the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. 8. Unfortunately, the ICJ's ruling has been continuously ignored by the Israeli government and the international community even though the Advisory Opinion is clear in its denouncing of the separation wall, and it is clear in its call for Israel to dismantle the separation wall and cease all illegal occupying activities, including demolition of homes, confiscating of lands, and restricting the movement people in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Since its inception on 2006, the registry has only been able to survey 4 villages in the northern section of the West Bank. Introduction. The Court's Advisory Opinion notes that the security wall is 'an attempt to annex the territory contrary to international law'. Zionism and its Impact History of Zionism and the Creation of Israel, General Resources on the History of Israel, Zionism and the Jews, This document is part of the historical documents collection at the Zionism and Israel Information Center. A Call for Action to the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly. Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflict, Advisory Opinion, 1996 ICJ REP. 66 (July 8). .”. 1. As for the Council, on a number of occasions it deleted items from its agenda in order to enable the Assembly to deliberate on them (for example, in respect of the Spanish question (Official Records of the Security Council, First Year:  Second Series, No. and condemned the “illegal Israeli actions” in occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in particular the construction of settlements in that territory. Beit Hanina Town, Israeli Settlements’ occupying its land … A wall dissecting its people and a new Bypass Road increases the suffering of its people. google_ad_height = 90; Photo 1: A Palestinian passing by the huge blocks of the Israeli Segregation Wall  Bethlehem Area. . 333‑334, para. The majority of Members of the United Nations having concurred in this request, the first meeting of the Tenth Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly took place on 24 April 1997 (see A/ES‑10/1, 22 April 1997). Bearing in mind that the passage of time further compounds the difficulties on the ground, as Israel, the occupying Power, continues to refuse to comply with international law vis‑à‑vis its construction of the above‑mentioned wall, with all its detrimental implications and consequences. The Register of Damages is moving at an extremely slow pace. It was during the meeting convened on that day that resolution ES‑10/14 requesting the present Advisory Opinion was adopted. On the other hand, the court ruled that the West Bank is occupied territory, asserting that: 95. IN THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORY. It provided some instances of allegations before the court, some of which were untrue. After the presentation of clear facts, and the obvious obstructive and ignorant actions by Israel, it is the responsibility of the United Nations to intervene in the name of justice and peace. Certified true copies of the English and French versions of resolution ES‑10/14 were enclosed with the letter. However, the ruling turned European opinion against Israel, especially in Holland, where people resented the fact that Israel is flouting the opinion of the International Court at the Hague, and it has served as a focal point for anti-Israel propaganda. Aware also that developing friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self‑determination of peoples is among the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. .” and to make recommendations under certain conditions fixed by those Articles.