"[392], On 24 September 2010, Romanian prime minister Emil Boc said in an address to the UNGA that while Romania respected the ICJ's opinion on the legality of Kosovo's independence, it did not examine the key issue which was the legality of the creation of a new state. [452] In a 24 November 2011 meeting with Albanian deputy prime minister and Foreign Minister, Edmond Haxhinasto, Vietnam's Foreign Minister, Pham Binh Minh, said that Vietnam is following the developments in Kosovo, and that Serbia and Kosovo should continue the dialogue to find common ground that will be acceptable to both parties. [368], In November 2009, Ojo Maduekwe, Foreign Minister of Nigeria (and former advocate of Biafran independence), emphasised that Nigeria will never recognise the independence of Kosovo. There is no basis to justify the unilateral declaration of independence in the UNSC resolution 1244 because it predicted a solution agreed by both parties. In February 2008, a spokesman of the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan. Pika të errëta në kujtesën historike të popujve", INTERVISTA/ Ambasadori iranian: Shqipëria nuk ka pse të varet kaq shumë nga SHBA-ja, Kosovo's Foreign Minister engaged in tough lobbying campaign, Iraq is considering the request for recognition of Kosovo, Iraq will not change stance on Kosovo-Metohija issue, Iraq supports sovereignty, territorial integrity of Serbia, Prime Minister Thaçi meets Iraqi Vice President Tarik al-Hashim, Deputy Prime Minister Pacolli meets the President of Iraq, Mr. Jalal Talabani; is invited for an official visit to Iraq, Iraku përkrah progresin e Kosovës së pavarur, Jamaica Gov't Refused To Recognise Kosovo, Jamaica endorses Serbia's sovereignty, territorial integrity, Recognition mishap: Jamaica denies affirming Kosovo statehood, Kosovo's proclamation of independence triggers more mixed responses, Казахстан не станет признавать Южную Осетию, Руководство Казахстана не будет признавать независимость Абхазии и Южной Осетии, The representative of Kenya: Kosovo deserves a place in the family of nations, Bangladeshi e Kenia pro pavarësisë së Kosovës, Deputy Prime Minister Behgjet Pacolli meets Prime Minister of Kenya, Mr. Raila Odinga, Serbia Grateful to N. Korea for Stance on Kosovo, The position of the Kyrgyz Republic on Kosovo, Kirgisien erkennt Kosovo-Unabhängigkeit nicht an, Lebanon, searching for the right moment for recognition; South Africa, following closely developments in Kosovo, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Edith Harxhi holds a series of meetings in Lebanon, Mualem: No recognition of Kosovo in near future, Hoxhaj në Samitin e OBI-t, i dorëzon kërkesat për njohje nga Libani, Tunizia dhe Indonezia, "Lebanon supports Serbia's territorial integrity", "Bassil holds joint press conference with Serbian counterpart", New governments of Spain and Cyprus will refuse Kosovo recognition, Serbia can count on Mali's support on Kosovo, Pacolli merr garanci për njohje nga Guineja, Reconnaissance de la République du Kosovo: Koulouba Dement, Editorial nga zëvendëskryeministri Behgjet Pacolli – "Mbi Malin dhe procesin e njohjeve", Pacolli në Afrikë, pritet rikonfirmimi i njohjes nga Mali, Mauritius to Recognize Kosovo, Prime Minister Says, Pronunciamiento de México en Torno a la Situación en Kosovo, Moldova will not recognise Kosovo's independence, "Moldova "will not recognize Kosovo," says minister", Deputy Prime Minister Edita Tahiri met with the President of Mongolia, Tsakhia Elbegdorj, People and institutions of Morocco Kingdom support the will of Kosovo people, Zv.Kryeministri z. Pacolli viziton Marokon, Hoxhaj requests recognitions by Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt and Libya, PM Berisha meets PM Benkirane of Morocco in Strasbourg, Mozambique undecided about recognising Kosovo, Ministri i Punëve të Jashtme z. Edmond Panariti, takon Ministrin e Punëve të Jashtme të Mozambikut, z. Oldemiro Julio Marques Baloi, Namibia will not recognise unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, Nepal: Still abstaining from recognition of Kosovo, Nicaragua mantiene postura de observación ante independencia de Kosovo, Nigeria Doesn't Recognise Kosovo, Says Yar'Adua, FG approves establishment of trade and commercial relations with Kosovo, FG makes U-turn on trade office in Kosovo, Pacolli: Hoxhaj ka insistuar që Thaçi ta falënderojë Malin në KS, "Dispute Arises Over Kosovo's 98th Recognition", Nigeria is yet to Recognise Kosovo as Independent State – Wali. Although the United States and most members of the European Union (EU) recognized Kosovo’s declaration of independence from Serbia in 2008, Serbia, Russia, and a significant number of other countries—including several EU members—did not. A resolution, agreeing to the membership of Kosovo in the EBRD, was approved by its Board of Governors on 16 November 2012, providing that, by 17 December 2012, it has completed the necessary internal procedures. We also think that the principle of self-determination should not run counter to respect for international law". [230] On a July 2009 state visit to Armenia, Serbian president Boris Tadić discussed the issues of Kosovo and Nagorno-Karabakh with Sargsyan. A minor rock-throwing incident in Gjakovë in January 2015 degenerated within weeks to riots in the capital, Pristina, as opposition activists focused popular rage on the government’s weak spot, its alleged coddling of the Serb minority and subservience to Belgrade. [276], On 23 February 2009, in a meeting with Serbian president Boris Tadić, Christofias said that "Cyprus has not recognized the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and we will not recognize it in the future. Preventing a catastrophe in Bosnia requires placing the state on a more stable foundation, rather than merely repairing the cracks revealed by this most recent crisis. As of 4 September 2020, 98 out of 193 … While Western governments and Jewish organisations condemned the Serbian regime in the 1990s, Israel’s position was ambivalent at best and supportive at worst. [381], In an article posted in June 2014, Kosovo's MFA listed Uganda as a state that had not recognised Kosovo. Parallelstaat aufrecht. [290], In January 2012, Pacolli's advisor Jetlir Zyberaj stated that Kosovo had received confirmation of recognition from Equatorial Guinea but was awaiting receipt of the note verbale.