The percentage of adults living with HIV/AIDS in Belgium is 0.20% while in Netherlands it is 0.20%. Find out about Lisa's positive and negative experiences in the Netherlands. Belgium – very much a country – has a shoreline along the North Sea and for the rest is huddled among France, the Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg. Ad. I miss proper Asian food." Out of all of the biggest pros and cons of living in the Netherlands, this is definitely the biggest ‘pro’ for me personally. This entry gives an estimate of the percentage of adults (aged 15-49) living with HIV/AIDS. Ahh, a show down! As one might have already figured out if moving to Belgium, or are planning to move to Belgium, the country is located in the very heart of Europe. Belgium 14. But very safe, far more child friendly than the UK, 3 national language. For info on living expenses, see Cost of Living in the Netherlands. While this proved not the most strategic position during wartime, Belgium’s location today puts you just a stone’s throw from some major European cities, including London (320km), Paris (265km) and Amsterdam (173km). Belgian–Dutch relations refer to interstate relations between the Belgium and the Netherlands.It can be seen as one of the closest international relationships in existence, marked by shared history, culture, institutions and language, extensive people-to-people links, aligned security interests, sporting tournaments and vibrant trade and investment cooperation. US (for reference) The World's most liveable cities - Wikipedia ranks as follows: 9. There is even a word for it: gezellig. Cost of living > Average monthly disposable salary > After tax: Average Monthly Disposable Salary (After Tax). Belgium has international schools in Brussels, Tervuren, Waterloo, Gent, Antwerpen and Leuven. Not so sure it will give you outdoor living - it is miserable and wet, like Netherlands and UK too! The Dutch are always up for a good time and they love a party. The Netherlands is also sandwiched between Belgium and Germany, meaning that if you’re after a cheap travel opportunity, then you really don’t have to go far for it. It is bordered by The Netherlands and Germany in the north and the east, and by France and Luxembourg in the west and south. Let’s see… the World Happiness Report - Wikipedia ranks these countries as follows: 2. Belgium vs. Netherlands; Definitions. Netherlands 17. Expat Interviews "Dutch people are not known for their culinary traditions. Denmark 6. It is rather monotonous and bland consisting of cold sandwiches for lunch and warm meals of meat, potatoes and vegetables for dinner time. Living in The Netherlands is totally different from visiting, and I’ve put together a few insights as to what life here is really like: 1. It’s in a pretty good location for everything really. 100 people in Belgium and 100 people in Netherlands die from AIDS each year. The Dutch have a joy for life and enthusiasm that does not match the weather.