Oder einfach mal ein bisschen googeln oder bei YouTube suchen. Last week, the jury issued an initial verdict saying that the weedkiller was a “substantial factor” in causing Mr. Hardeman’s cancer. March against Bayer & Syngenta 2019. Vermutlich wird wieder nichts über diese weltweite Demonstration mit mehreren Millionen Teilnehmern berichtet in den gängigen Medien (wie schon die letzten beiden Male im vergangenen Jahr). Mai ist es mal wieder so weit: March Against Monsanto. About $5 million was also awarded for Mr. Hardeman’s past and future suffering, as well as more than $200,000 for medical bills, Ms. Moore said. A jury ordered that Monsanto be held liable for the role its weedkiller played in Mr. Hardeman’s cancer. March Against Monsanto events will be held in Cincinnati , Columbus , Cleveland , Dayton and Maumee to draw attention to the use of GMOs that are thought to impact human health. “284,000 farmers have committed suicide in India because of debt linked to seed and chemicals,” Vandana Shiva, an Indian environmental activist and anti-globalization author said in a press release ahead of the March Against Monsanto. Es besteht der Verdacht,[6] dass gentechnisch veränderte Lebensmittel die menschliche Gesundheit nachteilig beeinflussen können[7] und die gentechnisch veränderten Produkte sind in den Ländern der Erde sehr unterschiedlichen Verboten, Beschränkungen und Zulassungsvoraussetzungen ausgesetzt. Also los, raus auf die Straße und Präsenz zeigen gegen den weltweit übelsten Konzern. Seit vielen Jahren überzeugter Vegetarier und trotzdem der Meinung: „Alles hat zwei Seiten, auch die Wurst hat zwei!“. All applications for membership should be submitted to the Secretary-General. copyright by unterströmt ©2018 | Theme von, Die Schwurbler als nützliche Systemschergen, Der brave deutsche Untertan liebt CDU-Minister Spahn, Knorr nennt „Zigeunersauce“ nun „Paprikasauce ungarische Art“ …. It will enable us to organise a variety of other activities. Februar 2013 eine sehr erfolgreiche Social-Media-Kampagne. Advocates support mandatory labeling laws for food made from GMOs and oppose what they and others call the “Monsanto Protection Act”, a policy rider found in the Farmer Assurance Provision. Es wird Zeit, dass die/wir Alten die Leviten gelesen bekommen! Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 12. Only after the fee has been paid will a person be able to exercise his/her membership rights and responsibilities. Activists in five Ohio cities this weekend are joining up to protest the practices of the biotech giant. Chattanooga , the fourth-largest city in the US state of Tennessee is also hosting an anti-Monsanto rally, with face-painting scheduled to begin at 1pm local time, before marching starts through downtown. 12 talking about this. It's time to March Against Monsanto/Bayer! Bayer headquarters in Leverkusen, Germany. In 2015, he learned that he had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. : Marsch gegen Monsanto bzw. https://HealthyWildAndFree.com “Monsanto’s harmful practices are causing soil infertility, mono-cropping, loss of biodiversity, habitat destruction, and contributing to beehive collapse. Thousands of Arizona residents are expected to gather in downtown Tempe to take part in the global action day against Monsanto. Ms. Moore said that Monsanto had continually ignored scientific studies showing the harmful health effects of Roundup. The movement was formed after the 2012 California Proposition 37 on mandatory labeling of genetically engineered food initiative failed, prompting activists to demand a boycott of the GMO in food production. The gathering point was the Union Square . Die Idee für die Initiative wurde von Tami Canal gegründet als Reaktion auf das Scheitern eines Gesetzesvorschlags (California Proposition 37, 2012), Wählerinitiative, mit dem eine verpflichtende Etikettierung von Nahrungsmitteln aus Gentechnisch veränderter Organismen (GVO) gefordert wurde. In December 2017, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a draft human health risk assessment that said glyphosate was most likely not carcinogenic to humans. A statement from Bayer, which acquired Monsanto last year, said that the company would appeal the jury’s verdict. GMOs have been partially banned in a number of countries, including Germany , Japan , and Russia but yet in most countries across the globe still feed GMOs to their animals. Thank you very very much. Die grosse Masse der Nahrungsmittel wird weiterhin in hochintensiven Agrarsystemen produziert. Mai ist es mal wieder so weit: March Against Monsanto. Der erste MAM fand am 25. Mai 2019 um 22:06, Millions protest genetically modified food, Monsanto, organizers say, Protesters around the world march against Monsanto, Boulder residents participate in worldwide March Against Monsanto, Marsch gegen Monsanto - weltweiter Protest gegen Saatgut-Großkonzern, Over Half of E.U. Also ein Grund mehr, sich selbst dorthin zu begeben, um sich ein Bild zu machen. Demonstration gegen Monsanto) ist eine internationale politische/gesellschaftliche Initiative, die auch als Graswurzelbewegung bezeichnet wird. Birth defects, organ damage, infant mortality, sterility and increased cancer risks are just some of the side-effects GMO is believed to cause. In a video posted ahead of the global event the activists accuse Monsanto of a profit-driven approach. If the applicant fails to do so within the stipulated period, his/her acceptance becomes null & invalid. “Monsanto’s predatory business and corporate agriculture practices threaten their generation’s health, fertility and longevity,” Canal said. The march is being described as a family event where parents are encouraged to dress their kids as ladybugs, bees with wings and antennae. Marching in Paris, Delphine Batho told Le Monde newspaper, "I wrote to legislator Richard Ferrand to file a complaint (against the Monsanto list). “We are disappointed with the jury’s decision, but this verdict does not change the weight of over four decades of extensive science and the conclusions of regulators worldwide that support the safety of our glyphosate-based herbicides and that they are not carcinogenic,” the statement said. March 27, 2019 A federal jury on Wednesday ordered Monsanto to pay more than $80 million in damages to a California man whose cancer it determined was …