Vice President Mike Pence gives a thumbs up after speaking at a "Cops for Trump" event Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020, in Tucson, Ariz. (AP Photo/Matt York) Photo by Josh Galemore / Arizona Daily Star. Kelly owns some of the company stock, the same as anyone who decided to invest in it would. Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star. We have not been able to find your subscription. That change has been accelerated by COVID-19. Pima County Sheriff Mark Napier listens to a constituent while waiting for the arrival of Vice President Mike Pence at the Cops for Trump event held at The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa located at 3800 E Sunrise Drive in Tucson, on Aug. 11, 2020. The speech was sponsored by the country’s crown prince and attended by UAE leaders, which could have invited questions about possible foreign influence over the Senate hopeful. “Her LLC has literally never taken in a dollar, ever, and every penny she has earned has been publicly disclosed because she believes in transparency and integrity,” Anderegg said. McSally and other critics continue to paint the deal as a failed, taxpayer-funded handout to private business. Vice President Mike Pence spoke at a "Cops for Trump" campaign stop at Westin La Paloma Resort and Spa. Mark Kelly did not cost taxpayers 15 million dollars. State records show Kelly closed down his limited-liability company on Jan. 15. It was his second stop in the battle ground state after visiting Tucson earlier in the day. Mark Kelly waves to the crowd after officially opening his Senate campaign at an event at Hotel Congress in downtown Tucson in 2019. Respond: Write a letter to the editor | Write a guest opinion. He stopped accepting new speaking engagements after announcing his candidacy, but he gave 13 paid speeches in 2019 that he had already agreed to. Donald Trump supporter Jackie Harms holds two flags as Vice President Mike Pence drives by on E. Sunrise Dr., in Tucson, Ariz. on August 10, 2020. My wife and I love Southern Arizona for it's maverick life style as represented by John McCain. Donald Trump supporter Donald K. Trujillo holds a sign asking for Vice President Mike Pence's autograph while waiting or VP Pence to drive by on E. Sunrise Dr., in Tucson, Ariz. on August 10, 2020. Every day you hear about some one getting kille…, The Pima County Democratic Party exists to elect Democrats who promote Democratic values. Per requirements, any income that went into the LLC is also listed separately on the disclosures along with the source of the payment.”. Mark Kelly waves to the crowd after officially opening his Senate campaign at an event at Hotel Congress in downtown Tucson in 2019. Kelly’s finances have been the key line of attack against him so far by Republicans, including his opponent, incumbent Sen. Martha McSally. Doug Ducey before speaking to supporters at a "Latter-day Saints for Trump" campaign event in Mesa, Ariz. August 11, 2020. It was his second stop in the battle ground state after visiting Tucson earlier in the day. On her latest disclosure filed Aug. 13, McSally reported personal income of just over $59,000 in royalties from her recent autobiography, “Dare to Fly: Simple Lessons in Never Giving Up.” That’s on top of the former Air Force combat pilot’s annual Senate salary of $174,000. He is not the owner, president, manager, CEO, or any other officer of the company, and has no say in its activities. I have been a registered Independent as a party of one fo…, There has got to be something done about the streets of Tucson when it becomes to pedestrians. It is with dismay and sadness that we watch Ms. LaWa…, Innovations in technology have increasingly changed the way we live, work and play. Letter: McSally's ad against Mark Kelly dishonest, Letter: Prop 481 Will Help Our Economic Recovery, Letter: Your Community is Counting on You, Letter: ARIZONA COMMUNITIES UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL THREAT, Get unlimited access to and apps. His campaign called the omission “an honest mistake.”. Pima County owns the property and the building that was built for World View Enterprises, Inc., valued at 14.5 million dollars, plus furnishing expenses. Kelly campaign spokesman Jacob Peters said his candidate isn’t hiding a thing. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. He wrote about the environment for the Las Vegas Review-Journal for 16 years. That earlier report left off three retirement annuities with an estimated total worth of between $102,000 and $280,000. A Donald Trump supporter holds a flag while waiting for Vice President Mike Pence to drive by on E. Sunrise Dr., in Tucson, Ariz. on August 10, 2020. Contact reporter Henry Brean at or 520-573 4283. Republican Sen. Martha McSally gave Democratic challenger Mark Kelly a Trump-style nickname, even as she resisted talking about the president during the Arizona Senate race's only debate. Campaign ad attacks Mark Kelly’s business with China. Doug Ducey appointed McSally to McCain’s old seat in December 2018, a month after the former two-term congresswoman lost her bid for Arizona’s other Senate seat to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema. Vice President Mike Pence spoke at a "Cops for Trump" campaign stop at Westin La Paloma Resort and Spa. Democrat Mark Kelly hauled in nearly twice as much money as Republican incumbent Martha McSally did in the first quarter of the year. Sen. Martha McSally speaks ahead of Vice President Mike Pence at the Cops for Trump event held at The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa in Tucson on Aug. 11, 2020. He was an advisor for the initial planning of the company. That’s down from the more than $1.5 million in income Kelly previously reported from the LLC, though he made up for it this time around by selling more than $1 million worth of stock in the internet company Pinterest. World View is contracted to pay, (essentually a lease) Pima County to use the facilities built in Tucson. She has released a series of negative ads in recent weeks claiming her Democratic challenger will “do anything for a buck and say anything for a vote.”. We have not been able to find your subscription. Before the p…. Last year, Mark Kelly returned $55,000 to Keppler for a paid lecture he and his brother gave in 2018 in the United Arab Emirates. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey speaks ahead of Vice President Mike Pence at the Cops for Trump event held at The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa located at 3800 E Sunrise Drive in Tucson, on Aug. 11, 2020. Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. Peters said Kelly didn’t need the LLC any more because he is “no longer giving speeches or receiving self-employment income from the positions he left prior to announcing his run for Senate.”, McSally also lists an Arizona LLC on her disclosure reports — a 2013 company simply named Martha McSally LLC — though she states that it holds no assets and has “zero value.”, A closer look at one of the most highly anticipated U.S. Senate races in Arizona in 2020. Vice President Mike Pence arrives at the Cops for Trump event held at The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa located at 3800 E Sunrise Drive in Tucson, on Aug. 11, 2020. Whoever wins in November will serve until January 2023, completing the Senate term John McCain won in 2016, two years before his death. Senator Martha McSally speaks ahead of Vice President Mike Pence at the Cops for Trump event held at The Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa located at 3800 E Sunrise Drive in Tucson, on Aug. 11, 2020.