Taxes are the biggest nightmare of expats living in Holland. You should also consider whether you’ll actually want to use your car once you’ve moved. This might be a proof of sufficient income or government’s official approval of your potential employer. Without a Dutch debit card you can’t pay for some things like for example train tickets or pay for groceries. You will need to apply for residence on the website of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). You don’t have to be living in the Netherlands to find work (but it’s much, much harder) You do not … Midwives are very popular in the country and they are often the ones taking care of the mother throughout the pregnancy. It’s hard to say, but my impression is that Dutch people are quite hard to get to know and they aren’t very keen on interactions with foreigners. EU/EEA and Swiss nationals do not need anything else but their ID to live and work in the country. Unless you’re EU or Japanese, you can’t just move to the Netherlands and start working without a work permit. And it’s refreshing. However, you have to have a lot of patience to live here and it’s better to know what’s your signing up for. Here’s my sample cost of living in Amsterdam as an expat. Instead, your employer will apply for a visa which allows you to live and work in the Netherlands (a GVVA.) However, you will need to go through a tough and time-consuming process of finding a job before you can enjoy the benefits of working in the country. The guide is written by expatriates in the Netherlands, for people who would like to move to Netherlands. For anyone moving from outside the EU/EEA or Swiss borders, getting the required vaccinations and testing done might take a few months. I’m gonna bang my head against this wall until I can pronounce « muur ». The Netherlands has a 30 percent ruling that is essentially a 30 percentage of reimbursement for the expenses incurred for having to move and stay in the Netherlands for your new job. There are a lot of opportunities here, we are the home of many artists, we love fries and mayonnaise, our nations color is orange, and we host hundreds of world renowned dance festivals! When it comes to the Dutch visa cost overall, it is not too expensive. If you’re not going to organize your health insurance within the first 4 months you’ll get a fine (around €385) and the Dutch service will automatically assign you to one and bill you for it. In addition to this required persistence, having some savings will help you feel more secure, too. In this section, we also explore driving in the Netherlands and public transportation. The Dutch might be a cycling nation, but it’s unlikely you’ll be able to move your belongings to your new home on the back of your bike. We hope to see many more applications from all over the world, as the Netherlands is extremely diverse and our team is an international one! The capital, Amsterdam, is a charming canal city that attracts many international workers to its growing tech and finance industries. I’m not saying that there aren’t any jobs, as there are some companies that hire foreigners. I was buying a lot of these typical 1 Euro giant bowls of veggies at Saturday markets. In Holland, similar to Italy, without registration you can’t do absolutely anything – you can’t study, you can’t work, can’t have a bank account and health insurance. If you have just arrived in the Netherlands, it is unlikely you will have […], […] am one of the many foreigners that do not speak a word of Dutch besides my “hi, ja, nee, nee dank je wel, fijne avond” at Albert Heijn. In fact, furnished places are usually only available in big cities. NOTE: These settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. However, others will make the move while still looking for a job. And while the mode of transportation is completely up to you, you will need to meet the same customs regulations regardless. If you’re looking for more in-home tips check out my other blog. Don’t be offended, the Dutch are very practical people, and they just want the conversation to be as easy as possible. Looking forward to hearing all about your ideas and what drives you to move to this great country. Or maybe you’d prefer to enroll them at an international school? Therefore when there are no clear reasons why you would want to move here, companies will have believing that you are serious about living and working in the Netherlands for the long term. Great point regarding a real face-to-face conversation making the best impression. Bank accounts: Research your banking options before you arrive, including retail banks and, Pensions, tax, and investments: Can your pension be transferred to the Netherlands? This is one of the cons of living here. Some Dutch employers can’t access your BSN info to see where did you go to school or where you previously worked, on top of the basic things like whether you’ve ever been arrested, etc. Current flatmates are going to ask you and other potential roommates a ton of (often ridiculous) questions and then call you back (or not) if they pick you. As you probably expect, we receive applications from all types of nationalities. How much tax you pay in the Netherlands depends on how long you have lived here. All the key points mentioned are absolutely of great value. In general, how hard or easy it is to move to the Netherlands depends on where you are from and what you do. This resets every year. Many entrepreneurs might want to consider moving to the Netherlands because of the country’s opportunities for self-employed people. Telling your story can help convince recruiters and companies. They also enjoy equal treatment with Dutch citizens in access to employment, working conditions and in terms of social and tax advantages. My answer is: NO. [15] If you’ve lived only in Holland for a year, you are required to download the digital program to fill in your tax declaration and send it over to the Belastingdienst office by post. Transport – 10-40 (It really depends. Dutch health system requires you to pay at least €110 per month for the basic insurance coverage. Make sure they’re able to join you in your new home by researching the restrictions on pets. Make it a Stress-Free Process with Our Essential Relocation Services. The price depends on which type of visa you need and, usually, does not exceed 300 EUR (330 USD). Free borders allow Europeans to take care of moving their pets in a matter of a few weeks. These are all questions you’ll have to answer. “Ik spreek geen Nederlands.” To pronounce the « geen » just imagine that you have something stuck down your throat and you’re trying to get it out… yep that’s it, you’ve got it. Living in The Netherlands without speaking Dutch. Living in The Netherlands without speaking the language, it’s a bit like… like willingly trying to swim without using your legs : it’s not ideal, but you can do it. You will need to make yourself stand out with your skills and attitude to be able to land a job there. More good news is aimed at the nationals of EU/EEA member countries and Switzerland. Perhaps you’ve been here on vacation once and you left with the feeling that this is where you belong, or you have connections that live here and you wish to live closer to them. The Dutch education system may be different from the one you’re used to, so it pays to do your homework. And when they can (because yes, some people can), they are most of the time too insecure to dare replying in English. (I mean yeah ok, we’re proud of our culture and our food, but who isn’t ?!). *. Relocation can seem like a massive hurdle, but armed with the right information, moving can be a relatively painless process. They come from hundreds of thousands of miles away and the fact that they are applying for a job in a country which they’ve never lived in before is very brave and admirable. Houd je bek ! On the other hand, in casual situations, if you can’t speak Dutch well, people will just start talking to you in English. My insurance (as any other) asked for the amount of €380 so-called ‘your own risk money’ that you have to pay for yourself before the insurance covers anything else exceeding this amount (like a deductible in the US). I studied, lived and worked in Leiden first, worked in the Hague, then moved to Amsterdam to work. The Netherlands is an EU member state, meaning EU/EFTA residents can enter and remain in the country without requiring a visa. A cover letter is a good thing but talking personally with someone about their country and what you know and love about it, I have noticed is quite impressionable with the locals. Working in the Netherlands will teach you the value of directness and the comfort of a good work-life balance. Planning on relocating to the Netherlands? Many expats moving to the Netherlands will already have a job offer in their back pocket.