The book appeared to be accurate. Individual chapters are appropriately organized. It is easy to reorganized and realigned by any instructor based on how he or she wants to structure his or her course. That is why Biology issometimes known as Life Science. publication, or other purposes leading to monetary gain. It is very easy to read but scholars need prerequisite information before reading the material in this book. I think readers without a solid background in biology might have difficulty reading through the text. Lecture Notes and Slides, [TP] = Taylor Perron [OJ] = Oliver Jagoutz. 27.MolecularBiology.2.mp4, BIOL 111 - 1.) . Acrobat) and left click on "word" or "pdf" next to the However, the text is missing enough detail and explanation. Overall major topics flow in a logical order and were clear in how they were organized. The various writing styles could maybe appeal to a wider variety of learners, but it was all too inconsistent for me. Text organization is not logical. I must admit that some of the recent general biology textbooks contain numerous beautiful illustrations and have more detailed explanations than Wayne's Word. Some concepts should be explained with more words and sentences. General Biology I. Retrieved Nov 06, 2014, from UMass Boston OpenCourseware Web site: Unlike for-credit courses, OpenCourseWare does not require registration and does not Contents 1 GettingStarted 3 2 Biology-TheLifeScience 5 2.1 Characteristicsoflife . lecture. . DNA sequencing section may need to be updated with next generation sequencing information. Very little organismal and diversity of life information is provided. The majority of chapters do not practice questions. The text just references Wikipedia pages for information (e.g. It is a good outline for an introductory class for the instructor. Some sections were empty and didn't have any information. There is not a single topic which is missing in the notes … There are a few grammatical errors throughout the text. You can definitely count on these accounts for good grades in your initial years. The topics in the text are presented in a very clear fashion. Your use of the MIT OpenCourseWare site and materials is subject to our Creative Commons License and other terms of use. Some chapters appear to be incomplete. Chemistry 432 – Lecture Notes Updated: Spring 2016 Course Organization: Things You Need to Know 1. There is not a single topic which is missing in the notes so don’t worry about that. . Test yourself by attempting the Give It Some Thought questions. These notes will be very helpful in case you are preparing for the USMLE exam. 28.MolecularBiology.3.mp4, BIOL 111 - Concepts 4. Geologic Time: Relative versus Absolute Dating. In another word, it tries to cover everything but failed to cover everything in detailed, especially it misses some... The book does contain a comprehensive list of biological topics for an introductory biology class. Moreover, the text covers very broad fields of biology that students may not be able to grasp. General Biology II (1202B) Academic year. For most of the text, I felt as if I was reading a vague outline/bullet points from lecture slide notes. The topics are divided into chapters only. To view lecture notes, choose a format (MS-Word or Adobe Acrobat) and left click on "word" or "pdf" next to the document you wish to open. A few sections include complete sentences and paragraphs and the remaining sections contain no text or only bulleted lists. section 8.3.2). No text included in these placeholder chapters. But, it is also true that making your own notes could consume a lot of time which would otherwise be used in studying them. After connecting to a Wikibooks link, clicking the back arrow brings you to the beginning of the PDF, not to the section you were reading. read more. Proof reading did not occur. Section 23.4 on Plant Phylogeny contains no text. Professor Brian White, Ph.D. Take notes during lecture. However, the book lacks the detail required to be the primary textbook for students. . Learning the scientific method and how its used to produce science is fundamental in these courses. provide access to the School's faculty.